Thursday, July 31, 2014

Petition closed today

The Petition closed today. It went out to the Patriot Guard Board of Directors and the National Director of Operations. Six people. The family of Ted Frosty Foster thanks each and every one of you for the support you have shown our family during this trying time.

The voice of hundreds (over 400) should be sufficient for the Board of Directors to consider their actions might need review but so far they have failed to act responsibly so who knows what may come of your effort and ours.

What follows is the cover letter attached to the petition.

The petition itself including the updates posted to it is located on this page under the tab Petition.

Attention: Patriot Guard Riders National Board of Directors

RE: Termination of Ted Frosty Foster

We respectfully submit this petition with over 400 signatures for your review. We, the signers of this petition believe the Board of Directors should review the case of Ted Frosty Foster, a Vietnam Veteran and long term Patriot Guard Rider in good standing who was terminated May 2014 without benefit of due process.

It is our understanding the Board of Directors acted without regard for protocol as called for in Patriot Guard Code of Conduct for terminating a member. As a result of that disregard, we believe the process by which this member was terminated compromised the integrity of the entire proceeding.

It is our belief that the Patriot Guard Board of Directors must adhere to the same set of rules as the membership.

Foster presented his side of the matter. Documented evidence presented by Foster to refute all allegations as nothing but lies and slander is both convincing and compelling. The reluctance on the part of Patriot Guard Board of Directors to acknowledge and comply with Foster’s demands for full disclosure of the particulars especially as concerns the “termination stands” ruling is disturbing and makes the intent and circumstances surrounding the proceedings suspect.

Foster faithfully served both his country and the Patriot Guard organization with dedication and honor. In this great country which he served in times of peril the law states a man is innocent until proven otherwise. That should serve as a reminder that even the Patriot Guard Board of Directors must adhere to the law of the land if not the bylaws of the organization.

We, the signers of this petition request the Board of Directors give Foster fair and unbiased treatment. If the termination stands then Foster deserves to know the particulars which refute his truth. To do otherwise damages the credibility of the BoD decision makers as well as the integrity of the PGR organization beyond repair. That equates to irresponsible leadership and that is unacceptable.

We, the signers of this petition (many of us Patriot Guard Riders in good standing) demand that Foster receive fair treatment and that the Board of Directors act both responsibly and without bias.

Furthermore, should the Board of Directors find that Foster is the victim of unfair treatment as is glaringly apparent at this juncture; we demand the Board of Directors hold those responsible for defaming the character of this veteran immediately and irrevocably accountable.

Please be advised the membership and the general public are paying close attention: The action of the Board of Directors in this matter will, without a doubt, determine how well the organization expands its membership and functions in the future.

Do your job! Do the right thing!


Signers of the Petition Demanding Fairness and Justice for Vietnam Veteran Fired By the PGR
July 31, 2014

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A True Patriot

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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Patriot Guard Blacklisting Journey for Justice since 2011

IT IS WRONG! Patriot Guard Riders have been actively blacklisting Journey 4 Justice since 2011.

Most J4J riders of north Texas were/are aware that my-way-or-the-hiway Lambert (now PGR state captain) has a burr in his saddle about J4J. We were/are also aware that Teresa Galloway (now PGR regional captain) feels the same. Their pain is well documented in a joint statement issued in the fall of 2011. As far as I can determine Lambert jerks Galloway's strings and she chimes right in on cue every time - it's unfortunate perhaps but ventriloquist's dummy comes to mind when I hear the name Galloway.

Until recently, when Frosty's membership was arbitrarily terminated because of mere association with J4J as the cause we were unaware that National PGR had signed on to the lunacy. So, the active blacklisting of J4J is not exclusively a Texas/Lambert thing.

As far as I know Frosty is the first PGR to have his membership terminated because of association with J4J. That association is and always has been his name on the membership roster of J4J TX3.

Lambert's complaint places Frosty in Topeka on J4J missions with TX3 which is an outright lie. He knows it. The PGR BoD knows it. Frosty can be placed at PGR missions in Texas at the same time J4J TX3 rode to Topeka. Regardless of documented proof and statements and photos to the contrary neither Lambert or the PGR BoD have owned or retracted their libelous comments.

The PGR BoD said: Allegation #2 - Activities damaging to PGR reputation. Despite counseling from PGR leadership, you have persisted in your participation in the "Journey For Justice" event and were observed at these events with PGR identifying marks. This event is in direct contradiction of the PGR mission statement, and the PGR organization desires no association with it. Your persistent participation now makes it necessary for PGR to distance itself from you personally.

It is worth noting here - "counseling" was basically a maniacal mandate from Lambert who as far as we know is not certified as a counselor. Whew! We can be thankful for that! "Observed" with identifying marks is basically local PGR leadership looking at a J4J group photo (with a magnifying glass mind you) spying the mark (yellow patch) sitting on the vest of another J4J member - not Frosty. Local leadership knows this for a fact and yet have let the lie stand. Persistent participation by Frosty is basically his name sitting on the membership roster since 2011.

What is dumbfounding is not only did we prove that Frosty did not do any of the above, we (a good many of us) have admitted to actively participating in and supporting J4J missions. Yet, we all still have our hats!

Talk about selective code enforcement and discrimination - but that's just it! The code of conduct does not prohibit PGR association with J4J. As far as I know the bylaws do not prohibit PGR association with J4J. I know for a fact if I had known the PGR engaged in the blacklisting of another lawful 501c3 organization - I would never have signed on. My associations are not subject to the whims of PGR patch police. PGR patches and other paraphernalia are not awarded or bestowed - they are purchased with the hard-earned dollars of volunteers which in a free country means you can use all of it to line a damn hamster cage if you so desire.

So, what we are talking about here is pushing a personal agenda/politics via a non-profit organization to the extreme of ousting a member in good standing and blacklisting another non-profit organization.

The following link will take you to the blog page where the 2011 mandate from TX PGR is posted as well as the long email I wrote to Lambert in response to it.

I will say it again - mostly because it annoys the PGR powers that be.
The method may be different. The mission is the same.

If you believe the PGR has no business blacklisting J4J or any other law-abiding organization based on nothing but the whim of a couple of whackos mosey on over to the Facebook Page or Sign the Petiton. Thanks!
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Frosty the Video - seven years in the making

Ted Frosty Foster, Vietnam Veteran

Seven years a PGR, somewhere around 400 missions successfully executed, zero complaints - defamed, maligned and disrespected by dysfunctional Texas local/state/regional PGR leadership and the PGR BoD. We demand accountability.

Ted and his wife Inez (affectionately known as Frosty and Nezzie) have worked non-stop to promote the Patriot Guard Riders in North Texas, honor Veterans and their families and have befriended and supported Gold Star families. Here they are - going about that business - please feel free to point out anything that casts a negative image on the PGR.
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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Patriot Guard leadership make sorry adversaries

North Texas - Word is: Local PGR attendance is down. I am not surprised

Local/state Patriot Guard leadership denounces low mission attendance without actually examining the cause. Local/state leadership accuses those who do not attend veteran's services (captained by their notoriously disreputable selves) in the area of being guilty of disrespect. Blame is what they do. And libel. And slander. And drama. If local/state leadership could see beyond the end of their uppity noses they would notice that the only missions suffering from low attendance are the missions they captain.

I say it is disrespectful of local/state leadership to stand for veterans while engaging in the character assassination of a well respected veteran. This type of disrespect is not an isolated incident. Female leadership is on record of accusing another well respected veteran of lying - no specifics/no cause - just outright called him a liar. I say no one with an ounce of integrity would stand beside local leadership anywhere in town much less a funeral. Local/state leadership will accuse other PGR members of not stepping out of their egos long enough to get the job done when in reality it is local/state leadership (drunk on what they think is power) who cannot focus on the mission. It should not go without mention that local leadership, for the most part fails to attend any mission other than their own.

