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This is a collection of non-orchestrated letters from the diverse group of Frosty's Friends written in outrage at the actions of local/state/regional PGR leadership and the PGR Board of Directors... The first letter posted is the cover letter from Frosty included with the rebuttal documentation. The three that follow are Frosty's immediate family members chiming in. Then the friends have their say. Here we have lots of opinions and perspectives that all lead to the same conclusion that apparently only PGR leadership and the BoD cannot see. The decision is wrong - wrong - wrong. © All Rights of Distribution and Dissemination are Reserved
Posting on behalf of Ted Frosty Foster (the man himself):
Teddy “Frosty” Foster
June 9, 2014
To the Patriot Guard Board of Directors:
Here is an answer to the allegations:
I begin this letter with a simple statement. In 2007 I attended the services of Sgt. Gary Johnston who was killed in action in Iraq. The presence of the PGR at his funeral was so impressive and eye opening that I was moved to join the PGR. My wife, daughter, son and son in law also joined the PGR. It has been an honor to serve our Veterans and their families in addition to first responders and their families during their times of need.
I have served as a blue hat and attended as many missions as possible. I was also a ride captain for the Red River area for about 4 years. I have been the ride captain or second ride captain on many missions. The many years that I was a ride captain, I always tried to do the job that was in front of me to the best of my abilities and thought only of the needs of the family and the veteran we were honoring.
Now let the real reason I am writing you begin.
1. Your inference that I was seen in Topeka, Kansas on first J4J trip is completely false. I was in the Panhandle of Texas assisting Chell Freeman on her first solo mission as a ride captain. On the second trip that J4J made to Topeka, Kansas, I was asked by the family of Danny Martini to plan his mission. Danny is the cousin of a Gold Star mother, Angela Johnston, Windthorst, Texas. Danny was a Marine.
2. As for disrespecting women in leadership positions this is also absolutely false. Hear this, two of the finest ride captains I have ever met are women, Chell Freeman in the Panhandle and Cindy Stroud in southwest Oklahoma. Additionally, there are many great lady riders in this area that I ride with almost every week or so. These ladies are Laura Calvert, Cindy Bragg, Anne Smith, Angela Johnston, Patti Jackson and many others.
3. In reference to the honor flight missions in question. We have had 6 events in the last year or so. The organization and execution of them all were accomplished by me: Ted “Frosty” Foster and Ray “Tex” Calvert. All riders have always been welcome to ride with us. The three ride captains you have left here in this area have attended only one of these events. Most of the riders are from the American Legion Riders and the Patriot Guard Riders.
4. As far as stepping down as a ride captain: I cannot speak for the others but I did not step down in protest. I stepped down in disgust at the dysfunction of the leadership (male and female) in the Red River area of North Texas.
5. In addition, all of the leadership has shown profound disrespect for two of our Gold Star parents. This is intolerable for everyone that I know, as these folks have paid the ultimate price for our freedom and deserve total respect. As an example (Here’s a statement by one of remaining ride captains during a briefing, Are there any other Gold Star parents here other than Angela and Nubbin?) What a slap in the face for these special parents. They need to be recognized at every mission when they are present and not taken for granted and belittled because they are from our area. This statement was uttered at a mission this past year and everyone heard it and was appalled and astonished by such an ill-conceived remark.
6. I don’t know what leadership courses or seminars you folks have attended, but in the ones that I attended here is what I learned. 1. Listen to both sides of the situation. 2. Attempt to arbitrate the problem. 3. If arbitration fails, make a final decision based on facts not lies.
7. Finally, it is not my desire nor will I encourage anyone to leave the PGR as a result of this unfortunate and ugly incident. The PGR is and has always been a super organization that does wonderful things for all Veterans, first responders and their respective families.
Again, this is my appeal to all PGR - Do not let a few rotten apples spoil your support for Patriot Guard Riders here in the Red River area of North Texas. We are better than this.
I have done my best for the PGR and gave it my all. All the accusations are truly false. The leadership is on notice that the link between leadership and the blue hats is broken. You do need to correct the damage you have done to all concerned.
Ted “Frosty” Foster
USAF, TSgt, Retired
20 Year Vietnam Veteran
Posting on behalf of Frosty's wife of nearly 60 years Inez Foster:
Attention: Patriot Guard Board of Directors and Texas State Leadership
Where do I begin? I guess I had better start off with my name. I am INEZ “NEZZIE” FOSTER. I AM THE WIFE OF 60 YEARS TO TED “FROSTY” FOSTER. I am so thoroughly disgusted that I can barely write this letter. None of you have any idea the distress you have caused this man. He is the love of my life; he is my hero and most of all he is a 78 year old decorated Vietnam Veteran that has worked tirelessly for the PGR for the last 7 years.
He became a blue hat in February 2007 and later was made a ride captain for the PGR. He has always conducted himself with dignity and honor in all walks of life but especially so as a representative of the PGR. For all of you to accuse him of the things you have brought against him is appalling and irresponsible.
ALL of the allegations you have presented against him are nothing but malicious lies thought up by local petty-minded ride captains and state/regional captains who should have sense enough to have all the facts straight before presenting them to the Board of Directors.
Ted Foster is unfairly accused of things he did not do, things he did not say or write and of being in places that he never was. We have the documentation to prove his accusers wrong and we can make the case about how poorly you have handled this situation. I know why you will not present the documents to prove the accusations. It is because you do not have them. That is poor planning. If you are going to convict someone of something don’t you think you should have all your ducks in a row beforehand? I guess not because you do not.
Ted has proved himself over and over again to be a great person with a great personality. He served his country for twenty years in the Air Force. He loves his country, his flag and is devoted to honoring veterans and the families of veterans. For anyone to say anything to the contrary makes them nothing but a self-serving liar. How’s that for an allegation? The difference between your allegations and mine is: I can prove my words.
I love this man and the black mark you have indiscriminately put upon his name is definitely not okay with me. He should not have to prove anything to the likes of you. But when he does – let it sit in your minds forever that you wronged a decent, honest man and did not have the courage to own the mistake.
You will see – so have a nice day – if you can - you hear?
Inez “Nezzie” Foster
Proud wife of “Ted Frosty” Foster
For 60 Years
June 7, 2014
Posting on behalf of son in law Timothy Downing:
I am writing to voice my concern about the contentious allegations of misconduct launched against Mr. Foster (Frosty). I have known Mr. Foster 44 years. I first met him when he was home on R&R from a tour of duty in Vietnam. At that time he was at the pinnacle of a distinguished military career in the USAF. I have never met an individual or patriot so far above reproach. Fourteen years later, I had the opportunity to work alongside Mr. Foster for over five years which included considerable contact with the public – both men and women. I never witnessed discriminatory behavior by Mr. Foster at any time nor would he tolerate that type of behavior from his employees and associates.
After his second retirement, he witnessed the Patriot Guard Mission in support of KIA Gary Johnston (2007). This is what sparked Mr. Foster’s interest in the Patriot Guard and from that moment on he has been 100% dedicated to the cause and mission of the Patriot Guard. Later he accepted the honored roll of Ride Captain, which he has executed with precision and timing and out of unwavering respect and gratitude to all our deserving Veterans. I would not hesitate to ride under his command under any colors at any moment.
At this time I would like to ask the PGR Board of Directors a simple question, Why – yes - why would five Honored Veteran Ride Captains step down on the same day? Someone needs to do their homework, and maybe do a reality check or an ego check. The single most disastrous outcome of this ordeal will be loss of participation and support for veterans and veteran’s families who have so earned maximum respect.
I had intended to use this opportunity to basically trash the PGR leadership in regard to this issue, but decided that would not be productive at this time. I think that everybody should be held accountable for their decisions.
