Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Patriot Guard Blacklisting Journey for Justice since 2011

IT IS WRONG! Patriot Guard Riders have been actively blacklisting Journey 4 Justice since 2011.

Most J4J riders of north Texas were/are aware that my-way-or-the-hiway Lambert (now PGR state captain) has a burr in his saddle about J4J. We were/are also aware that Teresa Galloway (now PGR regional captain) feels the same. Their pain is well documented in a joint statement issued in the fall of 2011. As far as I can determine Lambert jerks Galloway's strings and she chimes right in on cue every time - it's unfortunate perhaps but ventriloquist's dummy comes to mind when I hear the name Galloway.

Until recently, when Frosty's membership was arbitrarily terminated because of mere association with J4J as the cause we were unaware that National PGR had signed on to the lunacy. So, the active blacklisting of J4J is not exclusively a Texas/Lambert thing.

As far as I know Frosty is the first PGR to have his membership terminated because of association with J4J. That association is and always has been his name on the membership roster of J4J TX3.

Lambert's complaint places Frosty in Topeka on J4J missions with TX3 which is an outright lie. He knows it. The PGR BoD knows it. Frosty can be placed at PGR missions in Texas at the same time J4J TX3 rode to Topeka. Regardless of documented proof and statements and photos to the contrary neither Lambert or the PGR BoD have owned or retracted their libelous comments.

The PGR BoD said: Allegation #2 - Activities damaging to PGR reputation. Despite counseling from PGR leadership, you have persisted in your participation in the "Journey For Justice" event and were observed at these events with PGR identifying marks. This event is in direct contradiction of the PGR mission statement, and the PGR organization desires no association with it. Your persistent participation now makes it necessary for PGR to distance itself from you personally.

It is worth noting here - "counseling" was basically a maniacal mandate from Lambert who as far as we know is not certified as a counselor. Whew! We can be thankful for that! "Observed" with identifying marks is basically local PGR leadership looking at a J4J group photo (with a magnifying glass mind you) spying the mark (yellow patch) sitting on the vest of another J4J member - not Frosty. Local leadership knows this for a fact and yet have let the lie stand. Persistent participation by Frosty is basically his name sitting on the membership roster since 2011.

What is dumbfounding is not only did we prove that Frosty did not do any of the above, we (a good many of us) have admitted to actively participating in and supporting J4J missions. Yet, we all still have our hats!

Talk about selective code enforcement and discrimination - but that's just it! The code of conduct does not prohibit PGR association with J4J. As far as I know the bylaws do not prohibit PGR association with J4J. I know for a fact if I had known the PGR engaged in the blacklisting of another lawful 501c3 organization - I would never have signed on. My associations are not subject to the whims of PGR patch police. PGR patches and other paraphernalia are not awarded or bestowed - they are purchased with the hard-earned dollars of volunteers which in a free country means you can use all of it to line a damn hamster cage if you so desire.

So, what we are talking about here is pushing a personal agenda/politics via a non-profit organization to the extreme of ousting a member in good standing and blacklisting another non-profit organization.

The following link will take you to the blog page where the 2011 mandate from TX PGR is posted as well as the long email I wrote to Lambert in response to it.

I will say it again - mostly because it annoys the PGR powers that be.
The method may be different. The mission is the same.

If you believe the PGR has no business blacklisting J4J or any other law-abiding organization based on nothing but the whim of a couple of whackos mosey on over to the Facebook Page or Sign the Petiton. Thanks!
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