Tuesday, July 15, 2014

PGR: Slander not a game for sissies

We are recycling this updated post... this is where they think they have us I guess although we have yet (as with everything else) to see the particulars (like who what when and where). The ladies who know Ted have something to say about the slanderous allegation of discrimination of women.

One of the most absurd allegations launched against Ted Frosty Foster by PGR Local/State/Regional leadership and the National BoD included such defamatory statements as: misogynistic and discriminatory ideas you have expressed, regarding the suitability of women as PGR leadership... Further to that, you have repeatedly attempted to undermine the efforts of female leadership in your area.

This was Ted's answer to that allegation. 2. As for disrespecting women in leadership positions this is also absolutely false. Hear this, two of the finest ride captains I have ever met are women, Chell Peanut Freeman in the Panhandle and Cindy Stroud in southwest Oklahoma. Additionally, there are many great lady riders in this area that I ride with almost every week or so. These ladies are Laura Calvert, Cindy Bragg, Anne Smith, Angela Johnston, Patti Jackson and many others. -- Ted Frosty Foster

The following are comments from the allegedly disparaged women who ride with Ted, starting out with my take on it as Ted's daughter:

Discriminating of women - well, if you mean he discriminates in that he chooses which women and men to associate with, ride with, be friends with, go to coffee with, stand the flag line with - well yes, I believe we all do that. Most of us choose who we want in our lives - it's a fact all of us can attest to -- some people simply do not make the grade. That's exercising discriminating tastes in our associations.

I guarantee you - there is not one instance where this man as active PGR refused to stand the flag line or perform the duties required of him during a mission because a woman was in charge.

Indicating in speech or in writing one has a difference of opinion with leadership or any single person is not indicative of discrimination. Discrimination in misogynistic terms implies dislike or contempt or ingrained prejudice against women in general. If such activity were present in Ted's actions where are the write-ups? Would the face of these accusations please step forward? And why does state leadership and the BoD feel themselves competent and entitled to act as judge and jury in these serious allegations? Like I said - absurdly fictitious and bad fiction at that!

[Digression: The cowardly person responsible for this complaint is likely the same person who stood the flag-line shoulder-to-shoulder (yes, there is photographic evidence) with Ted Frosty Foster over the course of seven years and has been known (I have this first-hand) to gushingly call Ted Frosty Foster her go-to-guy, always there when I need him said she...] And if we can believe even a suggestion from the rumor-mill - why is it the sole representative of female leadership in the area claims she is not responsible for the complaint? How do you sell the undermining of female leadership if she does not own the abuse.

Misogyny is an ugly word - unless someone is willing to step forward and put their butt on the line with proof of that - it becomes a vile form of slander... failing to prove it could have some nasty consequences.

Ted Frosty Foster has been married to the same hard-working, high-spirited, independent woman for near 60 years. Ted and Inez raised a daughter in that same vein. It is an insult to both Mother and Daughter for anyone to imply that either of us would tolerate any form of sexism in our lives. An insult to us and to him.

1) It is not Ted Foster who questioned the mind-set, integrity and strength of female organizers of multiple Honor Flight events by suggesting they did not know their own business much less their own minds. I believe that was what is left of the local PGR leadership.

2) Suggesting that the independent, strong-minded women who ride with the Patriot Guard at any level would put up with sexism from anyone for even an instant is sexism in and of itself. I am offended by that inference as I am sure most women would be. Suggesting that PGR men who ride with PGR women would tolerate that type of behavior toward women from one of their own is yet another imbecilic insult.

[Another digression: I have zero tolerance for whiny-butt women who put themselves in what is essentially a man's world and then play the weak woman card when it serves their purpose. It's a disgrace to my gender!]

-- Vickie L Foster Downing, Proud Daughter of Ted Frosty Foster, USAF Vietnam Veteran, Proud Wife of USAF Vietnam Veteran, PGR Blue Hat
Ted and Inez Foster

Ted Foster is one of the most patriotic, respectful, down to earth people that I have had the privilege of meeting, standing flag line with, riding to numerous missions with as well as seeing him involved in all aspects of PGR.

