Sunday, July 13, 2014

Warning PGR BoD: TX state captain might explode if he sees this post

Everybody alert the Patriot Guard Riders BoD! Somebody (oh let's call him the chicken little of PGR Texas aka the state captain) sounded a false alarm. It was risky to try this at home I know but I put PGR and J4J logos together in this post and absolutely nothing happened! No explosions - not even a sparkler fizzed. The sky is not falling. The world has not come to an end.

Otherwise, please be advised: All is well in the world of men and women who serve the mission (support our Vets and Vet families) and not the patch.

The Westboro Baptist Church is the enemy - not the DIVERSE AMALGAMATION OF PATRIOTS who stand firm against them. Church groups, student bodies, motorcycle clubs, other volunteer and career-oriented motorcycle organizations and citizens of metropolitan areas and small towns stand shoulder to shoulder against the hate-mongering WBC. Apparently, elitist PGR leadership including the national BoD believes they have exclusive rights to squelch the hate and although we cannot see it - consider their methods more effective and perhaps believe they serve a a loftier goal?

Don't understand what all the fuss is about? Us either!

Here is what the PGR BoD has to say about Ted Foster's involvement with J4J (my notes in italics). Keep in mind J4J is also a 501c3 organization of which many PGR are members.

Activities damaging to PGR reputation. (This is another instance of slander without cause - J4J is a collection of law-abiding citizens and bikers exercising their first amendment rights.) Despite counseling from PGR leadership (allegedly a mandate from TX state captain is considered counseling), you have persisted in your participation in the "Journey For 4 Justice" event and were observed at these events with PGR identifying marks (nope, not Ted - never made the trip to Topeka, basically member in name only - lots of witnesses can and have attested to that fact to the BoD). This event is in direct contradiction of the PGR mission statement (actually, imho this statement and the active and arbitrary blacklisting of J4J without cause is in direct conflict with the inclusion part of the PGR mission statement), and the PGR organization desires no association with it. (Why! Again, no specifics - just a my-way-or-the-highway mandate.) Your persistent participation (again, Ted was/is inactive) now makes it necessary for PGR to distance itself from you personally. (There are many J4J members in Texas and all across the nation who are also PGR - singling out one man is selective discrimination.)

To date: as far as I know, other than some letter mandate (which may still be sitting on the north TX PGR website) issued by the TX state captain years ago... there is nothing in the Code of Conduct or the By-Laws or the organizational documents of the Patriot Guard that prohibits participation with J4J or any other lawful organization. Reminder: PGR is an all volunteer organization, patches and pins and other PGR paraphernalia is purchased by the member - it is not earned or awarded. Even if it is part of a "code" somewhere - singling a single person out for discipline is selective code enforcement. Besides, it's not like the BoD can claim it is actually constrained by the PGR Code of Conduct since they have neglected to follow protocol from the get-go in this instance.

No, this smacks of promoting personal political interests within a 501c3 organization and it haphazardly and somewhat irresponsibly jeopardizes the tax status of the organization.

Here are some links - let us know if you figure the PGR vs J4J problem out.

Journey 4 Justice Facebook Page
Texas 3 brings largest team to Topeka
Founder of J4J has a go at PGR Texas State Captain

P.S. As a precautionary measure to protect our biker vests I removed all PGR paraphernalia and stored it safely away - you know - in that forgotten shoe box under the bed where things go that never see the light of day again.
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