When several ride captains stepped down to blue hat status local leadership took exception to their attendance finding issue with everything from their biker apparel to their mere presence. They [local leadership] seem to be somewhat distracted by red bandanas. When several ride captains and blue hats voiced their dissatisfaction with the way some missions were handled (re: flags in the bushes/gal pal shots at a funeral posted on Facebook during the funeral) the sole representative of female leadership in the area pulled the poor pitiful woman card. In my opinion, doing so is a disgrace to my gender. Boo-Freekin'-Hoo! If you cannot take the heat - stay out of the kitchen.

Those who live in the north Texas community and have regularly attended missions in the area know the source of the dysfunction. All attempts by local leadership to redirect negativity from themselves to others have failed. Miserably. Patriot Guard missions were running smoothly with great attendance prior to state interference and the reinstatement of a ride captain who had resigned. Yes, she will say otherwise but it is documented in her own words - she resigned because basically she did not play well with others. Reinstatement, at the very least should have been to blue hat status only - not a leadership position. This is just another example of my-way-or-the-highway state leadership doing as they please without concern for the integrity of the mission or the membership.

What is astoundingly naive is local/state leadership actually believed those old vets and former ride captains maligned and disrespected would just fade away and let them have free reign. So, when those old vets and former ride captains simply changed hats and continued to carry on - local leadership who already have behavioral issues they cannot control decided to act out of spite and envy. Mission envy.

What is also astoundingly and rather humorously naive is they thought that assassinating the character of a beloved ride captain/veteran and what leadership labels sidekicks and the BoD labels cohorts would actually improve the image of the PGR in the community and that somehow they would emerge victorious. OOPS! Talk about an epic fail. Ride captains have stepped down from all over north Texas and the panhandle. Local/state leadership continues to operate as if the dysfunction lies with the membership.

Those old vets and former ride captains have weathered more challenges in their lives than a few malcontents can possibly conceive in their petty little minds. Those old vets deserve better adversaries. Without a doubt the Patriot Guard deserves better leadership especially on the local/state level.

Despite claims to the contrary, Patriot Guard is not the only organization in the area who services veterans and their families. Knowing what I know about PGR leadership - I would not have them. If I lived in the north Texas community and needed such services I would seek out the assistance of a well known and respected veteran's organization like American Legion Post 202 in Wichita Falls. You will find a group of people there who serve the mission and veterans - not the patch and their own silly selves.

Who are local/state leadership?

Mike Johnson, PGR ride captain
Jimmy Murphy, PGR ride captain
Barbara Johnson, PGR ride captain revisited
Ken DuBois, PGR TX deputy state captain
Mike Lambert, PGR TX state captain
Teresa Galloway, PGR TX regional captain
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Monday, July 28, 2014

Patriot Guard leadership hats sit on heads devoid of integrity

Something to ponder: Patriot Guard Leadership including National BoD tried (and miserably failed) to trash a good man's reputation over nothing more than "mission envy". I was raised by that good man to have no use for people who have to tear someone else down to boost themselves. Worse - they used lies and slander and innuendo to do it. In the process leadership has lost all personal credibility and stood by and watched the image of the PGR suffer (at their own hands) in order to protect a hat that means nothing if the head it sits on is devoid of integrity. How pathetic is that?
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Poll: How important is PGR BoD accountability?

According to the Patriot Guard Code of Conduct the process to remove a member has 8 steps. In the case of Ted Frosty Foster PGR state/regional leadership barely if at all attended to steps 1 and 2 (we have not seen substantiation of the alleged infractions). The BoD skipped to steps 7 and 8, blatantly ignoring due process called for in the Code of Conduct. They accuse Ted of Code of Conduct violations they have yet to substantiate. But they are guilty of worse.

1) State Captain makes the recommendation for removal to the Regional Captain, and passes along all documents/facts in the case.

2) The Regional Captain will assess the information and if they believe removal is warranted will submit the request, with documentation, to Board of Directors via the Vice President for Members.

3) The member’s account on at this point is frozen and they lose the ability to post in the PGR Forums.

4) The Vice President of Members begins an investigation into the complaint, and contacts the individual if at all possible, to get their side of the story.

5) The Vice President of Members will also contact other members of the State Leadership Team and/or fellow members if needed, to properly conduct a full investigation into the matter.

6) When the investigation is complete, the Vice President of Members will make a recommendation to the Board of Directors.

7) A vote is taken upon the recommendation.

8) After the vote, the member is contacted and told the outcome of the vote (pro or con) and whatever action(s) was recommended by the Board of Directors.

The Patriot Guard Board of Directors failed to follow the protocol of the Code of Conduct in the case of Ted Frosty Foster's termination. If all PGR are held to the strict guidelines of the code what should the penalty be for the BoD's infraction?
Reverse the decision to terminate the member
Make a public apology to the member
Hold themselves accountable and take corrective action
Turn in their hats and step down from leadership
All of the above
Poll Maker

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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Attention PGR BoD: Disrespect for this is not to be tolerated

Posting this because it is parent's day in the USA. These two good people do not deserve the grief PGR leadership has put on their plate but they have risen above it and continue to do what they have always done and they do it with integrity and honesty and true patriotism.

The blatant disrespect for a veteran and his wife of nearly 60 years is not to be tolerated. Sooner or later Patriot Guard leadership (a misnomer if there ever was one) will have to answer for lies, slander and injustice even if it is at the hands of karma. 'Nuff said.
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Friday, July 25, 2014

PGR Leadership and Bod - this is the only invitation you will get

It has come to my attention that PGR local/state/regional leadership and I guess Patriot Guard BoD have whined they are blocked from addressing our mutual aggravation in their own defense. Yes, defense. The ball is in their court.

What! How terribly inconsiderate of me! You mean like the contemptuous BoD VP/Members Childree saying things like - Enough! and... I have removed all from the reply list except BoD and yourself, as I will not continue to inconvenience others with your continued demands. and... About those demands... PGR is NOT subject to them in any way. Any consideration you received as a member ended with that membership. Let's be clear about that. and... You were provided with the information you were due. That's all that will be forthcoming... don't fool yourself into believing otherwise. You were also given one opportunity to speak for yourself. I advise you to use the next email to take advantage of that.... it's the last chance you have. Any other communication from you will be disregarded. and... This will not be revisited?

At any rate, I am personally of the opinion that the whole point of argument is progress... so intentionally silencing the other side? well, nothing could be farther from the truth. Of course, it might be worth mentioning here that productive arguments are normally based on an exchange of factual perspectives - not the manufactured and mostly vague nonsense we have witnessed. Forthright discourse is sadly lacking from the other side thus far in the case of Ted Frosty Foster vs PGR. In fact, I would call it similar to that of a sulky and somewhat petulant adolescent.

The Facebook Page Vietnam Veteran Fired by Patriot Guard BoD is wide open for public comment and from the very beginning has been so. To date, one person (the allegedly adult son [Paul Spangler] of local leadership and I might add, a disgrace to the blue hat he wears) is blocked from commenting on anything and everything because he cannot be civil and says nothing of worth. Instead of addressing the issues he trashes veterans and gold star families and makes veiled threats. It just occurred to me he might be undercover WBC. I draw the line at that sort of drama (ok let's call it BS) and any other faction of PGR leadership would already have his hat.

It is true that comments made upon posts on the blog Vietnam Veteran Fired by Patriot Guard BoD are moderated but that has more to do with spammers than shutting down our whiny-butt adversaries. To date, no leadership persons have attempted to comment or the attempt would show up on the blog dashboard awaiting my approval.

Just for the record. The entire set of local/state/regional leadership and the entire Patriot Guard BoD as well as the National Director of Operations have my personal email address. Not that I would be pleased to see them in my inbox but communication is the key to resolving conflict I am told. Nope - not so much as a peep since VP/Members Childree told me to butt out - an unsuccessful admonishment I might add - much to his grief I imagine. I admit, there are some people who just do not bring out the best in me so I am content to exhibit just how inconvenient I can be when challenged.

Several of Frosty's Friends have wondered why we have not heard from any of them. Many of them wrote letters that did not garner the courtesy of a reply. Some think they are not listening. Some think they do not care. The latter is probably closer to the truth. As far as I can see it appears that the mostly arrogant and out of touch PGR leadership are nothing but a pack of self serving hypocrites and are actively and somewhat badly engaging in some sort of perverted group preservation no matter the cost to the image of Patriot Guard Riders.