This is a 78 year old gentleman that is kind to everyone, respectful to all and enjoys life. Or at least he did enjoy life until certain someone's accusations and lies have brought him down... This is a man that took pride in his name, never having it smeared with accusations and lies before, took pride in his veteran status that you all [local/state/regional leadership and BoD] as a collective group have sullied, took pride in knowing that people loved him(female and male alike) for himself and what he has always stood for. This is a man that has gone the extra mile for the PGR over the last seven years, and has probably done more missions, stood more flag lines in all types of weather than any other PGR member in this area. This includes blue hats, red hats and/or tan hats. And I feel pretty confident that most if not all that know him will agree.

...As far as him being sexist, wrong again. Two of his favorite ride captains happen to be female.

Laura Calvert, Proud wife of Vietnam Veteran, Proud daughter of WWII Veteran, Proud Blue Star family member, Proud PGR blue hat

I don't even know where to begin. I joined the PGR in 08. Since joining I have held the positions of Contact coordinator (sending out emails), a Ride Capt., and Deputy State Captain. Also, just as a blue hat. I am appalled at what is being done to Ted Foster (Frosty). From the first time meeting Ted he has been a friend, a mentor, and a guy that I know would drop everything he is doing to come help me. I know this because he has done that. Anytime I have every called him to help with a mission or just had a question he has always helped. He was with me at my first mission as a Ride Capt. on June 10, 2011. He was right there encouraging me. I have never had a problem with Ted or his friends as you called them on ever helping me and as a female I have never seen this man ever act towards any female in a manner that is considered misogynistic and discriminatory as you put it. Ted did not step down as a ride captain because she [Barbara Johnson] was female he stepped down because she is a hard person to work with. I myself don't like working with her. I am usually the only female on the missions in my area plus usually the only one under 40. He has never made me feel uncomfortable, or that he is superior to me, he has always treated me like an equal. I myself am not military, funny that has never bothered him in any way and [he] has also said it was a pleasure working with me. He has never had a problem with me telling him what to do. When I became the DSC he was my number one fan and always I mean always supported me. Does this sound like a man that can't work with a female or has a problem with them being in a leadership role?

I myself do think that you need to go back and review your facts...Ted has never been anything but helpful to me and a man of honor. He has never had a problem working with me or helping me and I am HONORED to call him my friend. I stand behind him on this one!!

-- Chell Peanut Freeman, RC, Contact Coordinator of the Panhandle south plains region

I come from a very strong military background beginning with my great grandfather dad, brothers, nephew and my 2nd cousin General Tommy Franks. I can assure you sirs my blood runs red, white, and blue. At the funeral of my nephew William Eric Baker who had served in the Army 66th MP Brigade, 18th MP Brigade, and 5th and 7th Special Forces groups, also as US Navy Petty Officer where his missions were classified, again I saw the honor of the PGR and as family member saw how much it helped me. I knew I wanted to belong to this honorable organization.

I vividly remember my first mission with the PGR. I didn’t know anyone but the Johnstons and they had not arrived yet, but Mr. Ted Foster was there. He came up to me introduced himself and led me to where others were standing and one by one introduced me to them. He then briefed us on the mission at hand. By the time he was finished I knew exactly what was expected of me, what, when, and where. He made sure every detail was taken care of for the family and the fallen hero. I was hooked. I was so proud to be a part of this outstanding group of individuals. I can’t tell you how many missions I have been on with Frosty, but I can tell you I have never been on one that he didn’t take care of his team and the families with the utmost respect. His missions were organized and were always carried out with honor and dignity.

The ridiculous allegation of misogynistic and discriminatory ideas he has expressed regarding women in the PGR is ludicrous. I have ridden with him countless times and he has expressed how he enjoyed riding with me and always complementing my riding abilities. He has ridden under many female Ride Captains and done an outstanding job helping in any way he could. This is one of the most honorable men I have ever had the privilege of knowing. His integrity is beyond reproach.

There are many that have had issues with one female ride captain, and yes there are women that share these same issues. She has stepped down twice only to be reinstated. As an American who loves her country and its flag I was sickened when I saw her post a picture on face book, my countries flag laying in the bushes while she stopped for a photo opp. At that time the family of the fallen hero were going into the church. Wow, where was the honor in that. I quit going to her missions just as others have due to the dishonorable way they were handled.

