Wednesday, July 9, 2014

PGR pegs BS meter

So, when someone says to you - so and so is a liar.
Do you take that at face value or do you ask for clarification - what has so and so lied about?

So, when someone says to you - so and so is a sexist.
Do you take that at face value or do you ask for clarification - who has so and so abused in such a manner?

So, when someone says to you - we do not condone so and so's organization.
Do you take that at face value or do you ask for clarification - what has so and so's organization done wrong?

So, when someone comes up with an arbitrary my-way-or-the-highway rule or mandate.
Do you accept the ruling or mandate as law without question or do you need it to actually make some sense?

When someone engaging in provocative speech cannot speak to the specifics - do you take them at face value or answer their low brow absurdities with - that's a bunch of BS!

My personal BS detector operates on overload most of the time. I don't know about you but when someone whispers something provocative in my ear I consider the source, consider the target and remain skeptical unless facts are forthcoming that immediately validate or substantiate such claims. I will pull the BS meter out if necessary whether the informer be friend or foe.

To give credence to unfounded statements especially those defaming in nature is astoundingly irresponsible. Rumor and innuendo are a waste of time, energy and patience. From such things libel and slander are born.

The BS meter at Patriot Guard Riders National must be broken. It's probably system overload.

The Patriot Guard local/state/regional leadership have engaged in both libel and slander in the case of Ted Frosty Foster. The Patriot Guard BoD is complicit in the same heinous activity because they have failed to act as a responsible and unbiased body of authority. In order to act responsibly they would have to consider the truth, acknowledge the truth and then hold themselves as well as one or more of their own accountable for disreputable behavior.

To defame another person to maintain some weird idea of the status quo is an inexcusable act of self-preserving cowardice. It is indicative of non-existent integrity. In a group it is mob rule/mob crime. Those of us who have cried BS! on Frosty's behalf are shaking our heads in bewilderment at the audacity of the BoD's asinine actions.

The BoD could clear this up by simply providing the foundation on which the unanimous decision to let the termination stand is based. Until we have particulars in hand that unquestionably validates their decision - we will continue to be a pain in their collective backsides... we will continue to cry BS while we agitate, irritate, aggravate, instigate and speculate.

Sadly, in the meantime, the image of a proud and honorable organization will continue to deteriorate at the hands of those who should be representative of its best and brightest. Talk about an epic fail!
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