Rumor is: some people took exception to this post... and apparently missed the whole point of the post (having the attention span of toddlers got distracted by flashing lights and all - ha!). So we are recycling this post because some people have to read something two or three times and get slapped up side the head with it before they actually "get it". In other words: if it walks like a nazi, talks like a nazi it is a wannabe nazi. I say wannabe because some people have not walked the talk, disrespect the dedication of those who have walked the talk and so cannot relate. Sooner or later somebody is going to notice that some people (let's call them opportunists) are just going through the motions.
Hitler’s PGR
By Joe Vaccarella
Former PGR Ride Captain
Watching the History channel the other day, it became evident that Hitler and PGR leadership have a few glaring similarities.
To make a long story short, Hitler was an opportunist. Shortly after WWI, he found himself starving and went back to his Government (at the time he had left the military) and begged for a job. He wasn't needed or wanted in the military but they did offer him a job. He was hired to spy on civilian anti-governmental groups (his own people) and report back to the military leaders. He reported names and the actions being planned, and in return, the government would either imprison or execute the perpetrators.
This went on until at a meeting one night, Hitler couldn't believe how stupid and cowardly the people were and blurted out his feelings. The people suggested if he had better ideas, they wanted to hear them. Hitler stood up and gave them his ideas and he was applauded. This is when he had the idea, if these people were this dumb and desperate then he felt he could move into a position of power and so he did. In doing so, he would kill those who stood in his way. Totally ignoring the laws of his country and the government he was working for.
Policies and laws from then on did not apply to him. If it was right or wrong, legal or illegal, he would do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted and no one stood up against him out of fear.
Now fast forward some seventy years.
Twister Brown, an American Legion Rider, and a few of his cohorts, gave birth to a group they named the Patriot Guard Riders. As a member of the American Legion, he wanted to do more for the American Veteran and their families to protect them at funerals from misguided protesters and to welcome home our Veterans from foreign wars, unlike the disrespect the veterans of the Vietnam War endured.
Mr. Brown's intent was both noble and honorable. His idea grew quickly and in no time, PGR membership exceeded 200,000 members.
But along comes Hitler…
Years later, a few opportunists come along. They don't like the way things are and want to take it from Mr. Brown, even though Mr. Brown owned the trademark rights to the PGR. They basically crawled over the back of Mr. Brown and kicked him to the curb. Now, they are the new Third Reich. They are at the top - the new dictatorship. Although the American Veteran pledges allegiance to our Flag and to the Republic for which it stands, the PGR does not agree with the concept of a Republic (at least not within its own organization). The PGR is currently a dictatorship and the dictator at the top will remain until someone can stab him in the back, much the same way they did Mr. Brown.
Now in the same pledge of allegiance, is the proclamation, “and Liberty and Justice for ALL”. Today's PGR does not believe or live up to this pledge and as such, dishonors every American, including our Veterans and active duty members. The PGR does not believe in justice. They do not even believe in their [PGR} own policies or procedures.
No one in the PGR is elected, as they would be in a Republic. The Blue Hats, the backbone of the PGR, have absolutely NO say in who they prefer to follow nor do they have a say about the removal of someone who is totally incompetent. The PGR is simply, the good ole boy system at its finest. You do for me, and I'll make you somebody, if you do me wrong, I'll cut your throat.
Everything our veterans have fought for, for over 200 years, the PGR defies. The PGR does not even believe in following its own polices… unless it suits them. They sit in the dictators den and tout, the mighty Oz has spoken, now off with you.
Now enter stage right, a man named Ted.
Ted has been a Blue Hat and later became a Ride Captain for the PGR. Now all Ted has ever done is, earn a Bronze Star, fight in Vietnam, served his country in the military and did everything his country asked him to do and went way beyond his duty and did so quite honorably. He later returned home, only to be called horrendous names by his countrymen who had no idea what it was like to be there [Vietnam].
But Ted did what honorable men do. He returned home and began to serve his community just as if they had appreciated his selfless duty to our country.
Ted later joins the PGR, knowing what it was like coming home from Vietnam, and seeing the protesters that seek to inflict pain on the families of soldiers that paid the ultimate price for our freedoms. He feels the rage we all sometimes feel, but he is man enough to do something about it. He joins the PGR and dedicates himself to do whatever he can.
He again goes beyond the call of duty. He attends over 400 missions, to see that any veteran receives the honor he or she is due for the sacrifice given by them and their family. He has ridden hundreds of miles in a day just to get to some remote locations that most people have not even heard of. He has stood in 100+ degree heat and freezing temperatures for hours on end for years, just to pay his respects to someone he may have never met or ever knew other than he or she was a Brother in Arms and deserved his respect.
