Sunday, July 20, 2014

Letter to BoD: Perry - Do your Job for God's Sake

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Leadership of PGR,

I am William (Bill) Perry, Vietnam Veteran 501st. 101st. Airborne, Member of the PGR since their first mission in our Area. I am a Past Master of Iowa Park Lodge 713 as well and all I am about to write is on the square.

Our Area in the North Texas, Wichita Falls Area is in deep trouble. The National Leadership needs to look into this matter as the problems come from those under you.

I have known the PGR to be a great organization to support our Troops and Veterans and have been very proud to be a part of their missions. I only hope there is a way to healing in this situation.

However, with all that said, as of late. Ted Foster has been removed from the PGR. of Texas. I think I have been on most missions with Ted. He is a Southern Gentlemen, that I have never known to be in any way against the PGR. In one year I know he rode in over 200 missions even with his advance age of over 75 and frail health at times. He has always welcomed PGR members and made them feel at home in our organization.

1. The allegations brought against him are completely unfounded. As far as the "Ride to Freedom" [Journey 4 Justice] goes, it was announced that it was "Not a PGR Mission". I was there when this was announced. Also, Ted did not go to, nor did he participate in that event.

2. Code of Conduct Violations: This allegation is also completely unfounded. I have never know Ted to Violate any of the Code of Conduct rules. There are some malcontent leaders in our area that I am sure have something to do with this, by this I mean at the Level of Texas leadership down.

I must feel this has to be an oversight on their part, as this problem should have been stopped at the Local Level. To "defame the Good Name of a Fellow Decorated Veteran" without proper investigation from people above the State level is a travesty to say the least. This is a serious matter and will not go away, but only grow, if you follow the course of non-action. Our organization is to Honor Veterans, both serving, enlistment completed and retired - not protect those who want to be the center of everything.

For some reason I have faith the PGR is bigger than this and will correct this huge mistake. Everyone makes mistakes, but once you know about the mistakes and refuse to correct them, to keep leaders in place, you become a Dictatorship. I have fought for our Freedom and completely understand the tenants of Justice. Do your Job for God's Sake.

From my personal observation. I have seen "5 PGR Combat Veterans" step down from being Ride Captains because of conflict with a local leader that was reinstated as a Ride Captain. At first I thought this to just be a conflict of personality, but then all 5 Combat Veterans were removed from the PGR Local mailing list. That was an act of spite. They were then put back on the mailing list. Before this the 5 Combat Veterans were still riding with the PGR but just as Riders in Support like everyone else.

Then the next thing I knew of was a Down Town Showing of the Documentary "Honor Flight"...I knew that the American Legion had that mission a month before Local PGR people solicited the mission to a lower person that was putting on the showing. About 3 days before the showing of "Honor Flight" was to happen the Local PGR Posted the mission to their members. They should have known almost to the day they solicited the mission that they did not have it. The next day they post a Stand-down from the mission. They never had it. This is how petty this has become. There can always be misunderstandings in any group, but misunderstanding can be worked out between groups.

Also, yesterday I regret to say, the Dad of a Fallen Soldier has asked for the memorial pins back from Local Leadership because of the actions and false accusations made against Ted and treatment of Local members who have questioned this treatment..

As of late I know of 20 plus Veterans that have removed any sign or insignia of PGR from their uniforms. I soulfully hope that they will someday put them back on. I respectfully request as a Veteran, that you of the "National Leadership" reopen this case and investigate it at the National Level, it is impossible to handle at a State Level and when the guilty parties are found, you should afford them the same punishment as they have so wrongfully awarded Ted. For they know what they are doing, and have been made aware of it by many.

William (Bill) Perry
101st. Airborne
Vietnam 1967-1968
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