As for Mr. Ted Foster, I will stand beside him and fight for his honor until he tells me to stand down. I am honored to know and call him my friend. I will follow his lead on any mission. He is the real deal folks. A finer man you will never meet. He loves his Lord, his family and friends and he loves this UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! And for all his contributions, I thank him.

It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly.

-- Cindy “Goose” Bragg, Proud Patriot Guard Rider

Since joining the PGR I have proudly told people what they do and why, and promoted their cause. This great respect that I have gotten, came from men like Ted Foster that I watched and admired, as he and other went on missions in heat, rain, sleet, and snow. When we were on these missions, we were there for one reason, to honor the fallen hero and their families. Ted and those of us who rode with him on these missions, did so with great respect for this country, and to honor those who died to protecting our freedom.

I have attended PGR functions, and personal family events with Ted. Never have I witnessed or heard any disrespectful remarks on his part.

After reading the accusations, for which you [BoD] deemed it necessary to terminate his PGR membership, I have come to the conclusion that this sounds like a personal vendetta.

Factious remarks have been made that have not and cannot be substantiated. It amazes and frustrates me that that you have taken the words of this person or person(s) and [call] it the absolute truth. Who are these people, which you obviously hold them and their word in such high regard? Why should their accusations and motives not be in question here?

Linda Ryckoff, PGR, Blue Star Parent

Code of Conduct Violations regarding women and non-veterans. Excuse me, you clearly do not know Ted Foster! He is an ardent supporter of women (both inside and outside the riding community) and has often stated some of the best Ride Captains he has had the privilege of working with are women. Additionally, his ONLY criteria for one to offer support to our fallen heroes is Patriotic Dedication – does not matter if they are Veteran or non-Veteran. I have personal knowledge of this in regards to BOTH myself and my husband. Neither of us served, yet Ted welcomed us to the PGR and was one of the few PGR members that supported the two of us after my husband’s motorcycle accident in January 2012. To take the inability of several PGR Ride Captains to deal with ONE woman who is also a non-Veteran to the extreme that you have dis-honors the very nature of the organization and is an insult to Ted.

-- Ann M Smith, Proud Daughter of a WWII Veteran, Proud Member of the American Legion Auxiliary and American Legion Riders, Proud Member of the Patriot Guard Riders

I don't know what more I can add to the many outstanding comments of friendship and respect for our Ted Foster. I have known Ted for many years through my husband, Gary, and Ted has always been respectful to me, a gentleman and a true friend to all of us. Ted has worked tirelessly with the PGR and the American Legion. Ted and his wife, Inez, are two of the most caring and wonderful people we could be blessed enough to have as our friends. They hold the highest integrity for our country and our flag. I simply cannot believe the lies and hurtful words slung at Ted Foster or, for that matter, others who are his friends. It is appalling and slanderous. As for J4J, Ted Foster has NEVER been with the riders going to Topeka. He has always remained in Wichita Falls to serve the PGR. I honestly do not see how the PGR leadership could have let all of this go on when we have all tried to tell them what and who has caused the PGR of this area to fall apart. DO NOT blame Ted Foster. He is the finest example of patriotism and respect the PGR ever had.

-- Jean Ann Fortner

Ted with Gold Star Mother and close friend, Angela Johnston

WOW!!! I made Frosty's Friends page (picture of Frosty and myself). What an honor!!!! We met this man as a stranger and accepted him and his family as a gift from Gary. Boy, Gary, did you do good. You above all, you know how demanding your mother can be. Mr. Ted and Miss Inez are always watching over us in their very patriotic way. They get "IT". There have been some that he has sent us that do NOT get IT. That is sure tiring on us and honestly, we don't have the energy any longer. So my prayer thru you, Gary, to Him is please bless these people and watch over them. If they don't get IT, they must really be struggling in their daily lives. And for the ones that do get it, continue to bless them with happiness. Amen.

Angela Johnston, Very proud Mother of USMC Sgt. Gary Johnston, Killed in Action

It may come as a huge surprise to some high ranking members of the PGR good ol' boys club (think we didn't notice there are no women on the BoD guys?) - but women are more than capable of speaking for themselves. If this allegation was valid - you would have heard about it from the women a long time ago. 'Nuff said.

Slander - not a game for sissies.
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Quite a few other women have signed and commented on The Petition - you should mosey on over and check it out.

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