Reenter the PGR.
As years go by, a couple of local PGR Captains evidently become jealous. One such captain even had the gall to accuse Ted of fabricating his Bronze Star. Having been some of the earlier members to join the local PGR, they think that gives them Hitler status. They have a cohort higher up the chain and in working the good ole boy system, they seek protection. This cohort has the ability to appoint or remove persons in his domain.
The one ride captain had quit the PGR when she could not get along with the others. She stated she would "find another organization to honor her veterans". Well, evidently she could talk the talk but she cannot walk the walk. It was not long before she goes crying to her cohort to please make her a ride captain (and I guess a member) again. She had quit due to complaints about her basically do as I say and not as I do mentality. She wants to be a leader but does not have the knowledge or the people skills to do so.
A couple of years later a meeting was called for all the ride captains in the North Texas area. All the local captains were in attendance. When the meeting was over and some of the captains had left, the state (Hitler) captain states, "Oh Ya, and I am reinstating ******* as a Ride Captain again.
This defies the procedures of the PGR who have always had the captains of an area recommend who they want as captains, but Hitler does what Hitler wants and does not care. Is this the type of system our Veterans fight and die for?
Knowing how this unworthy reappointed captain is and how unorganized missions will become two thirds of the ride captains step down. Did I mention that now, none of the remaining ride captains are Veterans?
Now: Ted, just like when returning home from Vietnam, does the honorable thing and picks up a flag and joins the flag line. He continues to stand with the PGR as a blue hat even though they have totally disrespected him until the day they fired him.
With the incompetent leadership of the non-veteran captains at the local level, Ted sees deplorable situations such as local leadership allowing flags to be laid in the bushes prior to events. He explores other possibilities.
Ted remembers the mother of the PGR, The American Legion and the Legion Riders. He and other members of the PGR join up with the Legion. The Legion was first to stand up for Veterans and Ted continues to do what Ted does best. He does the honorable thing, without fuss or fanfare, he quietly picks up the flag and joins the American Legion and the American Legion Riders in their flag line and continues to honor our Veterans.
Now, Hitler is pissed! How dare anyone defy him by utilizing their Veteran earned liberties and go elsewhere! Now we are not talking about just Ted but the vast majority of the local PGR membership. This includes not only Blue Hat members but Blue Star Parents and Gold Star Parents as well.
The local Hitlers, as said before, do what they want, regardless of PGR policies and procedures. The PGR policy is "no road guarding", but locally they do. Some have mounted strobe lights that are in violation of the Texas motor vehicle code. They have flashing red and blue lights visible from the front. One ride captain has used his lights to violate motor vehicle laws while passing other vehicles. Bikes with big flags are not to road guard, but one local ride captain has.
PGR rules state that they do not solicit for missions, but one local captain has. She was greatly embarrassed I am sure, when she had to issue a stand down after finding out she had spoken to the wrong person when she invited herself and the PGR to a mission that had already been assigned to another organization.
Now the National Hitlers get involved. Ted, being well respected in the community and known for his community service, is often called upon when an event honoring Veterans is involved. Such was the case when the PGR embarrassed themselves by soliciting missions. Ted, being up front and honest, informed the requesting party that he could and would arrange for a flag line at their location but that it would be sponsored by the American Legion and not the PGR. That party's reply was that it did not matter as long as he took charge and arranged it.
As a result, the local PGR leadership contacted the state leadership who in turn contacted the National Leadership about having Ted removed from the PGR.
Now it's not really known to me who, lied to whom but it is evident someone in the PGR did lie. There have been a great many people stand up to refute the lies that have been fabricated by a few. There is irrefutable evidence that they are lying. National wants to sit there with blinders on, rather than having to deal with the truth. The Hitlers at National do not want to hear the truth or they may have to take action against one of their own.
Without using PGR policy, The National PGR fired Ted from the PGR, without any due process, without any questions and without any representation or rebuttal. One good ole boy tells his comrade lies that each one swallows all the way to National and Ted wakes up to an email that without any recourse, he is fired.
Is this the, Justice for All that all Veterans pledge allegiance to? This is in defiance of the PGR's own policy. Oh, but Hitler doesn't care!! Hitler’s going to do what Hitler wants to do! He doesn't give a damn about Democracy, Justice, Bronze Star Veterans, or any other Veteran. As long as they stay in power in their dictatorship, who cares?
Evidently this is the way the National PGR leadership seeks to honor our veterans, truth be damned, justice be damned, and honor be damned.
Just keep making those donations so we can stay in Power!! Sieg Heil!!
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