With all that said... perhaps all that is needed here is an invitation. Those will be forthcoming shortly (see link below).

Please RSVP - Vietnam Veteran Fired by Patriot Guard BoD

All assumptions and opinions that follow are strictly mine own. Unlike some people I will own my words and if proven incorrect in my thinking - will acknowledge the error.

Mike Johnson, PGR ride captain
Jimmy Murphy, PGR ride captain
You guys know the truth and have failed to uphold it or come to Frosty's defense. Aside from the fact that one of you is married to at least one of the sources of contention, what the hell is up with that? Is the hat you wear worth the price of your integrity?

Barbara Johnson, PGR ride captain revisited
You know the truth and have failed to uphold it. As the sole representative of female leadership in the region we can only assume it is you who Lambert refers to as undermined, disrespected and the victim of non-veteran and sexist discrimination. You know this to be untrue. Why are you not saying so?

Ken DuBois, PGR TX deputy state captain
Silence is not a pass - you know the issues as well as the truth. You get no points for not chiming in.

Mike Lambert, PGR TX state captain
I am fairly certain you are the author of a vast amount of this manufactured mendacity. I would dearly love to hear you dig yourself out of this one. Lies and slander and cheap shots... oh boy! Feel free to go for it, buddy.

Teresa Galloway, PGR TX regional captain
You had to sign off on Lambert's crap (his word, not mine)... does the BoD realize how negligent you are in this matter? I see you as guilty as Lambert in lies, slander and cheap shots. Can you speak for yourself?

Robert Collins, PGR national director of operations
You were the delivery boy for the termination and cc'd on every communication from Frosty. Did the thought never cross your mind that something was horribly wrong here?

Robbie Smart, PGR BoD president
Randy Stevens, PGR BoD vp/captains
Mike Childree, PGR BoD vp/members
Shane Leiser, PGR BoD secretary
Lee Anderson, PGR BoD treasurer
So, gentleman you are guilty of numerous and serious code of conduct violations yourselves, not to mention collective negligence and of exhibiting a blatant contempt for rules, membership and the responsibilities of your positions. Please explain why the membership at large should not be calling for your hats as well as the hats of all those complicit in the mob character assassination of Ted Frosty Foster.

I hope I didn't miss anybody.

Finally, for those I know personally among the despicable few mentioned here - I have this to say - I am ashamed that I know you.

Inconveniently yours
The Dissident Daughter

© All Rights Reserved - Please be advised I retain full right to dissemination - all comments will be made public at my sole convenience and discretion.

Won't Back Down

It's a fact

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Serving notice to PGR BoD - We are not going away

UPDATE and REVIEW: Just over two months ago 78 year old USAF Vietnam Bronze Star Veteran Ted Frosty Foster rode in from an extremely successful mission honoring WWII Veterans. When he checked his inbox he found a membership termination notice from Patriot Guard BoD based on nothing but falsehoods promoted by state/regional leadership with a foundation in local leadership who suffer from mission envy and other delusions.

This termination was not preceded by notice or review as called for in the PGR Code of Conduct protocol. The termination notice contained no particulars. When advised of the breach of protocol (apparently most of the BoD believe they are above adhering to the PGR code of conduct) the VP/Members agreed to conduct a hindsight review. Upon delivery of a vague set of allegations (we call them manufactured mendacity), Foster answered all of them with documented proof and corroborative statements proving they were/are all false. He answered them with a cc to each individual of the five man BoD and director of operations... not one email bounced.

Astoundingly, after repeated calls for resolution, the PGR BoD arbitrarily says the termination stands because they did not like the tone of Foster and a few of his friends - that's right - tone. After repeated demands for the particulars of why the termination stands the BoD to this day refuses to furnish the particulars. Not only that, but local/state/regional leadership (I use that term loosely) who know the truth of the matter stand unified and complicit in what can only be termed despicable mob character assassination.

That's why we are here. Stamping your pussy foot and crying "because I said so" is not going to cut it in the real world ladies and gentlemen of what appears to be an entirely dysfunctional PGR leadership.

Ted Frosty Foster faithfully and tirelessly served and promoted the PGR for over seven years, successfully completing somewhere around 400 missions, many of them as a beloved and respected ride captain - without a single complaint.

For those who believe that silence is an answer. We are here to say it is not. Silence, while provocative is hardly convincing. I can only assume legal counsel has told you to shut up. You have attempted to trash a good man's reputation to serve your own selfish egos. Please be advised - it has not worked out that way. Ted Frosty Foster has weathered your storm and much to your dismay I am sure - is carrying on and because he is who he is your egos and self esteem suffer all the more. Why? Because he serves the mission and not the patch.

The only damage here is the image of Patriot Guard leadership and your personal reputations. You may think you have gotten away with libel and slander but the truth is as long as I (Frosty's Dissident Daughter) can type a single letter - you will not spend a single day free of this nonsense.

Nothing will serve you or the PGR now except:
Own the disgrace.
Reinstate Foster to valid PGR member in good standing.
Issue public apology.
Turn in your hats.

You have failed a Veteran. You have failed the organization.

The Patriot Guard Riders is better than this. They deserve better leadership.
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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Patriot Guard Policy: truth be damned, justice be damned, and honor be damned.

Rumor is: some people took exception to this post... and apparently missed the whole point of the post (having the attention span of toddlers got distracted by flashing lights and all - ha!). So we are recycling this post because some people have to read something two or three times and get slapped up side the head with it before they actually "get it". In other words: if it walks like a nazi, talks like a nazi it is a wannabe nazi. I say wannabe because some people have not walked the talk, disrespect the dedication of those who have walked the talk and so cannot relate. Sooner or later somebody is going to notice that some people (let's call them opportunists) are just going through the motions.

Hitler’s PGR

By Joe Vaccarella
Former PGR Ride Captain

Watching the History channel the other day, it became evident that Hitler and PGR leadership have a few glaring similarities.

To make a long story short, Hitler was an opportunist. Shortly after WWI, he found himself starving and went back to his Government (at the time he had left the military) and begged for a job. He wasn't needed or wanted in the military but they did offer him a job. He was hired to spy on civilian anti-governmental groups (his own people) and report back to the military leaders. He reported names and the actions being planned, and in return, the government would either imprison or execute the perpetrators.

This went on until at a meeting one night, Hitler couldn't believe how stupid and cowardly the people were and blurted out his feelings. The people suggested if he had better ideas, they wanted to hear them. Hitler stood up and gave them his ideas and he was applauded. This is when he had the idea, if these people were this dumb and desperate then he felt he could move into a position of power and so he did. In doing so, he would kill those who stood in his way. Totally ignoring the laws of his country and the government he was working for.

Policies and laws from then on did not apply to him. If it was right or wrong, legal or illegal, he would do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted and no one stood up against him out of fear.

Now fast forward some seventy years.

Twister Brown, an American Legion Rider, and a few of his cohorts, gave birth to a group they named the Patriot Guard Riders. As a member of the American Legion, he wanted to do more for the American Veteran and their families to protect them at funerals from misguided protesters and to welcome home our Veterans from foreign wars, unlike the disrespect the veterans of the Vietnam War endured.

Mr. Brown's intent was both noble and honorable. His idea grew quickly and in no time, PGR membership exceeded 200,000 members.

But along comes Hitler…

Years later, a few opportunists come along. They don't like the way things are and want to take it from Mr. Brown, even though Mr. Brown owned the trademark rights to the PGR. They basically crawled over the back of Mr. Brown and kicked him to the curb. Now, they are the new Third Reich. They are at the top - the new dictatorship. Although the American Veteran pledges allegiance to our Flag and to the Republic for which it stands, the PGR does not agree with the concept of a Republic (at least not within its own organization). The PGR is currently a dictatorship and the dictator at the top will remain until someone can stab him in the back, much the same way they did Mr. Brown.

Now in the same pledge of allegiance, is the proclamation, “and Liberty and Justice for ALL”. Today's PGR does not believe or live up to this pledge and as such, dishonors every American, including our Veterans and active duty members. The PGR does not believe in justice. They do not even believe in their [PGR} own policies or procedures.