The jury is out Gentlemen, and I demand just treatment for Mr. Foster and/or your hats. Honestly, I feel the leadership has committed such a grievous infraction that they should resign and respectfully step down. This is one blue hat saying you do not represent the Patriot Guard that I signed on. I fear my association with the Patriot Guard is about to come to an end and end on a sorry note.
Gentleman, Respect and Honor are Earned Attributes, not Positions.
Finally, it is my hope that there is at least one person in leadership who realizes the error in judgment and the total disregard of due process in this instance. It is time to step up and be accountable for your actions!
Dissatisfied blue hat,
SSGT USAF (8 yrs.)
Vietnam Era Veteran
Proud to call myself
Son-In-Law of Ted Frosty Foster
Posting on behalf of Vickie L Foster Downing:
To: Patriot Guard BoD and Texas State Leadership
I have struggled for days trying to get a letter out to you that does not insult and put you immediately on the defensive in this contentious debate in regard to your unprecedented slanderous treatment of Ted Frosty Foster. I remind you, this is the man I call Dad. I have failed miserably in that effort. I doubt anything I can write at this juncture will save you from having to play defense.
When I wrote to you the first time Mr. Childree immediately shut me down (at least, that was his intent) without a modicum of consideration. Mr. Childree could have said, at the very least that he was addressing my concerns with the subject of my concerns. In a communication to Mr. Foster, Mr. Childree said that will be enough. Unfortunately for you all, that is not Mr. Childree’s call.
In my first email I suggested that the Bod acted on and were unwittingly complicit in what can only be labeled as manufactured mendacity. I am vindicated in that statement. Gentlemen, you have been well and soundly duped!
Before I address the specifics such as they are and vague as they are let me offer this one observation. It is my understanding that most PGR are veterans – not all – but most. Following that train of thought – I am dumbfounded by how all that cumulative military experience (for which I have the deepest respect) decided to attack not the weakest link in the chain but the strongest.
In reference to alleged disruptive activity that damages the image of the PGR I can only say that if you had done your research you would know there is not a disruptive bone in Ted Foster’s body. Rather, he is ever the level head in the group. In fact, I can point you to a recent incident involving one of your three remaining ride captains, Murphy. It was Ted Foster who prevented an incident between Murphy and another blue hat member with whom he had a difference of opinion and was careless of the fact that he was about to create a scene in the course of a mission.
Allegation (1) The Honor Flight Mission issue is nothing but petty-minded envy at work here, gentleman. I cannot believe you give any credence to the claim. Ted Foster did not steal the Johnson’s or Murphy’s thunder. They never had claim to it. After 78 years in the some locale a man develops a reputation. This man’s reputation in the community precedes him wherever he goes. I know the local leadership is the source of the allegations in this regard and I do not understand why the local leadership would place themselves and their own rather questionable reputations and integrity at stake while perpetrating one falsehood after another upon Ted Foster. I am not denigrating the local leadership. I have ridden and socialized with all of them. I know for a fact, they have all performed to the best of their abilities while in service to the PGR but somewhere along the road they began to fall short of the objective and lost focus. In short; respect is the operative word in this debate. Some have earned it. Some have not. Stand by. You will have your answer to this ridiculous allegation.
Allegation (2) Journey 4 Justice (note the spelling), answer in short – false. It is glaringly apparent you know nothing about the organization if you are basing your knowledge on Lambert’s persistently preposterous rants on the subject. I do not have to defend Journey 4 Justice but I will point out that the disparaged founder of J4J is at present on a ten day/ten thousand mile solo benefit ride across this country raising thousands of dollars for Honor Flight Colorado. First of all, it is indeed likely you will find Ted Foster’s name on the Journey 4 Justice membership roster. I put it there myself, along with my name and that of my husband’s. We all signed on at the same time when the group was formed in a show of support for our resident Gold Star family members. The PGR Police who observed (I prefer the word spy – it speaks better to the conspiracy theory we are addressing) need to get their eyes checked. Ted Frosty Foster in both instances of J4J missions was hundreds of miles away attending to Patriot Guard Missions. The counseling you refer to was nothing more than a mandate from Lambert. I know this for a fact as I had the misfortune to engage him in private debate on the subject.
Allegation (3) This particular allegation is so ludicrous as to be laughable if it were not so damaging to Ted Foster’s reputation. I am going to paraphrase Margaret Thatcher now – When the opponent in an argument or debate resorts to a personal attack – they got nothing. The statement and sentiment concerning non veterans and women ride captains was not authored or supported by Ted Foster. Check your facts, oh that’s right – you do not have facts at your disposal. I am not even going to dignify the reference to misogyny and discrimination with a rebuttal because the mere idea that you would accuse a man of Ted Foster’s caliber with such is in a word – absurd. Now, I will explain the absurdity easy as 1-2-3.
1) It is not Ted Foster who questioned the mind-set, integrity and strength of female organizers of multiple Honor Flight events by suggesting they did not know their own business much less their own minds. I believe that was the Johnsons and their shadow Murphy.
2) Suggesting that the independent, strong-minded women who ride with the Patriot Guard at any level would put up with sexism from anyone for even an instant is sexism in and of itself gentleman. I am offended by that inference. (It should go without saying that to date you have what - exactly one complaint in seven years from a single source – hmmm. 350 to 400 missions and this is what you got?)
3) Suggesting that the men who ride for the Patriot Guard would tolerate a misogynist in their midst is nothing short of astounding foolishness on your part. I will sign off on allegation #3 better known as a figment of your imaginations with a challenge. Prove it.
Finally, I will speak briefly on the five ride captains stepping down. I know them all personally. To accuse any of them of being other than the fine, honorable, distinctively patriotic men I know them to be who I remind you served the Patriot Guard for several years is an affront to anyone who ever had the honor and privilege to ride or stand the flag line with them.
Mr. Childree in his condescendingly abrupt enough is enough statement in a response to Ted Foster said he would allow only one more email to answer the vague and disparate list of allegations. I imagine he thought he was somehow in control of that. Apparently he believes he is also in control of to whom we may address our concerns and how often. I submit: If Mr. Childree had actually performed the duties assigned to his position, and the BoD had actually followed protocol, this matter would have been settled to everyone’s satisfaction immediately. Instead, we have entered into an alarmingly contentious debate that is harmful to all parties concerned. The BoD will have to own that one.
The primary objective of this letter/email and any you will receive in the future is to clear Ted Foster’s name. You will have an answer from Mr. Foster to all these trumped up allegations in a single email – so clear your calendars.
When you have facts in hand this is what I expect of you. I demand immediate reinstatement of Ted Frosty Foster to a member in good standing with the Patriot Guard. I demand an apology to each and every person (I suspect that number is many by now) who contacted you on his behalf. I am calling for an immediate review of the individuals in state and local leadership who instigated this slanderous campaign. While you are at it, you might want to review your own abuse of the Code of Conduct. Accountability is the order of the day. When the BoD has answered my concerns to my own personal satisfaction – I will call it enough.
Inconveniently yours,
Vickie L Foster Downing
Proud daughter of USAF Vietnam Veteran
Proud wife of USAF Vietnam Veteran
Patriot Guard Rider since 2008
Posting on behalf of Ray Tex Calvert:
I'm quite sure that by now you have received several letters from some angry friends of Mr. Ted "Frosty" Foster. I'm not writing this as a part of that discussion. I am a very close friend of Ted's and I find it unforgivable this man has not been given a chance to confront his accusers and defend himself.
Gentlemen, this is America, where each citizen has a right to a fair trial no matter the charges brought against them, they have a right to a fair trial and be judged by a jury of their peers to be found either guilty or innocent. This has not been the case. When you convict someone, on another person say-so, then you have failed to do your job. When you sit in judgement of someone you need to have documented facts before acting, otherwise, it can make you look foolish and petty. You, gentlemen, have failed miserably in that you have presented NO facts, only made-up hearsay from someone who is trying hard to cover their ass.
