Thursday, June 19, 2014

Texas State Captain of PGR Blacklists J4J

The Texas State Captain of the PGR engages in the active blacklisting of another organization, specifically Journey 4 Justice - but, he isn't getting away with it.

From the leader of Texas Team 3 of J4J, Gary Buddha Fortner:

OK, I have held off long enough. I am the Team Leader of "Texas 3" the team from the Wichita Falls area that was started at the request of a Gold Star Family. We travelled to Topeka, KS. to see first hand the evil that is the Westboro Baptist Church. We did this in a lawful way and never once did anything to disrespect the PGR. Also, even though, Ted Foster was signed up as a member; by his Daughter, he never got to travel with us. Allegation 2 against him was totally false, and should probably been directed toward me. BRING IT ON! I stand by what I did and I definitely stand by my Friend and Brother, Ted "Frosty" Foster!

Texas Team 3 of J4J, Ray Tex Calvert:

Now that Gary has confessed, I would also like to confess to being in Topeka, KS. on the first trip that we made as Texas Team 3. The only reason that Gary was the team captain was that I never could get it set up on my computer. Wasn't smart enough to do it so Gary volunteered to do it. Thanks Gary for a job well done. I was and still am, a proud member of J4J Texas Team 3. Being able to see with my own eyes the disrespect shown by the members of the Wet Burros toward the American flag is something I will never forget. I am so glad I made the trip with some of the most patriotic people I have ever known and am PROUD to call this group my friends.

One of the pictures that was posted was a group picture taken in front of a War Memorial in a local park in Topeka, honoring the Korean War Veterans. In this picture I was wearing my vest with a small PGR patch. If you look close, you can see it is a yellow patch. One of our local Ride Captains, who resigned twice and was then reinstated last Oct, said," if you use a magnifying glass you can see it". How petty!!! This picture could have been made in front of any Memorial anywhere in the United States and nothing would have been said, but since it was in Topeka, I should be thrown out of the PGR! By the way, if you look really close, with a magnifying glass, you will not be able to see Ted Foster anywhere in the picture.

This will not, I repeat, will not be my last post on this matter.
Ray "Tex" Calvert SSgt
1/26 Inf. 1st Inf. Division
Vietnam Veteran
Former Sr. Ride Captain
Former Ride Captain
Still a Blue Hat (as of now)

J4J Texas 3 Brings Largest Team to Topeka

From J4J founder Charley Barnes:

Mike “Gunner” Lambert, State Captain of the North Texas PGR, for some reason, seems to hate Journey 4 Justice. I find this hard to fathom that anyone besides members of the Westboro Baptist Church, and those who support them, would not approve of what we do. It’s ironic that both groups started solely because of the WBC, but Mr. Lambert somehow doesn’t realize we both have the same agenda. Personally, I don’t think he has the guts to do what Journey 4 Justice does because I’m sure he’s afraid of the “scary lawyers” and no photo shoots or PR to be had in Topeka.

His claim is that we are protesting the protesters, but if he knew ANYTHING about J4J he would know that is simply not true. In fact, we never use the “P” words because they are negative in their original form. We wave flags; United States, State, POW, MIA etc. as a way of “expressing our right of free speech.” Someone needs to explain to Mike “Gunner” Lambert that the United States flag is NOT a protest sign… it’s a FLAG!

Read More: Mike "Gunner" Lambert Kicks North Texas PGR Member Out Charley Barnes, founder of J4J Nails Texas State Captain
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