No one in the PGR is elected, as they would be in a Republic. The Blue Hats, the backbone of the PGR, have absolutely NO say in who they prefer to follow nor do they have a say about the removal of someone who is totally incompetent. The PGR is simply, the good ole boy system at its finest. You do for me, and I'll make you somebody, if you do me wrong, I'll cut your throat.

Everything our veterans have fought for, for over 200 years, the PGR defies. The PGR does not even believe in following its own polices… unless it suits them. They sit in the dictators den and tout, the mighty Oz has spoken, now off with you.

Now enter stage right, a man named Ted.

Ted has been a Blue Hat and later became a Ride Captain for the PGR. Now all Ted has ever done is, earn a Bronze Star, fight in Vietnam, served his country in the military and did everything his country asked him to do and went way beyond his duty and did so quite honorably. He later returned home, only to be called horrendous names by his countrymen who had no idea what it was like to be there [Vietnam].

But Ted did what honorable men do. He returned home and began to serve his community just as if they had appreciated his selfless duty to our country.

Ted later joins the PGR, knowing what it was like coming home from Vietnam, and seeing the protesters that seek to inflict pain on the families of soldiers that paid the ultimate price for our freedoms. He feels the rage we all sometimes feel, but he is man enough to do something about it. He joins the PGR and dedicates himself to do whatever he can.

He again goes beyond the call of duty. He attends over 400 missions, to see that any veteran receives the honor he or she is due for the sacrifice given by them and their family. He has ridden hundreds of miles in a day just to get to some remote locations that most people have not even heard of. He has stood in 100+ degree heat and freezing temperatures for hours on end for years, just to pay his respects to someone he may have never met or ever knew other than he or she was a Brother in Arms and deserved his respect.

Reenter the PGR.

As years go by, a couple of local PGR Captains evidently become jealous. One such captain even had the gall to accuse Ted of fabricating his Bronze Star. Having been some of the earlier members to join the local PGR, they think that gives them Hitler status. They have a cohort higher up the chain and in working the good ole boy system, they seek protection. This cohort has the ability to appoint or remove persons in his domain.

The one ride captain had quit the PGR when she could not get along with the others. She stated she would "find another organization to honor her veterans". Well, evidently she could talk the talk but she cannot walk the walk. It was not long before she goes crying to her cohort to please make her a ride captain (and I guess a member) again. She had quit due to complaints about her basically do as I say and not as I do mentality. She wants to be a leader but does not have the knowledge or the people skills to do so.

A couple of years later a meeting was called for all the ride captains in the North Texas area. All the local captains were in attendance. When the meeting was over and some of the captains had left, the state (Hitler) captain states, "Oh Ya, and I am reinstating ******* as a Ride Captain again.

This defies the procedures of the PGR who have always had the captains of an area recommend who they want as captains, but Hitler does what Hitler wants and does not care. Is this the type of system our Veterans fight and die for?

Knowing how this unworthy reappointed captain is and how unorganized missions will become two thirds of the ride captains step down. Did I mention that now, none of the remaining ride captains are Veterans?

Now: Ted, just like when returning home from Vietnam, does the honorable thing and picks up a flag and joins the flag line. He continues to stand with the PGR as a blue hat even though they have totally disrespected him until the day they fired him.

With the incompetent leadership of the non-veteran captains at the local level, Ted sees deplorable situations such as local leadership allowing flags to be laid in the bushes prior to events. He explores other possibilities.

Ted remembers the mother of the PGR, The American Legion and the Legion Riders. He and other members of the PGR join up with the Legion. The Legion was first to stand up for Veterans and Ted continues to do what Ted does best. He does the honorable thing, without fuss or fanfare, he quietly picks up the flag and joins the American Legion and the American Legion Riders in their flag line and continues to honor our Veterans.

Now, Hitler is pissed! How dare anyone defy him by utilizing their Veteran earned liberties and go elsewhere! Now we are not talking about just Ted but the vast majority of the local PGR membership. This includes not only Blue Hat members but Blue Star Parents and Gold Star Parents as well.

The local Hitlers, as said before, do what they want, regardless of PGR policies and procedures. The PGR policy is "no road guarding", but locally they do. Some have mounted strobe lights that are in violation of the Texas motor vehicle code. They have flashing red and blue lights visible from the front. One ride captain has used his lights to violate motor vehicle laws while passing other vehicles. Bikes with big flags are not to road guard, but one local ride captain has.

PGR rules state that they do not solicit for missions, but one local captain has. She was greatly embarrassed I am sure, when she had to issue a stand down after finding out she had spoken to the wrong person when she invited herself and the PGR to a mission that had already been assigned to another organization.

Now the National Hitlers get involved. Ted, being well respected in the community and known for his community service, is often called upon when an event honoring Veterans is involved. Such was the case when the PGR embarrassed themselves by soliciting missions. Ted, being up front and honest, informed the requesting party that he could and would arrange for a flag line at their location but that it would be sponsored by the American Legion and not the PGR. That party's reply was that it did not matter as long as he took charge and arranged it.

As a result, the local PGR leadership contacted the state leadership who in turn contacted the National Leadership about having Ted removed from the PGR.

Now it's not really known to me who, lied to whom but it is evident someone in the PGR did lie. There have been a great many people stand up to refute the lies that have been fabricated by a few. There is irrefutable evidence that they are lying. National wants to sit there with blinders on, rather than having to deal with the truth. The Hitlers at National do not want to hear the truth or they may have to take action against one of their own.

Without using PGR policy, The National PGR fired Ted from the PGR, without any due process, without any questions and without any representation or rebuttal. One good ole boy tells his comrade lies that each one swallows all the way to National and Ted wakes up to an email that without any recourse, he is fired.

Is this the, Justice for All that all Veterans pledge allegiance to? This is in defiance of the PGR's own policy. Oh, but Hitler doesn't care!! Hitler’s going to do what Hitler wants to do! He doesn't give a damn about Democracy, Justice, Bronze Star Veterans, or any other Veteran. As long as they stay in power in their dictatorship, who cares?


Evidently this is the way the National PGR leadership seeks to honor our veterans, truth be damned, justice be damned, and honor be damned.

Just keep making those donations so we can stay in Power!! Sieg Heil!!
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Monday, July 21, 2014

Letter to BoD: Vaccarella - you are being led blindly down a path which will be highly detrimental to the PGR


As a present PGR member of eight years and Past Ride Captain of six years, I hope you will take the time to read this letter.

I am attempting to keep the PGR at the national level from making a grievous error and to prevent the complicity of slander that has taken place in the North Texas Region. I realize all you have to go on the the allegations of State Captain M. Lambert but, you need to know that he has his issues (as they are not facts) wrong and he is going to drag the National PGR into a pit that will not be easy to climb out of.

False allegations have been charged against Ted Foster that are basically falsehoods as the Red River area and the North Texas Region have their facts confused with someone else. This is not the first time this has happened and it was kept at the local level, but now the Leadership has chosen to make public, allegations that can be proven to be false, not just by myself, but by multitudes that include other PGR members, Ride Captains, and District Captains, if you only take the time to listen.

I have not been made privy to all of the allegations but what I have heard can be easily refuted.

I am sure you will hear from others on these matters, but, I implore you to take the time to listen, as from what I have heard and from what I know to be the truth, you are being led blindly down a path which will be highly detrimental to the PGR.

I can easily give you names of persons who would be unbiased in any questions you may ask as they are not from our area. Mr. Lambert on the other hand is acting with extreme prejudice as he seeks hateful revenge for his personal friends. The problem is he has people and issues confused and now is slandering a dedicated individual that has done more for the PGR than anyone in all of north Texas.

Mr Foster is a Bronze Star Veteran and has led an exemplary life, both in the military and his personal life. Your local "Chief" Captain once told Mister Foster, he didn't believe he earned the Bronze Star but I am here to say, I have seen his citations and his medals.

Mister Foster has lived and served this area longer than I have been alive. He is loved by multitudes and has the respect of all who know him.

