About this Page

This page was created to expose the disgraceful behavior of the Patriot Guard local, state, regional leadership of North Texas and the Patriot Guard six man Board of Directors.

The Patriot Guard BoD along with state and local leadership of north Texas have arbitrarily remove 20 year USAF Vietnam Bronze Star Veteran from the ranks of the PGR based on a collection of lies and slander.

I am the daughter of Ted Frosty Foster who is a 78 year old Veteran of the USAF and a 7 year Veteran Patriot Guard Rider and Ride Captain who has successfully executed 350-400 missions (over 200 since 2011) without any complaint.

I am putting this information out there because the allegations against Ted Frosty Foster (presented with no proof or documentation, despite numerous demands) are nothing but manufactured mendacity.

Ted respectfully submitted rebuttals to the ridiculously false allegations complete with documentation and corroborative statements which were immediately dismissed by the PGR BoD.

The PGR BoD blatantly ignored the PGR Code of Conduct protocol to remove a member from the ranks of the Patriot Guard. They removed him from the ranks without due process, without conducting a review and without a modicum of consideration for the truth.

I am here to expose the dysfunction of the PGR leadership which extends from ride captains of North Texas/Red River Region to the State Captain and Southwest Regional Director to the six man BoD of the Patriot Guard.

Since justice did not prevail with leadership and since leadership is complicit in the wrong-doing from the bottom man to top man we have no recourse within the organization for resolution. I am putting it out here so perhaps the court of public opinion can sort it out.

Attention: Blue Hat PGR - this is your leadership. IMHO - They are a disgrace to their hats and position and the organization.

-- Vickie L Foster Downing

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