Monday, July 21, 2014

Letter to BoD: Vaccarella - you are being led blindly down a path which will be highly detrimental to the PGR


As a present PGR member of eight years and Past Ride Captain of six years, I hope you will take the time to read this letter.

I am attempting to keep the PGR at the national level from making a grievous error and to prevent the complicity of slander that has taken place in the North Texas Region. I realize all you have to go on the the allegations of State Captain M. Lambert but, you need to know that he has his issues (as they are not facts) wrong and he is going to drag the National PGR into a pit that will not be easy to climb out of.

False allegations have been charged against Ted Foster that are basically falsehoods as the Red River area and the North Texas Region have their facts confused with someone else. This is not the first time this has happened and it was kept at the local level, but now the Leadership has chosen to make public, allegations that can be proven to be false, not just by myself, but by multitudes that include other PGR members, Ride Captains, and District Captains, if you only take the time to listen.

I have not been made privy to all of the allegations but what I have heard can be easily refuted.

I am sure you will hear from others on these matters, but, I implore you to take the time to listen, as from what I have heard and from what I know to be the truth, you are being led blindly down a path which will be highly detrimental to the PGR.

I can easily give you names of persons who would be unbiased in any questions you may ask as they are not from our area. Mr. Lambert on the other hand is acting with extreme prejudice as he seeks hateful revenge for his personal friends. The problem is he has people and issues confused and now is slandering a dedicated individual that has done more for the PGR than anyone in all of north Texas.

Mr Foster is a Bronze Star Veteran and has led an exemplary life, both in the military and his personal life. Your local "Chief" Captain once told Mister Foster, he didn't believe he earned the Bronze Star but I am here to say, I have seen his citations and his medals.

Mister Foster has lived and served this area longer than I have been alive. He is loved by multitudes and has the respect of all who know him.

The local and state leadership have developed such animosity toward Mister Foster and one can easily understand it, as they do not have the respect of our area citizens like Ted does.

The allegations of him being involved with Journey 4 Justice is nothing more than a Blatant Lie. Mr Foster has Never had any dealings with J4J and when one of the trips was made to Topeka, Mr Foster was on a PGR mission, over a hundred miles away. Mr Lambert has no evidence of such an event as it has never occurred. Mr. Lambert is simply trying to serve up the cool-aid in hopes that you will drink it. He is blindly leading you down a path in hopes you will not think for yourselves or check into any of the allegations yourself, but simply dance to the tune he plays and be his puppet.

The choice is yours. I am willing to answer any questions you may have or as I stated before, I can suggest others who I assure you can give you unbiased information.

Oh and about Mr Lambert and J4J, He stated at a meeting we had here years ago that "I don't care if you go to Topeka or not, as long as the PGR is not involved in any way. Hell, if things were different, I'd go with you." So with that said, was he truthful then, now or never?

I know you must be busy but, again I ask you respectfully to do the research. Call J4J and ask if Ted is a member. Call the Lady at Hospice and ask what transpired and how it transpired. Please, don't sit back and blindly slander or convict an Honored Veteran without so much as seeking the Truth. Do the Honorable thing.

J. Vaccarella
PGR member
Past Ride Captain
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