The local and state leadership have developed such animosity toward Mister Foster and one can easily understand it, as they do not have the respect of our area citizens like Ted does.

The allegations of him being involved with Journey 4 Justice is nothing more than a Blatant Lie. Mr Foster has Never had any dealings with J4J and when one of the trips was made to Topeka, Mr Foster was on a PGR mission, over a hundred miles away. Mr Lambert has no evidence of such an event as it has never occurred. Mr. Lambert is simply trying to serve up the cool-aid in hopes that you will drink it. He is blindly leading you down a path in hopes you will not think for yourselves or check into any of the allegations yourself, but simply dance to the tune he plays and be his puppet.

The choice is yours. I am willing to answer any questions you may have or as I stated before, I can suggest others who I assure you can give you unbiased information.

Oh and about Mr Lambert and J4J, He stated at a meeting we had here years ago that "I don't care if you go to Topeka or not, as long as the PGR is not involved in any way. Hell, if things were different, I'd go with you." So with that said, was he truthful then, now or never?

I know you must be busy but, again I ask you respectfully to do the research. Call J4J and ask if Ted is a member. Call the Lady at Hospice and ask what transpired and how it transpired. Please, don't sit back and blindly slander or convict an Honored Veteran without so much as seeking the Truth. Do the Honorable thing.

J. Vaccarella
PGR member
Past Ride Captain
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Letter to BoD: Sluder - Your great loss will be The Legion's gain

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am writing you in regards to the trouble in North Texas concerning the PGR.

Since I joined the PGR in 2009 we have been a close knit family. I am saddened and heartbroken that my family has been ripped apart by the thoughtless leadership among our ranks. To accomplish a successful Mission, it takes all of us. The Mission focus has been lost.

We have disgraced some of the finest long term family members of PGR with these false allegations against Ted and Inez Foster.

I hope you as the board of directors recognize your error in this wrong doing and correct this thoughtless action.

If these troubles cannot be resolved in an honorable manner for our family, Ted and Inez, then we will carry on our honor and respect to all Veterans through the means of The American Legion and The American Legion Riders.

Your great loss will be The Legion's gain of a prolific Honor Guard Captain.

Ray Sluder
The American Legion Post 202
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Sunday, July 20, 2014

Letter to BoD: Perry - Do your Job for God's Sake

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Leadership of PGR,

I am William (Bill) Perry, Vietnam Veteran 501st. 101st. Airborne, Member of the PGR since their first mission in our Area. I am a Past Master of Iowa Park Lodge 713 as well and all I am about to write is on the square.

Our Area in the North Texas, Wichita Falls Area is in deep trouble. The National Leadership needs to look into this matter as the problems come from those under you.

I have known the PGR to be a great organization to support our Troops and Veterans and have been very proud to be a part of their missions. I only hope there is a way to healing in this situation.

However, with all that said, as of late. Ted Foster has been removed from the PGR. of Texas. I think I have been on most missions with Ted. He is a Southern Gentlemen, that I have never known to be in any way against the PGR. In one year I know he rode in over 200 missions even with his advance age of over 75 and frail health at times. He has always welcomed PGR members and made them feel at home in our organization.

1. The allegations brought against him are completely unfounded. As far as the "Ride to Freedom" [Journey 4 Justice] goes, it was announced that it was "Not a PGR Mission". I was there when this was announced. Also, Ted did not go to, nor did he participate in that event.

2. Code of Conduct Violations: This allegation is also completely unfounded. I have never know Ted to Violate any of the Code of Conduct rules. There are some malcontent leaders in our area that I am sure have something to do with this, by this I mean at the Level of Texas leadership down.

I must feel this has to be an oversight on their part, as this problem should have been stopped at the Local Level. To "defame the Good Name of a Fellow Decorated Veteran" without proper investigation from people above the State level is a travesty to say the least. This is a serious matter and will not go away, but only grow, if you follow the course of non-action. Our organization is to Honor Veterans, both serving, enlistment completed and retired - not protect those who want to be the center of everything.

For some reason I have faith the PGR is bigger than this and will correct this huge mistake. Everyone makes mistakes, but once you know about the mistakes and refuse to correct them, to keep leaders in place, you become a Dictatorship. I have fought for our Freedom and completely understand the tenants of Justice. Do your Job for God's Sake.

From my personal observation. I have seen "5 PGR Combat Veterans" step down from being Ride Captains because of conflict with a local leader that was reinstated as a Ride Captain. At first I thought this to just be a conflict of personality, but then all 5 Combat Veterans were removed from the PGR Local mailing list. That was an act of spite. They were then put back on the mailing list. Before this the 5 Combat Veterans were still riding with the PGR but just as Riders in Support like everyone else.

Then the next thing I knew of was a Down Town Showing of the Documentary "Honor Flight"...I knew that the American Legion had that mission a month before Local PGR people solicited the mission to a lower person that was putting on the showing. About 3 days before the showing of "Honor Flight" was to happen the Local PGR Posted the mission to their members. They should have known almost to the day they solicited the mission that they did not have it. The next day they post a Stand-down from the mission. They never had it. This is how petty this has become. There can always be misunderstandings in any group, but misunderstanding can be worked out between groups.

Also, yesterday I regret to say, the Dad of a Fallen Soldier has asked for the memorial pins back from Local Leadership because of the actions and false accusations made against Ted and treatment of Local members who have questioned this treatment..

As of late I know of 20 plus Veterans that have removed any sign or insignia of PGR from their uniforms. I soulfully hope that they will someday put them back on. I respectfully request as a Veteran, that you of the "National Leadership" reopen this case and investigate it at the National Level, it is impossible to handle at a State Level and when the guilty parties are found, you should afford them the same punishment as they have so wrongfully awarded Ted. For they know what they are doing, and have been made aware of it by many.

William (Bill) Perry
101st. Airborne
Vietnam 1967-1968
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Down these mean streets a man must go

Down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean, who is neither tarnished nor afraid. He is the hero; he is everything. He must be a complete man and a common man and yet an unusual man. He must be, to use a rather weathered phrase, a man of honor—by instinct, by inevitability, without thought of it, and certainly without saying it. He must be the best man in his world and a good enough man for any world.

He will take no man’s money dishonestly and no man’s insolence without a due and dispassionate revenge. He is a lonely man and his pride is that you will treat him as a proud man or be very sorry you ever saw him.

...If there were enough like him, the world would be a very safe place to live in, without becoming too dull to be worth living in.

― Raymond Chandler
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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Letter to BoD: Ryckoff - Let’s man up and get the facts


I am writing this to stand up and defend a PGR brother. A retired, Bronze Star, Air Force Tech Sergeant who was shot down in a helicopter in Vietnam. He served his country to defend my Freedom and all Americans.

I have found for myself when matters are not exactly clear it's good to talk to someone else and research the facts… otherwise my perception of what really happened gets a little distorted… in other words I start believing my own bullshit.

I know I can’t always believe what someone else says based on their feelings especially when some things just don’t add up.

Here is what I know to be the facts and the truth: I was the one who wrote Lambert about Tex Calvert being promoted to a Tan Hat. Michael Johnson came to me and said he was getting burned out. I assumed he was stepping down. I was wrong, my mistake.

Also the (2) times the Texas riders went to Topeka, KS to visit Westboro Baptist Church, Ted Foster, Jimmy Murphy and myself attended a mission in Quanah, TX.

I think it was Chell Freeman’s 1st mission as a ride caption. The 2nd time the Texas riders headed to Topeka, Ted and I had a mission here in Wichita Falls; I believe it was for Dan Martini. Neither Ted nor myself have ever been to Kansas for Journey for Justice.

I have never heard Ted Foster disrespect any one for any reason. We have rode together for at least 20,000 miles and attended over 200 missions in my 3 years as a PGR blue hat.

We shared lots of stories, hamburgers and ice cream, something I am very proud to be a part of.

You know we all have to look in the mirror and be okay with who we are. Some day we will have to face our maker. Being honest with one’s own self seems like a pretty good direction to start.

Just being human I believe we all are a little selfish and self-centered, it’s just in our nature. It is so unfortunate and I feel sorry for someone whose ego has been bruised, and wants to blame someone else because their feelings are hurt.