Gentlemen, since I became a member of the PGR in 2007, I have been reminded many times that Blue Hats rule the PGR. No matter the color of your hat, you work for the Blue Hats. As you move further up in hat color, the more bosses you have. I, like most everyone else, started as a Blue Hat but soon become a RC and donned a maroon hat and catered to the Blue Hats for several years before stepping down. Mr.Foster also followed these same steps and in doing so became one of the best Ride Captains in this area. ASK the BLUE HATS what kind of person he is! ASK the LADY BLUE HATS what kind of person he is! ASK the Lady Ride Captains in surrounding areas what kind of person he is. Come down off your high horse, pull your heads out and find out the truth. If you have no desire or stomach for the truth, then you have no business being in a leadership role with any organization of any kind, much less the Patriot Guard Riders! Remember, you work for the Blue Hats, they don't work for YOU.
Ray "Tex" Calvert
Staff Sergeant United States Army
Vietnam Veteran '67-'68 1/26th Inf. Bat, 1st If. Div
Former Senior Ride Captain
Former Ride Captain
North Texas PGR
P.S. I couldn't help but notice there are no women listed on the Board of Directors. How come there's no women on your board? Give it some thought. Could it be you are prejudiced in some way? Just asking!!
Posting on behalf of Gary Fortner:
There are several issues I am inclined to speak out on, because of your wrongfully discharging Ted Foster from the PGR. I will only address two of those at this time.
(1) Your dismissal of Ted without so much as a shred of evidence against him. Secondly to that is he way he was pictured as unworthy, misogynistic and a womanizer, because he, like others, is unwilling to follow the lead of ONE Lady who deserves no role of leadership.
Any one who knows Ted Foster, knows that he is an Honorable Man. He is a 20 year Veteran. He served in Viet Nam with the US Air Force and was awarded the Bronze Star during his tour of duty. If you know anything about the Bronze Star, you will know that they don't pass them out like candy at a Boy's Club Christmas Party. He did not want to become a Ride Captain in the PGR. He had to be convinced that he would make a good one. I was the Ride Captain that put him up for the promotion. I have no idea of a final count of the Missions Ted attended, but it is well over 200. He has as many or more Missions under his belt than any other Ride Captain in the Wichita Falls area. Any Ride Captain. He has followed the instructions and leadership of other "Lady Ride Captains" with no problem at all. I would follow this man into battle, let him take my back, and feel quite certain that I was in capable hands. More importantly I would trust him with the lives of my Wife, Son, Daughter-in-Law and Grand Children. To malign Ted is to spit on the very Flag We hold so dear. You should look a little closer to your own home for the problem in this area.
(2) Activities damaging to PGR reputation. Despite counseling from PGR leadership you have persisted in your participation in the "Journey For Justice" event and were observed at these events with PGR identifying marks. This event is in direct contradiction of the PGR mission statement, and the PGR organization desires no association with it. Your persistent participation now makes it necessary for PGR to distance itself from you personally.
This is your second reason for Ted's dismissal. I'll address this as individually as I can. There was no counseling, there were only ultimatums passed down from above. Mike Lambert told us we could not go to Topeka as PGR. Those that went, went as members of Journey 4 Justice (the true name of that organization), not PGR. Ted never attended any J4J events. He stayed in Texas while others travelled to Topeka. How can someone be observed if they were not there? During our first trip to Topeka, Ted was at a Mission in support of Chell Freeman, R/C from Chilldress, Tx. On the occasion of our second trip to Topeka, Ted stayed behind because his wife was ill and he wanted to be close to home. This didn't stop him from Honoring a Gold Star Family by acting as Ride Captain for the Veteran Cousin of the Mother in that Gold Star Family. Having never being a participant, I would say it would be false to call his a "Persistent participation", wouldn't you? If any member of the Red River Region should be distanced from the PGR it would not be Ted. You should hold him and all like him if you can find any, close to your bosom and pray that he stays with you.
About Journey 4 Justice, and why some from here joined that group. Journey 4 Justice does the same thing as PGR in that we held flag lines. We never confronted any members of the Westborough Baptist Church. We simply went to areas known to be frequented by them in an effort to give them a silent taste of their own medicine. We were asked, by a Gold Star Family, if we could start a Team from Texas. This Family wanted our support and help in dealing with their own grief by confronting those persons of evil that brought their group to the Funeral of their Son. Part of the PGR Mission is to cater to and do what is possible to help these Families that have given so much for us. We wore vests that had PGR patches, true, but; those were patches that we purchased, they were not issued. The PGR says it is not a motorcycle club, and therefore can not dictate the patches worn by it's members. I can tell you all this one truth. We never did anything to bring shame on the name or organization that is the PGR.
In closing I will reiterate that Ted "Frosty" Foster is one of the best Ride Captains you ever had in this area.
Gary Fortner
USAF Viet Nam Veteran E-4
Honorably Discharged in 1973
PGR Member 2007/Present
Ride Captain 2007/2013
Posting on behalf of J. Vaccarella:
As a present PGR member of eight years and Past Ride Captain of six years, I hope you will take the time to read this letter.
I am attempting to keep the PGR at the national level from making a grievous error and to prevent the complicity of slander that has taken place in the North Texas Region. I realize all you have to go on the the allegations of State Captain M. Lambert but, you need to know that he has his issues (as they are not facts) wrong and he is going to drag the National PGR into a pit that will not be easy to climb out of.
False allegations have been charged against Ted Foster that are basically falsehoods as the Red River area and the North Texas Region have their facts confused with someone else. This is not the first time this has happened and it was kept at the local level, but now the Leadership has chosen to make public, allegations that can be proven to be false, not just by myself, but by multitudes that include other PGR members, Ride Captains, and District Captains, if you only take the time to listen.
I have not been made privy to all of the allegations but what I have heard can be easily refuted.
I am sure you will hear from others on these matters, but, I implore you to take the time to listen, as from what I have heard and from what I know to be the truth, you are being led blindly down a path which will be highly detrimental to the PGR.
I can easily give you names of persons who would be unbiased in any questions you may ask as they are not from our area. Mr. Lambert on the other hand is acting with extreme prejudice as he seeks hateful revenge for his personal friends. The problem is he has people and issues confused and now is slandering a dedicated individual that has done more for the PGR than anyone in all of north Texas.
Mr Foster is a Bronze Star Veteran and has led an exemplary life, both in the military and his personal life. Your local "Chief" Captain once told Mister Foster, he didn't believe he earned the Bronze Star but I am here to say, I have seen his citations and his medals.
Mister Foster has lived and served this area longer than I have been alive. He is loved by multitudes and has the respect of all who know him.
The local and state leadership have developed such animosity toward Mister Foster and one can easily understand it, as they do not have the respect of our area citizens like Ted does.
The allegations of him being involved with Journey 4 Justice is nothing more than a Blatant Lie. Mr Foster has Never had any dealings with J4J and when one of the trips was made to Topeka, Mr Foster was on a PGR mission, over a hundred miles away. Mr Lambert has no evidence of such an event as it has never occurred. Mr. Lambert is simply trying to serve up the cool-aid in hopes that you will drink it. He is blindly leading you down a path in hopes you will not think for
yourselves or check into any of the allegations yourself, but simply dance to the tune he plays and be his puppet.
The choice is yours. I am willing to answer any questions you may have or as I stated before, I can suggest others who I assure you can give you an unbiased information.
Oh and about Mr Lambert and J4J, He stated at a meeting we had here years ago that " I don't care if you go to Topeka or not, as long as the PGR is not involved in any way. Hell, if things were different, I'd go with you." So with that said, was he truthful then, now or never?
I know you must be busy but, again I ask you respectfully to do the research. Call J4J and ask if Ted is a member. Call the Lady at Hospice and ask what transpired and how it transpired. Please, don't sit back and blindly slander or convict an Honored Veteran without so much as seeking the Truth. Do the Honorable thing.
