Friday, July 25, 2014

PGR Leadership and Bod - this is the only invitation you will get

It has come to my attention that PGR local/state/regional leadership and I guess Patriot Guard BoD have whined they are blocked from addressing our mutual aggravation in their own defense. Yes, defense. The ball is in their court.

What! How terribly inconsiderate of me! You mean like the contemptuous BoD VP/Members Childree saying things like - Enough! and... I have removed all from the reply list except BoD and yourself, as I will not continue to inconvenience others with your continued demands. and... About those demands... PGR is NOT subject to them in any way. Any consideration you received as a member ended with that membership. Let's be clear about that. and... You were provided with the information you were due. That's all that will be forthcoming... don't fool yourself into believing otherwise. You were also given one opportunity to speak for yourself. I advise you to use the next email to take advantage of that.... it's the last chance you have. Any other communication from you will be disregarded. and... This will not be revisited?

At any rate, I am personally of the opinion that the whole point of argument is progress... so intentionally silencing the other side? well, nothing could be farther from the truth. Of course, it might be worth mentioning here that productive arguments are normally based on an exchange of factual perspectives - not the manufactured and mostly vague nonsense we have witnessed. Forthright discourse is sadly lacking from the other side thus far in the case of Ted Frosty Foster vs PGR. In fact, I would call it similar to that of a sulky and somewhat petulant adolescent.

The Facebook Page Vietnam Veteran Fired by Patriot Guard BoD is wide open for public comment and from the very beginning has been so. To date, one person (the allegedly adult son [Paul Spangler] of local leadership and I might add, a disgrace to the blue hat he wears) is blocked from commenting on anything and everything because he cannot be civil and says nothing of worth. Instead of addressing the issues he trashes veterans and gold star families and makes veiled threats. It just occurred to me he might be undercover WBC. I draw the line at that sort of drama (ok let's call it BS) and any other faction of PGR leadership would already have his hat.

It is true that comments made upon posts on the blog Vietnam Veteran Fired by Patriot Guard BoD are moderated but that has more to do with spammers than shutting down our whiny-butt adversaries. To date, no leadership persons have attempted to comment or the attempt would show up on the blog dashboard awaiting my approval.

Just for the record. The entire set of local/state/regional leadership and the entire Patriot Guard BoD as well as the National Director of Operations have my personal email address. Not that I would be pleased to see them in my inbox but communication is the key to resolving conflict I am told. Nope - not so much as a peep since VP/Members Childree told me to butt out - an unsuccessful admonishment I might add - much to his grief I imagine. I admit, there are some people who just do not bring out the best in me so I am content to exhibit just how inconvenient I can be when challenged.

Several of Frosty's Friends have wondered why we have not heard from any of them. Many of them wrote letters that did not garner the courtesy of a reply. Some think they are not listening. Some think they do not care. The latter is probably closer to the truth. As far as I can see it appears that the mostly arrogant and out of touch PGR leadership are nothing but a pack of self serving hypocrites and are actively and somewhat badly engaging in some sort of perverted group preservation no matter the cost to the image of Patriot Guard Riders.

With all that said... perhaps all that is needed here is an invitation. Those will be forthcoming shortly (see link below).

Please RSVP - Vietnam Veteran Fired by Patriot Guard BoD

All assumptions and opinions that follow are strictly mine own. Unlike some people I will own my words and if proven incorrect in my thinking - will acknowledge the error.

Mike Johnson, PGR ride captain
Jimmy Murphy, PGR ride captain
You guys know the truth and have failed to uphold it or come to Frosty's defense. Aside from the fact that one of you is married to at least one of the sources of contention, what the hell is up with that? Is the hat you wear worth the price of your integrity?

Barbara Johnson, PGR ride captain revisited
You know the truth and have failed to uphold it. As the sole representative of female leadership in the region we can only assume it is you who Lambert refers to as undermined, disrespected and the victim of non-veteran and sexist discrimination. You know this to be untrue. Why are you not saying so?

Ken DuBois, PGR TX deputy state captain
Silence is not a pass - you know the issues as well as the truth. You get no points for not chiming in.

Mike Lambert, PGR TX state captain
I am fairly certain you are the author of a vast amount of this manufactured mendacity. I would dearly love to hear you dig yourself out of this one. Lies and slander and cheap shots... oh boy! Feel free to go for it, buddy.

Teresa Galloway, PGR TX regional captain
You had to sign off on Lambert's crap (his word, not mine)... does the BoD realize how negligent you are in this matter? I see you as guilty as Lambert in lies, slander and cheap shots. Can you speak for yourself?

Robert Collins, PGR national director of operations
You were the delivery boy for the termination and cc'd on every communication from Frosty. Did the thought never cross your mind that something was horribly wrong here?

Robbie Smart, PGR BoD president
Randy Stevens, PGR BoD vp/captains
Mike Childree, PGR BoD vp/members
Shane Leiser, PGR BoD secretary
Lee Anderson, PGR BoD treasurer
So, gentleman you are guilty of numerous and serious code of conduct violations yourselves, not to mention collective negligence and of exhibiting a blatant contempt for rules, membership and the responsibilities of your positions. Please explain why the membership at large should not be calling for your hats as well as the hats of all those complicit in the mob character assassination of Ted Frosty Foster.

I hope I didn't miss anybody.

Finally, for those I know personally among the despicable few mentioned here - I have this to say - I am ashamed that I know you.

Inconveniently yours
The Dissident Daughter

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