It’s hard to believe what you think is right based on someone else’s perception. It's like the Democrats and Republicans, they both think there right. They both do have some good points, what really is the truth.
Being known as such an Honorable organization, I would thing the PGR would want to know all the facts and get to the real truth, not just one side but also both parties.

Let’s get this out in the open and get to the truth so we can continue to do the right thing. Truth is based on character and not ego, which is really a form of edging God out. Is this situation just based on someone’s perception or did they get there feelings hurt… is it ego. Is it just one-sided… am I wrong?

I really would like to know how this came about and who is behind this and I really believe deep down you would too. Let’s man up and get the facts because it really is the right thing to do. It does not matter whether I like Ted Foster or not, but I do respect him as a PGR RC.

Crazy Mike
Blue Hat PGR
Blue Star Parent
May God Bless American and Guide Us

Letter to BoD: Fortner - To malign Ted is to spit on the very Flag we hold so dear

There are several issues I am inclined to speak out on, because of your wrongfully discharging Ted Foster from the PGR. I will only address two of those at this time.

(1) Your dismissal of Ted without so much as a shred of evidence against him. Secondly to that is he way he was pictured as unworthy, misogynistic and a womanizer, because he, like others, is unwilling to follow the lead of ONE Lady who deserves no role of leadership.

Any one who knows Ted Foster, knows that he is an Honorable Man. He is a 20 year Veteran. He served in Viet Nam with the US Air Force and was awarded the Bronze Star during his tour of duty. If you know anything about the Bronze Star, you will know that they don't pass them out like candy at a Boy's Club Christmas Party. He did not want to become a Ride Captain in the PGR. He had to be convinced that he would make a good one. I was the Ride Captain that put him up for the promotion. I have no idea of a final count of the Missions Ted attended, but it is well over 200. He has as many or more Missions under his belt than any other Ride Captain in the Wichita Falls area. Any Ride Captain. He has followed the instructions and leadership of other "Lady Ride Captains" with no problem at all. I would follow this man into battle, let him take my back, and feel quite certain that I was in capable hands. More importantly I would trust him with the lives of my Wife, Son, Daughter-in-Law and Grand Children. To malign Ted is to spit on the very Flag We hold so dear. You should look a little closer to your own home for the problem in this area.

(2) Activities damaging to PGR reputation. Despite counseling from PGR leadership you have persisted in your participation in the "Journey For Justice" event and were observed at these events with PGR identifying marks. This event is in direct contradiction of the PGR mission statement, and the PGR organization desires no association with it. Your persistent participation now makes it necessary for PGR to distance itself from you personally.

This is your second reason for Ted's dismissal. I'll address this as individually as I can. There was no counseling, there were only ultimatums passed down from above. Mike Lambert told us we could not go to Topeka as PGR. Those that went, went as members of Journey 4 Justice (the true name of that organization), not PGR. Ted never attended any J4J events. He stayed in Texas while others travelled to Topeka. How can someone be observed if they were not there? During our first trip to Topeka, Ted was at a Mission in support of Chell Freeman, R/C from Childress, Tx. On the occasion of our second trip to Topeka, Ted stayed behind because his wife was ill and he wanted to be close to home. This didn't stop him from Honoring a Gold Star Family by acting as Ride Captain for the Veteran Cousin of the Mother in that Gold Star Family. Having never being a participant, I would say it would be false to call his a "Persistent participation", wouldn't you? If any member of the Red River Region should be distanced from the PGR it would not be Ted. You should hold him and all like him if you can find any, close to your bosom and pray that he stays with you.

About Journey 4 Justice, and why some from here joined that group. Journey 4 Justice does the same thing as PGR in that we held flag lines. We never confronted any members of the Westborough Baptist Church. We simply went to areas known to be frequented by them in an effort to give them a silent taste of their own medicine. We were asked, by a Gold Star Family, if we could start a Team from Texas. This Family wanted our support and help in dealing with their own grief by confronting those persons of evil that brought their group to the Funeral of their Son. Part of the PGR Mission is to cater to and do what is possible to help these Families that have given so much for us. We wore vests that had PGR patches, true, but; those were patches that we purchased, they were not issued. The PGR says it is not a motorcycle club, and therefore can not dictate the patches worn by it's members. I can tell you all this one truth. We never did anything to bring shame on the name or organization that is the PGR.

In closing I will reiterate that Ted "Frosty" Foster is one of the best Ride Captains you ever had in this area.

Gary Fortner
USAF Viet Nam Veteran E-4
Honorably Discharged in 1973
PGR Member 2007/Present
Ride Captain 2007/2013
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Friday, July 18, 2014

Letter to BoD: Calvert - Blue Hats Rule the PGR


I'm quite sure that by now you have received several letters from some angry friends of Mr. Ted "Frosty" Foster. I'm not writing this as a part of that discussion. I am a very close friend of Ted's and I find it unforgivable this man has not been given a chance to confront his accusers and defend himself.

Gentlemen, this is America, where each citizen has a right to a fair trial no matter the charges brought against them, they have a right to a fair trial and be judged by a jury of their peers to be found either guilty or innocent. This has not been the case. When you convict someone, on another person's say-so, then you have failed to do your job. When you sit in judgement of someone you need to have documented facts before acting, otherwise, it can make you look foolish and petty. You, gentlemen, have failed miserably in that you have presented NO facts, only made-up hearsay from someone who is trying hard to cover their ass.

Gentlemen, since I became a member of the PGR in 2007, I have been reminded many times that Blue Hats rule the PGR. No matter the color of your hat, you work for the Blue Hats. As you move further up in hat color, the more bosses you have. I, like most everyone else, started as a Blue Hat but soon become a RC and donned a maroon hat and catered to the Blue Hats for several years before stepping down. Mr.Foster also followed these same steps and in doing so became one of the best Ride Captains in this area. ASK the BLUE HATS what kind of person he is! ASK the LADY BLUE HATS what kind of person he is! ASK the Lady Ride Captains in surrounding areas what kind of person he is! Come down off your high horse, pull your heads out and find out the truth. If you have no desire or stomach for the truth, then you have no business being in a leadership role with any organization of any kind, much less the Patriot Guard Riders! Remember, you work for the Blue Hats, they don't work for YOU.

Ray "Tex" Calvert
Staff Sergeant United States Army
Vietnam Veteran '67-'68 1/26th Inf. Bat, 1st If. Div
Former Senior Ride Captain
Former Ride Captain
North Texas PGR

P.S. I couldn't help but notice there are no women listed on the Board of Directors. How come there's no women on your board? Give it some thought. Could it be you are prejudiced in some way? Just asking!!
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Thursday, July 17, 2014

PGR BoD - You do not get to disrespect this

I have heard Vietnam Veterans recently labeled America's Toughest Generation. I agree with that. They were tough. They are tough. They had to be tough. They have to be tough. Even if it is unintentional Vietnam Veterans encounter disrespect every day - sometimes at the hands of people who question their service of only a year or two years and the medals they wear or hold. It was one or two years of pure hell and the medals they hold were hard won. People who dismiss Vietnam as ancient history... see it as irrelevant in today's self-serving world - know nothing, see nothing. Sometimes Vietnam Veterans as well as the veterans of our most recent conflicts are disrespected by the very organization who claims to honor and protect and serve Veterans.

What has happened to Ted Frosty Foster at the hands of PGR leadership and a self-serving national BoD is despicable. How can one expect trust from today's veterans if one exhibits disrespect for yesterday's veterans? How does a once fine organization deteriorate into the muddle of mindless contempt for a veteran majority membership that it is today? What astounds me is many of PGR leadership and the BoD have to be Vietnam Vets as well and had to have experienced disrespect for the job their country called them to do. Why then, when a fellow Vet claims he has been wronged do they turn a deaf ear and spit on the truth and the honor of the man himself? How do you turn your back on a Veteran's service to country and the PGR without a modicum of consideration for the truth?

My favorite V-Vet

I was fifteen going on sixteen the year Ted/Dad was in Nam. You betcha I remember well when the man went missing out of my life and our family for over a year. You betcha I remember watching the news every night hoping not to see little bomb icons close to where he was stationed. We did not have instant media back then. We had air mail. So a day without a letter was a day of dread.