J. Vaccarella
PGR member
Past Ride Captain
Posting on behalf of Laura Calvert:
To whom it may concern and/or be of interest to:
I am relatively sure that this letter will go by the wayside along with several more but I am writing it anyway in hopes that at least one person will think about what you have done..
This letter is being written in defense of Ted "Frosty" Foster and the undeserving way he has been treated by and dismissed by a select few, self centered people that are supposedly honorable people that supposedly honor this country's veterans..
Ted Foster is one of the most patriotic, respectful, down to earth people that I have had the privilege of meeting, standing flag line with, riding to numerous missions with as well as seeing him involved in all aspects of PGR..
This is a 78year old gentleman that is kind to everyone, respectful to all and enjoys life.. Or at least he did enjoy life until certain someone's accusations and lies have brought him down and made a frail acting person out of him in just a few short days. This is a man that took pride in his name, never having it smeared with accusations and lies before.. took pride in his veteran status that you all as a collective group have sullied, took pride in knowing that people loved him(female and male alike) for himself and what he has always stood for.. this is a man that has gone the extra mile for the PGR over the last seven years, and has probably done more missions, stood more flag lines in all types of weather than any other PGR member in this area. This includes blue hats, red hats and or tan hats. And I feel pretty confident that most if not all that know him, will agree..
Even after he stepped down from Ride Captain status, not once did he ever cut down PGR as an organization, not once did he or any of the other ride captains that stepped down tell people not to attend missions.. not once did he try to undermine PGR ..He always made it perfectly clear that he no longer was ride captain for PGR but was now an Honor Guard Captain for the American Legion Riders post 202... He always was upfront about who he was representing...this includes the lady at Hospice about the Honor Flight Doc mission.. I and several others were standing there at the Jefferson School during the program for the Honor Flight escort 5/1/2014 when she approached Ted about coming to the theatre, handing all of us a flyer.. He explained then about who he was representing. I was actually the one that mentioned to the lady that requested our presence and another lady that was with her that we could have bikes there as well.. Both said that it would be awesome if parking permitted since there is limited parking downtown in that area. Ted and one of the other Honor Guard Captains made it a point to secure parking for the bikes just a few days after receiving request..
What you people sitting up there in your so called high positions do not know or care to know in my humble opinion is this:
PGR is a great organization but the North Texas Leadership from the state captain on down to the local three Ride Captains have done more damage to the organization in one fell swoop by the dismissal of Ted Foster than I personally ever thought I would be witness to...I will guarantee you that you all have started a domino effect that may have no stopping place... As far as J4J participation, Ted was in Quanah assisting ride captain there on mission when one Topeka trip was made.
Then he was here on mission when second trip was made...there are pictures to prove this.. My own personal opinion about this whole debacle is that someone was butthurt and their ego was too big to admit they were wrong, so they would rather defame Ted Fosters name and character..
As far as him being sexist, wrong again.. Two of his favorite ride captains happen to be female.. This man has probably attended over 300 missions in last 7 years, being rc or rc#2 on a large portion of them.
In closing, my hope is that at least one of you people that receive this email will actually take the time to read it and do a little research, rescind your decision to dismiss him from PGR..
Laura Calvert
Proud wife of Vietnam Veteran
Proud daughter of WWII Veteran
Proud Blue Star family member
Proud PGR blue hat
Posting on behalf of Dave Grinch Griminger:
To the Board of Directors Patriot Guard Riders
My name is Dave Griminger( GRINCH), for those of you that do not know me here is a little background on myself.
I joined the PGR in March of 06, at the time, membership numbers were shown and I was 9747.
I started off as a blue hat and was given Ride Capt status by David A. David Sr. the Texas State Capt at the time. David also stepped me up to Sr. Ride Capt and after the resignation of the late J.D. McNamara from the position of Deputy State Capt of the Panhandle/South Plains Region, here in Texas, DD honored me by allowing me to be the 2nd DSC for this region. I have been thru 6 State Captains since going into this position. I have served under some great state captains, and others who know nothing about leadership and respect at all, I was there when DD welcomed Twister to the Texas Gathering of The Guard, and coined him with a Texas PGR coin. I am also a 20 year veteran of the USAF so I understand leadership and have a working knowledge of how the chain of command should work.
This email is in regards to the removal of Mr. Ted Foster's membership status. I have worked MANY missions with Mr. Foster both in the Wichita Falls area and when he and others have traveled into this region from Wichita Falls and I can tell you without hesitation, Mr. Foster is one of the finest members this organization had. At no time did I EVER see Mr. Foster be disruptive, or violate any Code of Conduct as he is accused of. There has been several times when Mr. Foster and a group of riders from the Wichita Falls area would show up at a mission in the Childress area and never once hesitated about going to work and getting flags set or anything else. I would like to add that most of the missions in the Childress area are normally RC'd by Michelle Freeman. Mr. Foster has NEVER given Michelle Freeman any problems, always completely respectful and never hesitated when asked to help get things ready at the burial site no matter what was asked of him. I would be proud to have more Ride Capts the caliber of Mr. Foster.
Mike Lambert made the comment that Texas is a Right to Work state. Yes it is, HOWEVER, we are not workers, we are VOLUNTEERS. Including the BoD and all members of leadership. We receive nothing for what we do. I don't think you can use that as grounds for what the BoD has done to Mr. Foster. DD once made the comment The BoD is there to support the Blue Hats, not the other way around. I believe this was a true statement.
You also accuse Mr. Foster of going to Topeka, Kansas in support of Journey4Justice a 501c3 organization. I can tell you with 100% certainty Mr. Foster HAS NEVER made a trip to Topeka in support of J4J. I know. I made 2 trips myself. In Mr. Childrees's email, he stated that Mr. Foster was observed in Topeka ,HOW was he observed ?,,,Does the PGR now have a secret police force that follows its members??? IF your evidence is a picture of a group of riders in front of a War Memorial, was there anything disrespectful towards the PGR seen? NO. Were we wearing vests, yes, some were, some were not. Yes, a group of riders, who some happen to be PGR members went on a road trip someplace. Does that make it a PGR mission or Ride?? NO. Was it illegal? NO. To say someone cannot join or support another organization, is wrong. In an earlier email it was stated the PGR must distance themselves now from J4J, yet, when I review ALL threads in the LEADERSHIP forums of the PGR National website, there is NOTHING in any forum or thread about J4J or being a member. Members I met and spoke to from other states while in Topeka ( Colorado, Florida, NY, Ohio and Nebraska just to name a few) confirmed to me that they have had no problems from leadership in their states with them making a trip to Topeka, In fact, I met leadership from several other states while there visiting. I along with the other riders did not go to Topeka to "counter protest " WBC as it has been claimed. I went to learn about them. I wanted to see them in their home town, talk to locals about them, and see their compound. I might also add, I went at the invitation of a GOLD STAR FAMILY who made the journey there as well. This experience helped me to better understand them and I have tried to try to pass on what I learned to my ride captain team in this region in the unlikely event they do try to show up in Texas again. The American Legion Riders nationwide allow their riders to join the PGR if so desired. I hold COLORS as a Charter Life Member of the VFW riders. They don't mind if I wish to ride with anyone else or have a PGR patch or pin on the front of my vest. I have members in this region from almost every MC in Texas, and every other group, including CMA, HardCore and the Iron soldiers. I have never had someone say, Gee, I would like to part of the PGR but I ride with BACA.
The BoD is wrong on this decision. I don't know how/where or who your information is coming from, but I assure you, it is wrong and completely false and hurtful at the very least. Mr. Foster did nothing to be treated this way.The BoD is prosecuting a 78 year old decorated veteran. If any action should be taken, it should be taken towards ALL of those who are attempting to tarnish the good name of Mr. Ted Foster.
