Down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean, who is neither tarnished nor afraid. He is the hero; he is everything. He must be a complete man and a common man and yet an unusual man. He must be, to use a rather weathered phrase, a man of honor—by instinct, by inevitability, without thought of it, and certainly without saying it. He must be the best man in his world and a good enough man for any world.
He will take no man’s money dishonestly and no man’s insolence without a due and dispassionate revenge. He is a lonely man and his pride is that you will treat him as a proud man or be very sorry you ever saw him.
...If there were enough like him, the world would be a very safe place to live in, without becoming too dull to be worth living in.
― Raymond Chandler
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Sunday, June 29, 2014
Saturday, June 28, 2014
RECAP: Dysfunction worse than we thought
Recap: Over a month later -- We are still dealing with multiple levels of dysfunction in PGR local/state/regional leadership and in PGR six man board of directors (five BoD/one national).
1) Ted Frosty Foster the man I call Dad was basically railroaded out of the Patriot Guard (after seven years as a member in good standing and somewhere near 400 missions as a blue/maroon hat) based on a pack of of lies sold to the BoD by local/state/regional leadership. No notice. No review. No cause. Just a termination letter in his inbox. After numerous requests and demands for disclosure we received a list of vague allegations - all based on false or manufactured claims. No details. We provided proof to the contrary to refute every allegation as false or manufactured (details are in the previous posts), but the BoD is standing by their decision and refuses to provide documented proof that they actually conducted a review or substantiate the claims with fact. We know they did not.
They know we are out here but they are pretending we are not.
Now we have at least one BoD claiming he has no knowledge of the situation. What! I am saying one thing to that claim - your email did not bounce buddy. You cannot claim ignorance without being guilty of gross negligence and worse. How does one cast a vote to terminate a member over a month ago if one was unaware of the situation until yesterday? Like I said - ignorance in this case can only be the product of gross negligence. What are we supposed to do with that information? Sympathize?
We are astounded by how badly this situation has been handled! Make that bumbled! And it keeps getting worse!
2) The PGR Code of Conduct specifically states how a member is removed from the PGR. The entire local/state,/regional and BoD of the PGR failed to follow protocol. When we pointed out this grievous error we did not get so much as an OOPS! much less an apology nor a move to correct the error. Apparently, the BoD believes the Code of Conduct does not apply to their elitist non-elected, non-representative butts.
Now that one has been made aware of it - even though it was in his inbox over a month ago - he wants more documentation. Why? To start the BBQ? We have put everything in their hands that they need. What is required at this juncture is reciprocity.
3) Local/state/regional leadership as well as the BoD are actively engaging in the black listing of another lawful organization - Journey 4 Justice aka J4J. Not to worry - J4J can and will address this issue. However, anyone wearing a patch from another organization CMA, ALR, Blue Knights, Green Knights, BACA should find this disturbing. It is my opinion that trying to dictate membership associations with other organizations is in direct defiance of the inclusion clause of the Patriot Guard Mission Statement. If you check the numerous organizations listed on the Who Who Rides with Us Page on the PGR website - Journey 4 Justice is not listed. Many PGR are J4J. What's up with that?
"We don’t care what you ride or if you ride, what your political views are, or whether you’re a hawk or a dove. It is not a requirement that you be a veteran. It doesn't matter where you’re from or what your income is; you don’t even have to ride. The only prerequisite is Respect."
See: Charley Barnes, Founder of J4J Takes on Texas State PGR Captain
The last word we had from VP/Members of the BoD was their decision was final. It would not be revisited. They keep telling us to go away expecting us to go away. Now we have one BoD telling us if they reopen the case it is going to get nasty. It's already nasty.
Well, on second thought... you know they may be right. The truth hurts when you are standing on the wrong side of it.