I didn't understand war protests back then. I guess I thought they were silly if I considered them at all. We were a military family. War was part of the job. The only thing I remember about the day my Vietnam Veteran walked back into our lives is relief that the man was back where he belonged. I didn't consider what he may have left behind on foreign soil. I didn't consider what he might have brought home. Such is the shallow and selfish aspect of youth. Safe in my bubble, I didn't consider that many not much older than myself endured a bloody hell and worse.

My favorite V-Vet

I didn't hear tales of Ted's experiences in Nam until the last few years when he began sharing with other Vietnam Veterans (friends he has made through association with the PGR). I admit I am still often horrified at some of the revelations. I never tire of hearing about the experiences of Veterans, particularly Vietnam Veterans - I guess because I can relate to that era. I call their tales experiences - not stories - because stories are something we tell our kids and grand-kids before bedtime.

Vietnam is hardly a bedtime story.

I am sharing something I wrote a couple years back on Welcome Home Vietnam Veteran's Day...

They were Momma's boys, Daddy's sons, High school sweethearts, Big brothers, Somebody's Dad, Football heroes, Baseball stars, Fresh, Young, Agile. They were the embodiment of apple pie and ice cream, fireworks on the 4th of July, home-spun, home-grown, farm-raised, city-slicker, Chevy-driving, Harley-riding, blue-jeans-and-t-shirt America. They were our best and brightest.


We shipped them away from America's promise, still wet behind the ears - out of our lives with tears, wrenched hearts and prayers. Duty called. They answered. They fought. They bled. Some died.


They were UN-welcomed by a silent and disapproving homeland, no parades, no flags, no confetti, no back-slapping speeches. Some braved the hissing, spitting gauntlet of mindless protest and disrespect.


Standing in the embrace of a tiny knot of family whose prayers were answered, they faced a world they once knew which held no welcome and little promise. The world did not understand, could not understand and did not care.


Some of them proud. Some of them bitter. Some of them broken. Most of them defiant. All of them survivors.


In rage. In tears. In silence... for the brothers in arms who did not come home and for those who would never come home and for the selves they left in a distant land. With firm resolve and stoic calm - they buried some who never witnessed the appreciation of their countrymen that was ultimately too little, too late.


They persevered. They overcame. They survived. Some of them. Vets proved the other they were wrong by living the dream and fulfilling America's promise.


About heroism. About respect. About principle. About patriotism.


And now we as a nation know what real humility is.



Vietnam Vet Reunion after 40 plus years.

40 plus years ago - Vietnam -- Sadly Ted's Vietnam buddy (pictured here on the left and on the right in the photo above) succumbed to a long illness before 2012 came to an end. Rest in Peace Sir and thank you for your Service.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

TED: The Video - Seven years in the making

This is 78 year old USAF Vietnam Bronze Star Veteran Ted Frosty Foster going about his business for the last seven years or so - riding to about 350 to 400 PGR missions, standing the flag line in all sorts of weather, making lifelong friends among other Vets, those brave souls currently serving our country, civilians, men and women.

Apparently, local/state/regional leadership and the PGR BoD assumed arbitrarily ejecting Foster from the PGR without cause (lies and slander do not count) would stop the man and his "inconvenient cohorts" from doing what he does, what they do - oops. No, all the PGR has done is annoy the hell out of everyone who knows the man and a good many others by their irresponsible actions.

Ted Frosty Foster did not even miss a step. He's still out there doing what he does, honoring Vets and making me proud to call him DAD.

If this is the PGR A-game - it is a disgrace to behold.
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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

PGR: Slander not a game for sissies

We are recycling this updated post... this is where they think they have us I guess although we have yet (as with everything else) to see the particulars (like who what when and where). The ladies who know Ted have something to say about the slanderous allegation of discrimination of women.

One of the most absurd allegations launched against Ted Frosty Foster by PGR Local/State/Regional leadership and the National BoD included such defamatory statements as: misogynistic and discriminatory ideas you have expressed, regarding the suitability of women as PGR leadership... Further to that, you have repeatedly attempted to undermine the efforts of female leadership in your area.

This was Ted's answer to that allegation. 2. As for disrespecting women in leadership positions this is also absolutely false. Hear this, two of the finest ride captains I have ever met are women, Chell Peanut Freeman in the Panhandle and Cindy Stroud in southwest Oklahoma. Additionally, there are many great lady riders in this area that I ride with almost every week or so. These ladies are Laura Calvert, Cindy Bragg, Anne Smith, Angela Johnston, Patti Jackson and many others. -- Ted Frosty Foster

The following are comments from the allegedly disparaged women who ride with Ted, starting out with my take on it as Ted's daughter:

Discriminating of women - well, if you mean he discriminates in that he chooses which women and men to associate with, ride with, be friends with, go to coffee with, stand the flag line with - well yes, I believe we all do that. Most of us choose who we want in our lives - it's a fact all of us can attest to -- some people simply do not make the grade. That's exercising discriminating tastes in our associations.

I guarantee you - there is not one instance where this man as active PGR refused to stand the flag line or perform the duties required of him during a mission because a woman was in charge.

Indicating in speech or in writing one has a difference of opinion with leadership or any single person is not indicative of discrimination. Discrimination in misogynistic terms implies dislike or contempt or ingrained prejudice against women in general. If such activity were present in Ted's actions where are the write-ups? Would the face of these accusations please step forward? And why does state leadership and the BoD feel themselves competent and entitled to act as judge and jury in these serious allegations? Like I said - absurdly fictitious and bad fiction at that!

[Digression: The cowardly person responsible for this complaint is likely the same person who stood the flag-line shoulder-to-shoulder (yes, there is photographic evidence) with Ted Frosty Foster over the course of seven years and has been known (I have this first-hand) to gushingly call Ted Frosty Foster her go-to-guy, always there when I need him said she...] And if we can believe even a suggestion from the rumor-mill - why is it the sole representative of female leadership in the area claims she is not responsible for the complaint? How do you sell the undermining of female leadership if she does not own the abuse.

Misogyny is an ugly word - unless someone is willing to step forward and put their butt on the line with proof of that - it becomes a vile form of slander... failing to prove it could have some nasty consequences.

Ted Frosty Foster has been married to the same hard-working, high-spirited, independent woman for near 60 years. Ted and Inez raised a daughter in that same vein. It is an insult to both Mother and Daughter for anyone to imply that either of us would tolerate any form of sexism in our lives. An insult to us and to him.

1) It is not Ted Foster who questioned the mind-set, integrity and strength of female organizers of multiple Honor Flight events by suggesting they did not know their own business much less their own minds. I believe that was what is left of the local PGR leadership.

2) Suggesting that the independent, strong-minded women who ride with the Patriot Guard at any level would put up with sexism from anyone for even an instant is sexism in and of itself. I am offended by that inference as I am sure most women would be. Suggesting that PGR men who ride with PGR women would tolerate that type of behavior toward women from one of their own is yet another imbecilic insult.

[Another digression: I have zero tolerance for whiny-butt women who put themselves in what is essentially a man's world and then play the weak woman card when it serves their purpose. It's a disgrace to my gender!]

-- Vickie L Foster Downing, Proud Daughter of Ted Frosty Foster, USAF Vietnam Veteran, Proud Wife of USAF Vietnam Veteran, PGR Blue Hat
Ted and Inez Foster

Ted Foster is one of the most patriotic, respectful, down to earth people that I have had the privilege of meeting, standing flag line with, riding to numerous missions with as well as seeing him involved in all aspects of PGR.

This is a 78 year old gentleman that is kind to everyone, respectful to all and enjoys life. Or at least he did enjoy life until certain someone's accusations and lies have brought him down... This is a man that took pride in his name, never having it smeared with accusations and lies before, took pride in his veteran status that you all [local/state/regional leadership and BoD] as a collective group have sullied, took pride in knowing that people loved him(female and male alike) for himself and what he has always stood for. This is a man that has gone the extra mile for the PGR over the last seven years, and has probably done more missions, stood more flag lines in all types of weather than any other PGR member in this area. This includes blue hats, red hats and/or tan hats. And I feel pretty confident that most if not all that know him will agree.