Respectfully request Mr. Foster be reinstated as a MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING.
Dave Griminger
Deputy State Capt
Panhandle/South Plains Region, Texas
Patriot Guard Riders
Posting on behalf of Chell Peanut Freeman:
I don't even know where to begin.. I joined the PGR in 08, since joining I have held the positions of Contact coordinator( sending out emails), a Ride Capt., and as Deputy State Captain. Also just as a blue hat. I am appalled at what is being done to Ted Foster(Frosty). From the first time meeting ted he has been a friend, a mentor, and a guy that I know would drop everything he is doing to come help me. I know this because he has done that. Anytime I have every called him to help with a mission or just had a question he has always helped. He was with me at my first mission as a Ride Capt. on June 10, 2011. He was right there encouraging me. I have never had a problem with Ted or his friends as you called them on ever helping me and as a female I have never seen this man ever act towards any female in a manner that is considered misogynistic and discriminatory as you put it. Ted did not step down as a ride captain because she was female he stepped down because she is a hard person to work with I myself don't like working with her. I am usually the only female on the missions in my area plus usually the only one under 40, he has never made me feel uncomfortable, or that he is superior to me, he has always treated me like an equal. I myself am not military, funny that has never bothered him in anyway and has also said it was a pleasure working with me. He has never had a problem with me telling him what to do. When I became the DSC he was my number one fan and always I mean always supported me. Does this sound like a man that can't work with a female or has a problem with them being in a leadership role?
It amazes me how in In April of 2012 when Ted was supposedly in Topeka doing the J4J, he was in Quanah Texas with me doing a Veteran Marine mission. Now how can he be in two places at one time? I called him told him I was short handed and he showed up with a group and helped me out. I do have several members there that day that will vouch for Ted. stating that he was there.
I myself do think that you need to go back and review your facts...Ted has never been anything but helpful to me and a man of honor. He has never had a problem working with me or helping me and I am HONORED to call him my friend. I stand behind him on this one!!
Chell Peanut Freeman
RC, Contact Coordinator of the Panhandle south plains region
Posting on behalf of Mike Caudle:
PGR Board of Directors, Texas State Leadership
I am a PGR "Blue Hat" of 5.5 years in good standing, but that is subject to change. I am writing in regards to the unjust and Baseless attack on the character of former Ride Captain
Ted "Frosty" Foster. I attend mission with the Red River Area and have since I joined the PGR. I attended some with DFW area but when I went on my first mission in Wichita Falls I
met all the guy's and gal's up there and was welcomed to the family with open arms. Ted Foster treated me like I was one of the crowd from the very first instant that I pulled up on my bike, as he has with everyone I have seen pull up for the first time since! Male or Female!
Ted Foster , in my humble opinion, has been nothing but the epitome of what the PGR should hope all members strive to be. This man has led every mission with professionalism, compassion, and integrity. I cannot believe that this man's dedication to the PGR mission is even being called into question. Ted lives for the Honor of standing for Veterans and their Families. He has gone above and beyond what is expected of the RC's as well as the PGR. I can tell you that there are hundreds of families here in North Texas that love and respect this man for the comfort and continued friendship he has given them long after the mission is over.
Ted is the face of the PGR in the Red River Area, his reputation in this community is above reproach. Just a ball park figure I would guess this man has stood for 400 missions or more. While the areas Chief RC was rubbing elbows with leadership, Ted was here doing missions, Standing tall for those that stood for us, and their families. Any place you go up here with your PGR attire on someone always knows Ted and asks about him as well as talks about him and what he has done for the Veterans in this community.
I have read the trumped up charges against Ted, have not seen any proof of any of them, nor will I because it does not exist. Any collaborated statements as Mr. Mike Childree put it are just pure figment of some ones imagination. Let's stop beating around the bush and say what's really going on here. The Chief RC's wife got pissed of and quit the PGR, she did not take a leave of absence, she did not step down to a blue hat, she did not just stay away from missions and keep her RC status. She let everyone know she quit and walked away. A year later she decides she wants to come back as an RC and because her husband is the Chief RC no one should speak up. Well some did and were asked for their resignations, some threatened to step down if she was made a RC, which they did.
Ted is accused of being a misogynist, this would be funny if it wasn't so laughable, this man has gathered up riders from our area to go help Lady RC's in the Panhandle Region as well as the Southwest Oklahoma Region. Ted has the full respect of the men and the ladies. There is a lady RC that walks around with a chip on her shoulder though, right after she returned I invited a couple of my friends from another area on one of our missions, they told me they would not be back because of her attitude and the way she talked to people.
He is accused of having a problem with non Veteran Leadership, this is total BS, Ted did his Job 100 percent of the time no matter who the main RC was. He carried out every mission with the utmost respect, he gave his all at every mission. This came up when Ted was not even in the conversation, a certain RC that was going to step down and changed his mind at the last minute made a statement during a conversation after the mission that Chief RC was the head RC and pictures where posted of flags laying in the bushes by one of the Chief RC's friends. A gold star parent was called by a Veteran friend of his and told about it. The statement was made that all the Veteran Ride Captains had stepped down and if they would have been there, there would not have been any flags in the bushes. I can tell you for a fact that it would not of happened under Ted's watch, he would have been there that instant, and if the person that put that flag there needed a break, he would have relieved him. Having said that the RC that did not step down took issue with the gold star parents statement about Veteran RC's. Ted was no where in or around the conversation.
Let me be clear, Ted is not and never has been the problem in this area, without him and the RC's that stepped down there wouldn't even be a PGR presence in this area, it is their hard work that gave the PGR the footing that it has here, it is Ted and the other RC's that stepped down reputations built this area. The lady that put the Honor Flight Movie Theater deal together came to Ted, I was standing there in a group talking to him when she came up and asked him if he could get some Veterans together and some flags, she said he could even put some bikes up on the side walk, he made sure she knew that he was with the American Legion Riders and not the PGR, it was a week later that the Chief RC's wife went in and solicited for the PGR to stand a flag line, problem was she did not talk to the lady that was in charge.
There are people that do the job, bust their butts to make sure things are done and done right. Then there are the ones that show up after the work is done and claim the credit, Ted and the RC's that stepped down are the ones that did the work. To treat Ted with the disrespect he has been treated with after 7 years of busting his rear for the PGR is wrong. To assault a man of his integrity without even questioning were it comes from is wrong. Ever one is watching, if a man that has given his all for 7 years with an impeccable reputation can be railroaded like this, anyone can. Thank you for your time and consideration, in closing I will just say these charges are so far out of line it makes one question leadership and the PGR steps that have been bypassed on this witch hunt.
Michael R. Caudle
PGR Member 5.5 yrs.
USMC Vet. 76-84
Owner: M&J Transport
Posting on behalf of Cindy Bragg:
Dear Sirs:
I am writing you in regards to Ted Foster being notified he was officially and irreversibly removed from the ranks of the PGR . There are no words to explain the sickness I felt when I heard this news. Then after the weeks that followed and finally the reasons were disclosed I became angry and utterly appalled. The reply to Ted from Mike Childree was disrespectful to say the least. Mike Childree holds the position as VP/National Board of Directors? He needs a lesson or two in etiquette.
I received my first impression of the PGR at the funeral of Marine Sgt. Gary Johnston, he was the son of my dear friends Nubbin and Angela Johnston. I was so impressed with the honor in which they carried out this mission. I come from a very strong military background beginning with my great grandfather dad, brothers, nephew and my 2nd cousin General Tommy Franks. I can assure you sirs my blood runs red, white, and blue. At the funeral of my nephew William Eric Baker who had served in the Army 66th MP Brigade, 18th MP Brigade, and 5th and 7th Special Forces groups, also as US Navy Petty Officer where his missions were classified, again I saw the honor of the PGR and as family member saw how much it helped me. I knew I wanted to belong to this honorable organization.
