Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Patriot Guard leadership make sorry adversaries

North Texas - Word is: Local PGR attendance is down. I am not surprised

Local/state Patriot Guard leadership denounces low mission attendance without actually examining the cause. Local/state leadership accuses those who do not attend veteran's services (captained by their notoriously disreputable selves) in the area of being guilty of disrespect. Blame is what they do. And libel. And slander. And drama. If local/state leadership could see beyond the end of their uppity noses they would notice that the only missions suffering from low attendance are the missions they captain.

I say it is disrespectful of local/state leadership to stand for veterans while engaging in the character assassination of a well respected veteran. This type of disrespect is not an isolated incident. Female leadership is on record of accusing another well respected veteran of lying - no specifics/no cause - just outright called him a liar. I say no one with an ounce of integrity would stand beside local leadership anywhere in town much less a funeral. Local/state leadership will accuse other PGR members of not stepping out of their egos long enough to get the job done when in reality it is local/state leadership (drunk on what they think is power) who cannot focus on the mission. It should not go without mention that local leadership, for the most part fails to attend any mission other than their own.

When several ride captains stepped down to blue hat status local leadership took exception to their attendance finding issue with everything from their biker apparel to their mere presence. They [local leadership] seem to be somewhat distracted by red bandanas. When several ride captains and blue hats voiced their dissatisfaction with the way some missions were handled (re: flags in the bushes/gal pal shots at a funeral posted on Facebook during the funeral) the sole representative of female leadership in the area pulled the poor pitiful woman card. In my opinion, doing so is a disgrace to my gender. Boo-Freekin'-Hoo! If you cannot take the heat - stay out of the kitchen.

Those who live in the north Texas community and have regularly attended missions in the area know the source of the dysfunction. All attempts by local leadership to redirect negativity from themselves to others have failed. Miserably. Patriot Guard missions were running smoothly with great attendance prior to state interference and the reinstatement of a ride captain who had resigned. Yes, she will say otherwise but it is documented in her own words - she resigned because basically she did not play well with others. Reinstatement, at the very least should have been to blue hat status only - not a leadership position. This is just another example of my-way-or-the-highway state leadership doing as they please without concern for the integrity of the mission or the membership.

What is astoundingly naive is local/state leadership actually believed those old vets and former ride captains maligned and disrespected would just fade away and let them have free reign. So, when those old vets and former ride captains simply changed hats and continued to carry on - local leadership who already have behavioral issues they cannot control decided to act out of spite and envy. Mission envy.

What is also astoundingly and rather humorously naive is they thought that assassinating the character of a beloved ride captain/veteran and what leadership labels sidekicks and the BoD labels cohorts would actually improve the image of the PGR in the community and that somehow they would emerge victorious. OOPS! Talk about an epic fail. Ride captains have stepped down from all over north Texas and the panhandle. Local/state leadership continues to operate as if the dysfunction lies with the membership.

Those old vets and former ride captains have weathered more challenges in their lives than a few malcontents can possibly conceive in their petty little minds. Those old vets deserve better adversaries. Without a doubt the Patriot Guard deserves better leadership especially on the local/state level.

Despite claims to the contrary, Patriot Guard is not the only organization in the area who services veterans and their families. Knowing what I know about PGR leadership - I would not have them. If I lived in the north Texas community and needed such services I would seek out the assistance of a well known and respected veteran's organization like American Legion Post 202 in Wichita Falls. You will find a group of people there who serve the mission and veterans - not the patch and their own silly selves.

Who are local/state leadership?

Mike Johnson, PGR ride captain
Jimmy Murphy, PGR ride captain
Barbara Johnson, PGR ride captain revisited
Ken DuBois, PGR TX deputy state captain
Mike Lambert, PGR TX state captain
Teresa Galloway, PGR TX regional captain
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