...As far as him being sexist, wrong again. Two of his favorite ride captains happen to be female.

Laura Calvert, Proud wife of Vietnam Veteran, Proud daughter of WWII Veteran, Proud Blue Star family member, Proud PGR blue hat

I don't even know where to begin. I joined the PGR in 08. Since joining I have held the positions of Contact coordinator (sending out emails), a Ride Capt., and Deputy State Captain. Also, just as a blue hat. I am appalled at what is being done to Ted Foster (Frosty). From the first time meeting Ted he has been a friend, a mentor, and a guy that I know would drop everything he is doing to come help me. I know this because he has done that. Anytime I have every called him to help with a mission or just had a question he has always helped. He was with me at my first mission as a Ride Capt. on June 10, 2011. He was right there encouraging me. I have never had a problem with Ted or his friends as you called them on ever helping me and as a female I have never seen this man ever act towards any female in a manner that is considered misogynistic and discriminatory as you put it. Ted did not step down as a ride captain because she [Barbara Johnson] was female he stepped down because she is a hard person to work with. I myself don't like working with her. I am usually the only female on the missions in my area plus usually the only one under 40. He has never made me feel uncomfortable, or that he is superior to me, he has always treated me like an equal. I myself am not military, funny that has never bothered him in any way and [he] has also said it was a pleasure working with me. He has never had a problem with me telling him what to do. When I became the DSC he was my number one fan and always I mean always supported me. Does this sound like a man that can't work with a female or has a problem with them being in a leadership role?

I myself do think that you need to go back and review your facts...Ted has never been anything but helpful to me and a man of honor. He has never had a problem working with me or helping me and I am HONORED to call him my friend. I stand behind him on this one!!

-- Chell Peanut Freeman, RC, Contact Coordinator of the Panhandle south plains region

I come from a very strong military background beginning with my great grandfather dad, brothers, nephew and my 2nd cousin General Tommy Franks. I can assure you sirs my blood runs red, white, and blue. At the funeral of my nephew William Eric Baker who had served in the Army 66th MP Brigade, 18th MP Brigade, and 5th and 7th Special Forces groups, also as US Navy Petty Officer where his missions were classified, again I saw the honor of the PGR and as family member saw how much it helped me. I knew I wanted to belong to this honorable organization.

I vividly remember my first mission with the PGR. I didn’t know anyone but the Johnstons and they had not arrived yet, but Mr. Ted Foster was there. He came up to me introduced himself and led me to where others were standing and one by one introduced me to them. He then briefed us on the mission at hand. By the time he was finished I knew exactly what was expected of me, what, when, and where. He made sure every detail was taken care of for the family and the fallen hero. I was hooked. I was so proud to be a part of this outstanding group of individuals. I can’t tell you how many missions I have been on with Frosty, but I can tell you I have never been on one that he didn’t take care of his team and the families with the utmost respect. His missions were organized and were always carried out with honor and dignity.

The ridiculous allegation of misogynistic and discriminatory ideas he has expressed regarding women in the PGR is ludicrous. I have ridden with him countless times and he has expressed how he enjoyed riding with me and always complementing my riding abilities. He has ridden under many female Ride Captains and done an outstanding job helping in any way he could. This is one of the most honorable men I have ever had the privilege of knowing. His integrity is beyond reproach.

There are many that have had issues with one female ride captain, and yes there are women that share these same issues. She has stepped down twice only to be reinstated. As an American who loves her country and its flag I was sickened when I saw her post a picture on face book, my countries flag laying in the bushes while she stopped for a photo opp. At that time the family of the fallen hero were going into the church. Wow, where was the honor in that. I quit going to her missions just as others have due to the dishonorable way they were handled.

As for Mr. Ted Foster, I will stand beside him and fight for his honor until he tells me to stand down. I am honored to know and call him my friend. I will follow his lead on any mission. He is the real deal folks. A finer man you will never meet. He loves his Lord, his family and friends and he loves this UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! And for all his contributions, I thank him.

It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly.

-- Cindy “Goose” Bragg, Proud Patriot Guard Rider

Since joining the PGR I have proudly told people what they do and why, and promoted their cause. This great respect that I have gotten, came from men like Ted Foster that I watched and admired, as he and other went on missions in heat, rain, sleet, and snow. When we were on these missions, we were there for one reason, to honor the fallen hero and their families. Ted and those of us who rode with him on these missions, did so with great respect for this country, and to honor those who died to protecting our freedom.

I have attended PGR functions, and personal family events with Ted. Never have I witnessed or heard any disrespectful remarks on his part.

After reading the accusations, for which you [BoD] deemed it necessary to terminate his PGR membership, I have come to the conclusion that this sounds like a personal vendetta.

Factious remarks have been made that have not and cannot be substantiated. It amazes and frustrates me that that you have taken the words of this person or person(s) and [call] it the absolute truth. Who are these people, which you obviously hold them and their word in such high regard? Why should their accusations and motives not be in question here?

Linda Ryckoff, PGR, Blue Star Parent

Code of Conduct Violations regarding women and non-veterans. Excuse me, you clearly do not know Ted Foster! He is an ardent supporter of women (both inside and outside the riding community) and has often stated some of the best Ride Captains he has had the privilege of working with are women. Additionally, his ONLY criteria for one to offer support to our fallen heroes is Patriotic Dedication – does not matter if they are Veteran or non-Veteran. I have personal knowledge of this in regards to BOTH myself and my husband. Neither of us served, yet Ted welcomed us to the PGR and was one of the few PGR members that supported the two of us after my husband’s motorcycle accident in January 2012. To take the inability of several PGR Ride Captains to deal with ONE woman who is also a non-Veteran to the extreme that you have dis-honors the very nature of the organization and is an insult to Ted.

-- Ann M Smith, Proud Daughter of a WWII Veteran, Proud Member of the American Legion Auxiliary and American Legion Riders, Proud Member of the Patriot Guard Riders

I don't know what more I can add to the many outstanding comments of friendship and respect for our Ted Foster. I have known Ted for many years through my husband, Gary, and Ted has always been respectful to me, a gentleman and a true friend to all of us. Ted has worked tirelessly with the PGR and the American Legion. Ted and his wife, Inez, are two of the most caring and wonderful people we could be blessed enough to have as our friends. They hold the highest integrity for our country and our flag. I simply cannot believe the lies and hurtful words slung at Ted Foster or, for that matter, others who are his friends. It is appalling and slanderous. As for J4J, Ted Foster has NEVER been with the riders going to Topeka. He has always remained in Wichita Falls to serve the PGR. I honestly do not see how the PGR leadership could have let all of this go on when we have all tried to tell them what and who has caused the PGR of this area to fall apart. DO NOT blame Ted Foster. He is the finest example of patriotism and respect the PGR ever had.

-- Jean Ann Fortner

Ted with Gold Star Mother and close friend, Angela Johnston

WOW!!! I made Frosty's Friends page (picture of Frosty and myself). What an honor!!!! We met this man as a stranger and accepted him and his family as a gift from Gary. Boy, Gary, did you do good. You above all, you know how demanding your mother can be. Mr. Ted and Miss Inez are always watching over us in their very patriotic way. They get "IT". There have been some that he has sent us that do NOT get IT. That is sure tiring on us and honestly, we don't have the energy any longer. So my prayer thru you, Gary, to Him is please bless these people and watch over them. If they don't get IT, they must really be struggling in their daily lives. And for the ones that do get it, continue to bless them with happiness. Amen.

Angela Johnston, Very proud Mother of USMC Sgt. Gary Johnston, Killed in Action

It may come as a huge surprise to some high ranking members of the PGR good ol' boys club (think we didn't notice there are no women on the BoD guys?) - but women are more than capable of speaking for themselves. If this allegation was valid - you would have heard about it from the women a long time ago. 'Nuff said.

Slander - not a game for sissies.
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Quite a few other women have signed and commented on The Petition - you should mosey on over and check it out.