Saturday, July 19, 2014

Letter to BoD: Fortner - To malign Ted is to spit on the very Flag we hold so dear

There are several issues I am inclined to speak out on, because of your wrongfully discharging Ted Foster from the PGR. I will only address two of those at this time.

(1) Your dismissal of Ted without so much as a shred of evidence against him. Secondly to that is he way he was pictured as unworthy, misogynistic and a womanizer, because he, like others, is unwilling to follow the lead of ONE Lady who deserves no role of leadership.

Any one who knows Ted Foster, knows that he is an Honorable Man. He is a 20 year Veteran. He served in Viet Nam with the US Air Force and was awarded the Bronze Star during his tour of duty. If you know anything about the Bronze Star, you will know that they don't pass them out like candy at a Boy's Club Christmas Party. He did not want to become a Ride Captain in the PGR. He had to be convinced that he would make a good one. I was the Ride Captain that put him up for the promotion. I have no idea of a final count of the Missions Ted attended, but it is well over 200. He has as many or more Missions under his belt than any other Ride Captain in the Wichita Falls area. Any Ride Captain. He has followed the instructions and leadership of other "Lady Ride Captains" with no problem at all. I would follow this man into battle, let him take my back, and feel quite certain that I was in capable hands. More importantly I would trust him with the lives of my Wife, Son, Daughter-in-Law and Grand Children. To malign Ted is to spit on the very Flag We hold so dear. You should look a little closer to your own home for the problem in this area.

(2) Activities damaging to PGR reputation. Despite counseling from PGR leadership you have persisted in your participation in the "Journey For Justice" event and were observed at these events with PGR identifying marks. This event is in direct contradiction of the PGR mission statement, and the PGR organization desires no association with it. Your persistent participation now makes it necessary for PGR to distance itself from you personally.

This is your second reason for Ted's dismissal. I'll address this as individually as I can. There was no counseling, there were only ultimatums passed down from above. Mike Lambert told us we could not go to Topeka as PGR. Those that went, went as members of Journey 4 Justice (the true name of that organization), not PGR. Ted never attended any J4J events. He stayed in Texas while others travelled to Topeka. How can someone be observed if they were not there? During our first trip to Topeka, Ted was at a Mission in support of Chell Freeman, R/C from Childress, Tx. On the occasion of our second trip to Topeka, Ted stayed behind because his wife was ill and he wanted to be close to home. This didn't stop him from Honoring a Gold Star Family by acting as Ride Captain for the Veteran Cousin of the Mother in that Gold Star Family. Having never being a participant, I would say it would be false to call his a "Persistent participation", wouldn't you? If any member of the Red River Region should be distanced from the PGR it would not be Ted. You should hold him and all like him if you can find any, close to your bosom and pray that he stays with you.

About Journey 4 Justice, and why some from here joined that group. Journey 4 Justice does the same thing as PGR in that we held flag lines. We never confronted any members of the Westborough Baptist Church. We simply went to areas known to be frequented by them in an effort to give them a silent taste of their own medicine. We were asked, by a Gold Star Family, if we could start a Team from Texas. This Family wanted our support and help in dealing with their own grief by confronting those persons of evil that brought their group to the Funeral of their Son. Part of the PGR Mission is to cater to and do what is possible to help these Families that have given so much for us. We wore vests that had PGR patches, true, but; those were patches that we purchased, they were not issued. The PGR says it is not a motorcycle club, and therefore can not dictate the patches worn by it's members. I can tell you all this one truth. We never did anything to bring shame on the name or organization that is the PGR.

In closing I will reiterate that Ted "Frosty" Foster is one of the best Ride Captains you ever had in this area.

Gary Fortner
USAF Viet Nam Veteran E-4
Honorably Discharged in 1973
PGR Member 2007/Present
Ride Captain 2007/2013
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