I vividly remember my first mission with the PGR. I didn’t know anyone but the Johnstons and they had not arrived yet, but Mr. Ted Foster was there. He came up to me introduced himself and led me to where others were standing and one by one introduced me to them. He then briefed us on the mission at hand. By the time he was finished I knew exactly what was expected of me, what , when, and where. He made sure every detail was taken care of for the family and the fallen hero. I was hooked. I was so proud to be a part of this outstanding group of individuals. I can’t tell you how many missions I have been on with Frosty, but I can tell you I have never been on one that he didn’t take care of his team and the families with the utmost respect. His missions were organized and were always carried out with honor and dignity.
The ridiculous allegation of misogynistic and discriminatory ideas he has expressed regarding women in the PGR is ludicrous. I have ridden with him countless times and he has expressed how he enjoyed riding with me and always complementing my riding abilities. He has ridden under many female Ride Captains and done an outstanding job helping in any way he could. This is one of the most honorable men I have ever had the privilege of knowing. His integrity is beyond reproach.
There are many that have had issues with one female ride captain, and yes there are women that share these same issues. She has stepped down twice only to be reinstated. As an American who loves her country and its flag I was sickened when I saw her post a picture on face book, my countries flag laying in the bushes while she stopped for a photo opp. At that time the family of the fallen hero were going into the church. Wow, where was the honor in that. I quit going to her missions just as others have due to the dishonorable way they were handled.
As for the accusation of Mr. Foster going to Kansas is just another example of this ridiculous witch hunt. I went on both trips and I can assure you Ted was not among either group. I went on both trips for the same reason I joined the PGR to stand a flag line in honor of those who gave all. The evil was there and we went to it. We in no way acted on behalf of the PGR. Although if the PGR would have pulled their heads out and focused on what we were doing instead of trying to control us they would have been very proud of what we accomplished. I live in the United States of America and if I choose to go anywhere and hold my countries flag I will do so. The threats by Barbara Johnson did not and will not dictate where I hold a flag in honor of our military. If the research had been done they would have seen Ted Foster was right here in Texas holding missions for the PGR on both occasions.
As far as the accusation of Ted interfering with a PGR mission at the Honor Flight event once again the truth has been twisted. ANYONE who knows Ted Foster will tell you he would NEVER misrepresent himself. There was no reason to.
This honorable man has been treated with such disrespect. I am ashamed of the leadership and do not understand how this has even been allowed to get to this juncture. The response from Mike Childree was despicable. How dare he speak in such a demeaning manner to anyone, much less to a man who has served his country and honored so many. He has ridden over 400 missions!! Oh, maybe I have answered my own question, Mr. Ted fought and received the Bronze Star to give Mr. Childree his right to free speech.
The North Texas PGR had 5 fine men step down from Ride Captain positions, one would think this would cause pause with someone in leadership. Instead of doing an investigation and coming to Wichita Falls and talking to the members and those 5 men they choose to bury their heads in the sand and let them resign. This has had a dramatic negative effect on this area. Ask your female ride captain how many show up to her missions. Do your research gentleman. The honorable organization I once saw no longer exist. It is like our country, the problem is not with America it is with the leadership. And so it is with the PGR leadership. We have gone to them to no avail. We only received silence, or rude and disrespectful comments or demands. Our voices have never been heard. But, they made sure their voices were heard by attacking a man who has done nothing but make the PGR look good in the North Texas area for over 400 missions not to count the endless hours of work done to raise money on behalf of the PGR. What a shame.
I implore you to revisit these allegations. Where is the proof? Ask yourself the real reason behind all of this.
As for Mr. Ted Foster, I will stand beside him and fight for his honor until he tells me to stand down. I am honored to know and call him my friend. I will follow his lead on any mission. He is the real deal folks. A finer man you will never meet. He loves his Lord, his family and friends and he loves this UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! And for all his contributions, I thank him.
It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly.
Cindy “Goose” Bragg
Proud Patriot Guard Rider
Posting on behalf of Cary Allen:
I don't really know how the PGR is set up, in regard to rules and leadership? I do know that Ted "Frosty" Foster is my friend and one of the best men I have ever met. I have been a PGR member for about a year and a half. I have never witnessed any attempt to discredit or disregard any PGR effort, on Mr. Foster's part. It kind of irritates me that such a statement has to be made. Ted Foster is what the PGR should be about. Female Ride Captains are not as common place an male ones, but I have seen Ted Foster work well with the Lady Captain in Lawton / Fort Sill. I have never heard him express any conflicts in regard to gender. I also know that Ted Foster said that he told the contact person about his resignation as PGR ride Captain, when THEY contacted him about the honor flight. I do not need proof of this, because Ted said it !!
I don't know what a J4J is? I was very disappointed when this whole thing first came to a head. We had very good local leadership in the north Texas area. However, the removal of Ted "Frosty" Foster from PGR membership is the ultimate insult to the membership, in my humble opinion. The PGR has now shot itself in both feet. I don't see how it can stand?
Cary M. Allen
U.S.N. Veteran
W.F.P.D. Retired
Posting on behalf of Bill Perry :
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Leadership of PGR,
I am William (Bill) Perry, Vietnam Veteran 501st. 101st. Airborne, Member of the PGR since there first mission in our Area. I am a Past Master of Iowa Park Lodge 713 as well and all I am about to write is on the square.
Our Area in the North Texas, Wichita Falls Area is in deep trouble. The National Leadership needs to look into this matter as the problems come from those under you.
I have known the PGR to be a great organization to support our Troops and Veterans and have been very proud to be a part of their missions. I only hope there is a way to healing in this situation.
However, with all that said, as of late. Ted Foster has been removed from the PGR. of Texas. I think I have been on most missions with Ted. He is a Southern Gentlemen, that I have never know to be in any way against the PGR. In one year I know he rode in over 200 missions even with his advance age of over 75 and frail health at times. He has always welcomed PGR members and made them feel at home in our organization.
1. The allegations brought against him are completely unfounded. As far as the "Ride to Freedom" [Journey 4 Justice] goes, it was announced that it was "Not a PGR Mission". I was there when this was announced. Also, Ted did not go to, nor did he participate in that event.
2. Code of Conduct Violations: This allegation is also completely unfounded. I have never know Ted to Violate any of the Code of Conduct rules. There are some malcontent leaders in our area that I am sure have something to do with this, by this I mean at the Level of Texas leadership down.
I must feel this has to be an oversight on their part, as this problem should have been stopped at the Local Level. To "defame the Good Name of a Fellow Decorated Veteran" without proper investigation from people above the State level is a travesty to say the least. This is a serious matter and will not go away, but only grow, if you follow the course of non-action. Our organization is to Honor Veterans, both serving, enlistment completed and retired - not protect those who want to be the center of everything.
For some reason I have faith the PGR is bigger than this and will correct this huge mistake. Everyone makes mistakes, but once you know about the mistakes and refuse to correct them, to keep leaders in place, you become a Dictatorship. I have fought for our Freedom and completely understand the tenants of Justice. Do your Job for God's Sake.
From my personal observation. I have seen "5 PGR Combat Veterans" step down from being Ride Captains because of conflict with a local leader that was reinstated as a Ride Captain. At first I thought this to just be a conflict of personality, but then all 5 Combat Veterans were removed from the PGR Local mailing list. That was an act of spite. They were then put back on the mailing list. Before this the 5 Combat Veterans were still riding with the PGR but just as Riders in Support like everyone else.
Then the next thing I knew of was a Down Town Showing of the Documentary "Honor Flight"...I knew that the American Legion had that mission a month before Local PGR people solicited the mission to a lower person that was putting on the showing. About 3 days before the showing of "Honor Flight" was to happen the Local PGR Posted the mission to their members. They should have known almost to the day they solicited the mission that they did not have it. The next day they post a Stand-down from the mission. They never had it. This is how petty this has become. There can always be misunderstandings in any group, but misunderstanding can be worked out between groups.
