Recap: We are dealing with multiple levels of dysfunction in PGR local, state, regional and in PGR six man board of directors.
1) Ted Frosty Foster the man I call Dad was basically railroaded out of the Patriot Guard (after seven years as a member in good standing and somewhere near 400 missions as a blue/maroon hat) based on a pack lies sold to the BoD by local/state/regional leadership. We provided proof to the contrary to refute every allegation as false or manufactured (details are in the previous posts), but the BoD crony club is standing by their decision and refuses to provide documented proof that they actually conducted a review. We know for a fact they did not. We know they cannot give us proof because they do not have proof. Finally, they simply stated they did not like Ted's tone or that of his cohorts (that would be the people (mostly blue/maroon/tan hats) who wrote the BoD on his behalf to cry foul!)
2) The PGR Code of Conduct specifically states how a member is removed from the PGR. The entire local, state, regional and BoD of the PGR failed to follow protocol. When we pointed out this grievous error we did not get so much as an OOPS! much less an apology. Apparently, the BoD believes the Code of Conduct does not apply to their elitist non-elected, non-representative butts.
3) Local, state, regional leadership as well as the BoD are actively engaging in the black listing of another lawful organization - Journey 4 Justice aka J4J. Not to worry - J4J can and will address this issue. However, anyone wearing a patch from another organization CMA, ALR, Blue Knights, Green Knights, BACA should find this disturbing. It is my opinion that trying to dictate membership associations with other organizations is in direct defiance of the inclusion clause of the Patriot Guard Mission Statement.
"We don’t care what you ride or if you ride, what your political views are, or whether you’re a hawk or a dove. It is not a requirement that you be a veteran. It doesn't matter where you’re from or what your income is; you don’t even have to ride. The only prerequisite is Respect."
The only prerequisite is respect. The Foster family has not seen any evidence of respect from PGR Leadership. Quite to the contrary, what we have experienced is a blatant and totally unfounded disrespect for a USAF 20 Year Bronze Star Vietnam Veteran and his wife of nearly 60 years and his entire family and collection of friends.
The last word we had from VP/Members of the BoD was their decision was final. It would not be revisited. They keep telling us to go away expecting us to go away.
To me that simply suggests a challenge. Not revisit it? We will see about that.
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