Allegation #1 - can be chalked up to petty-minded jealousy on the local leadership level. Mission Envy. It alleges Ted interfered with PGR Missions and pressured Honor Flight Event coordinators to rescind an invitation for PGR participation in favor of ALR Honor Guard.
So here's the gist of the matter. Keep in mind most ALR are PGR in the area. They ride together and stand the flag line together nearly every day. November 2013 - Ted stepped down from the position of PGR ride captain (along with four other seasoned ride captains) because of the dysfunction of the local leadership. Local leadership of the PGR tried to hijack the mission breaking the non-solicitation rule of the PGR. The former PGR ride captains moved over to the American Legion Post 202 of Wichita Falls and became Honor Guard Ride Captains and do what men of their caliber do - carry on. Leaders are leaders no matter what cap they wear.
Ted Frosty Foster and Ray Tex Calvert have set up the Honor Flight missions from the get-go in 2013. To date that would be six events - all of them astoundingly successful. The BoD had the opportunity to review this particular item at length. One email to the coordinators of the event would have cleared this matter to everyone's satisfaction. I believe the rebuttal for this allegation was over 20 pages of fact. They completely dismissed it.
Of particular interest here in my mind is the BoD implies that the two outstanding, hard-working women who coordinate the Honor Flight events simply do not know their own minds and can be swayed by a big ol' 78 year old meany-man. It's so absurd as to defy all explanation. I am guessing they do not realize the absurdity because it is not blanketed in a lie.
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