Also, yesterday I regret to say, the Dad of a Fallen Soldier has asked for the memorial pins back from Local Leadership because of the actions and false accusations made against Ted and treatment of Local members who have questioned this treatment..
As of late I know of 20 plus Veterans that have removed any sign or insignia of PGR from their uniforms. I soulfully hope that they will someday put them back on. I respectfully request as a Veteran, that you of the "National Leadership" reopen this case and investigate it at the National Level, it is impossible to handle at a State Level and when the guilty parties are found, you should afford them the same punishment as they have so wrongfully awarded Ted. For they know what they are doing, and have been made aware of it by many.
William (Bill) Perry
101st. Airborne
Vietnam 1967-1968
Posting on behalf of Ray Sluder:
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am writing you in regards to the trouble in North Texas concerning the PGR.
Since I joined the PGR in 2009 we have been a close knit family. I am saddened and heartbroken that my family has been ripped apart by the thoughtless leadership among our ranks. To accomplish a successful Mission, it takes all of us. The Mission focus has been lost.
We have disgraced some of the finest long term family members of PGR with these false allegations against Ted and Inez Foster.
I hope you as the board of directors recognize your error in this wrong doing and correct this thoughtless action.
If these troubles cannot be resolved in an honorable manner for our family, Ted and Inez, then we will carry on our honor and respect to all Veterans through the means of The American Legion and The American Legion Riders.
Your great loss will be The Legions gain of a prolific Honor Guard Captain.
The American Legion Post 202
Posting on behalf of Linda Ryckoff:
To Whom It May Concern;
This letter is written with great concern, about the character assassination attempt and PGR termination of Ted Foster.
Since joining the PGR I have proudly told people what they do and why, and promoted there cause. This great respect that I have gotten, came from men like Ted Foster that I watched and admired, as he and other went on missions in heat, rain, sleet, and snow. When we were on these missions, we were there for one reason, to honor the fallen hero
and there families. Ted and those of us who rode with him on these missions, did so with great respect for this country, and to honor those who died to protecting our freedom.
I have attended PGR functions, and personal family events with Ted. Never have I witnessed or heard any disrespectful remarks on his part.
After reading the accusations, for which you deemed it necessary to terminate his PGR membership, I have come to the conclusion that this sounds like a personal vendetta.
Factious remarks have been made that have not and can not be substantiated. It amazes and frustrates me that that you have taken the words of the words of this person or person(s) and it the absolute truth. Who are these people, which you obviously hold them and there word
in such high regard? Why should their accusations and motives not be in question here?
Sometimes people tell only part of the great injustice being done to them, what they want you to hear, in order to get what they want done. Question: Is the PGR by invitation only or are they suppose to solicit missions.
I know you think you have heard all the facts, but they have been distorted to carry out this personal attack. The accusers have gotten there day in court and the sentencing has followed, but I don't see the defense having there day. Again this is a personal vendetta being carried out, with some assistance from you.
Seems to me that the person or person(s) perpetrating such serious charges, as to ask for TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP, should have to sit down with the accused, and with an arbitrator. That seems to be the only way to find out what is really going on here. Or even better you can issue an apology to Mr. Ted Foster and ask for his forgiveness.
Blue Star Parent
Posting on behalf of Larry Smith:
It has come to my attention that a member in the North Texas area is being removed for alleged inappropriate conduct. Ted Foster. I’m actually appalled at the allegation. I’ve only been a member myself for 2 ½ years and have seen nothing that would lead me to believe what I’m seeing alleged. It is slander. I’ll answer what I know of each allegation.
(1) Interference with PGR missions. You pressured Honor Flight event coordinator to rescind an invitation for PGR participation, in favor of an ALR "honor guard" group. This was done despite the fact that the event coordinator contacted you believing that you were PGR leadership. You placed the event coordinator in a very awkward position, and probably damaged the reputation of both groups.
Mr. Foster was contacted by the Honor Flight coordinator about a possible mission. He told that person he was no longer a Ride Captain for PGR but with American Legion. That person said they did not care who he was with, they wanted him. How is that his fault? He was/is a American Legion Rider and said he could get it done. That person I knew of as Kristy or something like that. I have no last name. But how is it his fault that they want Mr. Foster. That makes no sense. PGR has always been invited at these missions by American Legion but it was never passed on. I got on the mailing list to find out myself. It is leadership that refused to pass that on to PGR members. PGR is damaging their own reputation by their actions. Here is a guy that did/does good work and you want to slander him because of it. Look closer to home as to who is ruining PGR reputation. You have the wrong person.
(2) Activities damaging to PGR reputation. Despite counseling from PGR leadership, you have persisted in your participation in the "Journey For Justice" event and were observed at these events with PGR identifying marks. This event is in direct contradiction of the PGR mission statement, and the PGR organization desires no association with it. Your persistent participation now makes it necessary for PGR to distance itself from you personally.
I never even heard of this until recently. Never did I hear of it from Mr. Foster. The only person I heard this from is Mike Johnson. Again, this is Mr. Fosters fault? You might want to find out who really keeps bringing J4J up. It isn’t where you think. And this was two years ago and now it’s a problem? You have the wrong person anyway.
(3) Code of Conduct violations. These involve misogynistic and discriminatory ideas you have expressed, regarding the suitability of women and non-veterans as PGR leadership. Apparently you feel strongly enough about it to step down as PGR ride captain, along with several other like-minded friends, in protest. Further to that, you have repeatedly attempted to undermine the efforts of female leadership in your area.
This area I’ve seen first hand. There has been a problem here but never once have I seen or heard Mr. Foster say anything derogatory. He has only mentioned he disagreed with leadership re-instating a Ride Captain and stepped down himself because of it. And as far as I’ve heard that involved only that person, not all women. But yes, he did disagree with that one issue and made it clear by his own resignation as Ride Captain. Never have I heard him say anything to anyone derogatory. It was a simple total disagreement. It is a fact that most Ride Captains in this area are veterans. Is that his fault? Let me tell you this, that female as it has been described, needs no help from anyone to fail. Even as a Blue Hat I’ve point out an area that I will not put up with and she fails to see it even when brought to her attention immediately after a mission. I did it after so as not to disrupt the mission. She will fail on her own. She needs no help and Mr. Foster knows that. I have never heard him say anything to the contrary. Again, you have the wrong person.
Let me say this in closing. The North Texas leadership has a problem. It isn’t Mr. Foster.
#1 The allegations are actually more accurately addressed to other members. You have the wrong one.
#2 Journey for Justice. Again, wrong person. Did he associate with that person? Yes. But he isn’t your man.
#3 You have 5 Ride Captains that stepped down, yet you protect one person. It’s cut your nose off to spite your face. Maybe there’s a reason. The 5 worked hard. They continue to work hard for American Legion. I never knew what this protected one was about so kept an open mind. I soon saw why. Again, you got the wrong person.
What is taking place right now is kangaroo court justice at best. Guilty and not one allegation true. You are right though. PGR reputation is being ruined. Not by Mr. Foster though. You need to look a little closer to home.
These actions should never have happened. I question my membership now too. The so called leadership in PGR should understand that to be a good leader you need get people to do what you want them to do because they want to. Motivate. What we have now are dictators. I’m very disappointed with what I see here.
Notice I never said these things did not happen. I’m saying, in this case, you have the wrong person. So if you got this wrong, just how much of any of it is anyone to believe?
L.R. Smith
Rock Hill Ranch
Registered Angus Cattle
Bowie Texas
Postin on behalf of Ann Smith:
Character of Mr. Ted Foster
Patriot Guard Board and Leadership,
I write you this day as I am extremely angry to learn that Mr. Ted Foster has been removed from Patriot Guard Riders (PGR) membership. However, for this e-mail, I will temper my anger as I only want a positive tone regarding Mr. Foster (Ted).
