So many things are wrong about the False attack, Fake trial, and Unjust conviction of our Friend and Brother-Ted "Frosty" Foster; that I can not fully respond to them all. I will respond to the Journey 4 Justice allegations made against Ted.
While attending a fund raiser for the North Texas PGR, more specifically the Red River Region PGR; Dave Griminger addressed those gathered about a New group that had been started in Colorado. Journey 4 Justice (hereafter called J4J) was that group. They were in the infancy of starting this organization. They were soliciting people of like minds to join them in combating the Westboro Baptist Church. This was to be done by travelling to Topeka, Kansas and going to areas known as spots that that church group frequented. If we were to start a group we would be asked to hold flags of our Nation and State at these locations in Topeka. No contact was to be made with the Westboro group. We would act in a lawful manner and not show disrespect to the people of Topeka. We would take the message in this manner to the face of those that had disrupted and shown vial disrespect to veterans and their Families at the funerals of those veterans. At this gathering, a Gold Star Family in attendance asked if we would do this to help them gain some closure. We decided that day that we would check out J4J. Within two weeks we had decided to start a group and travel to Topeka. Ray "Tex" Calvert tried to join J4J and act as our "Team Leader", but could not get signed in on his computer. I volunteered to try and had no problems with accepting that position; when I ultimately got signed up. TEXAS Team 3 was thus born. We told other PGR members of our plans. Many people went online to join with us. There was resistance from PGR Leadership, fearing that we were going to start trouble. Despite assurances from us, some never understood our joining J4J.
We made trips to Topeka and never had trouble with the Westboro folks. The people of Topeka that we came into contact with were very appreciative of our being there. Through our involvement, along with Teams from other States, people from Topeka started joining in to stand up to the very people that they had feared and put up with before. On our second trip, we were asked to go to the Topeka Auditorium where two events were happening that Saturday night. One was a concert, the other a Junior/Senior Prom. The protesters from Westboro were there, but left when we arrived. We stayed, holding our flags and had two people posted at the door acting as doormen for the attendees. The people of Topeka told us "Thank You" for being here for us. They had an opportunity to enjoy the freedom of going to their events without fear of being accosted by the church members. Every time we went to locations in town, we were thanked. Two Church Services were attended by us acting as buffers between the congregants and Westboro. Little older Ladies came and gave us hugs for allowing them to attend the churches of their choice without being abused by Westboro. I stand by our decision to join J4J. We did not break any laws. We started no trouble. We were thanked and appreciated by the people we tried to support. Most importantly, I believe we helped bring closure to a very difficult time for a "Gold Star" couple. These are all the very people we are expected to defend and honor!
Many people signed on to join J4J. Not all of them made trips to Topeka. One of those was Ted Foster. Ted was supportive of us and our efforts. Ted was never disrespectful to us or our belief that we could make a difference in another way. Ted stayed home to be with his wife. While here in Texas, he continued to attend PGR functions and was Ride Captain on one mission, while we were gone. That Mission was for the cousin of our "Gold Star" Mom.
It is my belief (I hope I'm still allowed to have beliefs) that Mike Lambert has confused Ted Foster with Gary Fortner. Notice the similarity in those last names? Mr. Lambert being too proud or arrogant will never admit this, but that is my belief and his mistake.
Barbara Johnson, on the other hand, has been against J4J from the time she learned that the upper echelon in Texas were against us. She has been rude and unwilling to work with any of us since J4J Texas 3 started. So be it! We can all hold our heads high, as we never confused the two organizations. We never treated any Family or Mission in a disrespectful manner. Barbara cannot say that. She consistently treats "Blue Hats" and fellow Ride Captains as underlings, beneath her. She takes advantage of photo ops. She takes pictures at services, including families in those pictures.
In closing, let me repeat. Ted Foster never traveled with J4J. He did however support us and our lawful and honorable efforts.
Gary Fortner
Leader, J4J Texas Team 3
USAF Viet Nam Veteran E-4
Honorably Discharged in 1973
PGR Member 2007/Present
Ride Captain 2007/2013
I will do everything in my power to demonstrate to Gold and Blue Star families, and families of veterans and home-front first-responders that the PGR honors them for the service and sacrifice of their loved ones. This is extended to activities honoring living individuals and units of these organizations. I will remember that our mission to honor these families and their wishes is my main priority as a PGR member. - Patriot Guard Code of Conduct
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