Regarding the allegations against Ted, and the reasons for his removal, here is what I know of his character and how wrong you are:
Interference with PGR Missions. Since Ted is recognized in the Wichita Falls and surrounding communities as a passionate supporter of our fallen heroes, organizations seek him out to support various events. Note that Ted always makes clear which organization, Patriot Guard Riders (PGR) or American Legion Riders (ALR), these coordinators are dealing with. It does not matter if it is the Honor Flight Coordinator (Kristy, I believe) or the Hospice leadership – they do not care if Ted represents PGR or the ALR … they simply want HIM. So, since these organizations seek Ted out, the “mission” was never PGR to begin with – thus, no interference (wasn’t PGR).
Activities damaging to PGR reputation. Ted Foster is not now, and never has been, associated with “Journey for Justice.” He has NEVER mentioned it in all the conversations we have had over the last few years and has NEVER attempted to recruit anyone to their cause. Where you are getting your information is a mystery, the party that has made this “observation” either does not know what they are talking about or is flat out lying.
Code of Conduct Violations regarding women and non-veterans. Excuse me, you clearly do not know Ted Foster! He is an ardent supporter of women (both inside and outside the riding community) and has often stated some of the best Ride Captains he has had the privilege of working with are women. Additionally, his ONLY criteria for one to offer support to our fallen heroes is Patriotic Dedication – does not matter if they are Veteran or non-Veteran. I have personal knowledge of this in regards to BOTH myself and my husband. Neither of us served, yet Ted welcomed us to the PGR and was one of the few PGR members that supported the two of us after my husband’s motorcycle accident in January 2012. To take the inability of several PGR Ride Captains to deal with ONE woman who is also a non-Veteran to the extreme that you have dis-honors the very nature of the organization and is an insult to Ted.
In closing, here are my requests:
1. Reinstate Ted Foster as a member in good standing with the Patriot Guard Riders and do so IMMEDIATELY.
2. Undertake a proper investigation of the allegations against Ted Foster and take appropriate action against those that have, clearly, lied about Ted’s character.
Sincerely Yours ….
Proud Daughter of a WWII Veteran
Proud Member of the American Legion Auxiliary and American Legion
Proud Member of the Patriot Guard Riders
Ann M. Smith
Post on behalf of Jean Ann Fortner:
I don't know what more I can add to the many outstanding comments of friendship and respect for our Ted Foster. I have known Ted for many years through my husband, Gary, and Ted has always been respectful to me, a gentleman and a true friend to all of us. Ted has worked tirelessly with the PGR and the American Legion. Ted and his wife, Inez, are two of the most caring and wonderful people we could be blessed enough to have as our friends. They hold the highest integrity for our country and our flag. I simply cannot believe the lies and hurtful words slung at Ted Foster or, for that matter, others who are his friends. It is appalling and slanderous. As for J4J, Ted Foster has NEVER been with the riders going to Topeka. He has always remained in Wichita Falls to serve the PGR. I honestly do not see how the PGR leadership could have let all of this go on when we have all tried to tell them what and who has caused the PGR of this area to fall apart. DO NOT blame Ted Foster. He is the finest example of patriotism and respect the PGR ever had.
A Rant by Drifter;
I’m not writing this to convince anyone to believe as I do. What I’m trying to do is explain how I feel. Coming from a Military family, I believe you need to have something very strong in your background to anchor your beliefs to the American Way. To Which, I believe if you have not suffered the pangs of WAR, you don’t understand our (Veterans) understanding of FREEDOM. Freedom to a Veteran is Beyond Priceless, I mean how do you apply a dollar amount to human life? Veterans believe in “A Band of Brothers” those who have written a blank check payable to the Freedom of all Americans, up to and including our LIFE. And those Brothers who are “Combat Veterans” this bond goes even deeper. Can you imagine being asked to DIE for your neighbor? The man next to you in the foxhole, on the wall, in the humvee, he might be Black, Oriental, Hispanic, or some other race or color, that part doesn’t matter in COMBAT. Color or race is non-existent in the military, because the next bullet don’t care who is in front of it.
SO I ask you to re-evaluate your position to better comprehend who we are and what we believe in. Better yet Why We Believe So Deeply in Freedom. We Veterans don’t ask anyone to give us our due. As a matter of fact we go out of our way to make sure we don’t infringe on your space and/or rights. The Veterans I know are truly humble men and women, not braggarts, desiring to make their exploits known to all. Very few veterans will tell you what they have been through. They don’t want to relive the grief, so don’t ask.
SO, now down to why I write this. If you believe I am choosing FROSTY and his position over you and the Patriot Guard Riders, so be it. Frosty, Tex, Grinch, Peanut and Vickie PLUS their spouses and families rest safe within MY Band of Brothers, along with Many Others too numerous to mention here. Take the time to understand who we are before you try to dis-honor any one of us. If I may be so bold, “Walk a Mile in Our Combat Boots” to see where we came from. Any Military Spouse will gladly tell you what their soldier has given up FOR YOU.
Curtis Strong
Lawton, Oklahoma
Posting on behalf of Crazy Mike Ryckoff
I am writing this to stand up and defend a PGR brother. A retired, Bronze Star, Air Force Tech Sergeant who was shot down in a helicopter in Vietnam. He served his country to defend my Freedom and all Americans.
I have found for myself when matters are not exactly clear its good to talk to someone else and research the facts… otherwise my perception of what really happened gets a little distorted…in other words I start believing my own bullshit.
I know I can’t always believe what someone else says based on their feelings especially when some things just don’t add up.
Here is what I know to be the facts and the truth: I was the one who wrote Lambert about Tex Calvert being promoted to a Tan Hat. Michael Johnson came to me and said he was getting burned out. I assumed he was stepping down. I was wrong, my mistake.
Also the (2) times the Texas riders went to Topeka, KS to vist Westboro Baptist Church, Ted Foster, Jimmy Murphy and myself attended a mission in Quanah, TX.
I think it was Chell Freeman’s 1st mission as a ride caption. The 2nd time the Texas riders headed to Topeka, Ted and I had a mission here in Wichita Falls; I believe it was for Dan Martini. Neither Ted nor myself have ever been to Kansas for Journey for Justice.
I have never heard Ted Foster disrespect any one for any reason. We have rode together for at least 20,000 miles and attended over 200 missions in my 3 years as a PGR blue hat.
We shared lots of stories, hamburgers and ice cream, something I am very proud to be a part of.
You know we all have to look in the mirror and be okay with who we are. Some day we will have to face our maker. Being honest with one’s own self seems like a pretty good direction to start.
Just being human I believe we all are a little selfish and self-centered, it’s just in our nature. It is so unfortunate and I feel sorry for someone whose ego has been bruised, and wants to blame someone else because their feelings are hurt.
It’s hard to believe what you think is right based on someone else’s perception. Its like the Democrats and Republicans, they both think there right. They both do have some good points, what really is the truth.
Being known as such an Honorable organization, I would thing the PGR would want to know all the facts and get to the real truth, not just one side but also both parties.
Let’s get this out in the open and get to the truth so we can continue to do the right thing. Truth is based on Character and not ego, which is really a form of edging God out. Is this situation just based on someone’s perception or did they get there feelings hurt…is it ego..is it just one-sided…am I wrong?
I really would like to know how this came about and who is behind this and I really believe deep down you would too. Let’s man up and get the facts because it really is the right thing to do. It does not matter whether I like Ted Foster or not, but I do respect him as a PGR RC.
Crazy Mike
Blue Hat PGR
Blue Star Parent
May God Bless American and Guide Us
Note: I know I have missed a few letters - still sifting through the ton of correspondence I received in a very short
period of time. If you notice a glaring omission please point it out.
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