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1) Ted Frosty Foster the man I call Dad was basically railroaded out of the Patriot Guard (after seven years as a member in good standing and somewhere near 400 missions as a blue/maroon hat) based on a pack of of lies sold to the BoD by local/state/regional leadership. No notice. No review. No cause. Just a termination letter in his inbox. After numerous requests and demands for disclosure we received a list of vague allegations - all based on false or manufactured claims. No details. We provided proof to the contrary to refute every allegation as false or manufactured (details are in the previous posts), but the BoD is standing by their decision and refuses to provide documented proof that they actually conducted a review or substantiate the claims with fact. We know they did not.
They know we are out here but they are pretending we are not.
Now we have at least one BoD claiming he has no knowledge of the situation. What! I am saying one thing to that claim - your email did not bounce buddy. You cannot claim ignorance without being guilty of gross negligence and worse. How does one cast a vote to terminate a member over a month ago if one was unaware of the situation until yesterday? Like I said - ignorance in this case can only be the product of gross negligence. What are we supposed to do with that information? Sympathize?
We are astounded by how badly this situation has been handled! Make that bumbled! And it keeps getting worse!
2) The PGR Code of Conduct specifically states how a member is removed from the PGR. The entire local/state,/regional and BoD of the PGR failed to follow protocol. When we pointed out this grievous error we did not get so much as an OOPS! much less an apology nor a move to correct the error. Apparently, the BoD believes the Code of Conduct does not apply to their elitist non-elected, non-representative butts.
Now that one has been made aware of it - even though it was in his inbox over a month ago - he wants more documentation. Why? To start the BBQ? We have put everything in their hands that they need. What is required at this juncture is reciprocity.
3) Local/state/regional leadership as well as the BoD are actively engaging in the black listing of another lawful organization - Journey 4 Justice aka J4J. Not to worry - J4J can and will address this issue. However, anyone wearing a patch from another organization CMA, ALR, Blue Knights, Green Knights, BACA should find this disturbing. It is my opinion that trying to dictate membership associations with other organizations is in direct defiance of the inclusion clause of the Patriot Guard Mission Statement. If you check the numerous organizations listed on the Who Who Rides with Us Page on the PGR website - Journey 4 Justice is not listed. Many PGR are J4J. What's up with that?
"We don’t care what you ride or if you ride, what your political views are, or whether you’re a hawk or a dove. It is not a requirement that you be a veteran. It doesn't matter where you’re from or what your income is; you don’t even have to ride. The only prerequisite is Respect."
See: Charley Barnes, Founder of J4J Takes on Texas State PGR Captain
The last word we had from VP/Members of the BoD was their decision was final. It would not be revisited. They keep telling us to go away expecting us to go away. Now we have one BoD telling us if they reopen the case it is going to get nasty. It's already nasty.
Well, on second thought... you know they may be right. The truth hurts when you are standing on the wrong side of it.
© All Rights Reserved
Thursday, June 26, 2014
PGR Slanderous Allegation - Insult to PGR Women
One of the most absurd allegations launched against Ted Frosty Foster by PGR Local/State/Regional leadership and the National BoD included such defamatory statements as: misogynistic and discriminatory ideas you have expressed, regarding the suitability of women as PGR leadership... Further to that, you have repeatedly attempted to undermine the efforts of female leadership in your area.
This was Ted's answer to that allegation. 2. As for disrespecting women in leadership positions this is also absolutely false. Hear this, two of the finest ride captains I have ever met are women, Chell Freeman in the Panhandle and Cindy Stroud in southwest Oklahoma. Additionally, there are many great lady riders in this area that I ride with almost every week or so. These ladies are Laura Calvert, Cindy Bragg, Anne Smith, Angela Johnston, Patti Jackson and many others.
-- Ted Frosty Foster
The following are comments from the allegedly disparaged women who ride with Ted, starting out with my take on it as Ted's daughter:
Discriminating of women - well, if you mean he discriminates in that he chooses which women and men to associate with, ride with, be friends with, go to coffee with, stand the flag line with - well yes I believe we all do that. Most of us choose who we want in our lives - it's a fact all of us can attest to -- some people simply do not make the grade. That's exercising discriminating tastes in our associations. I guarantee you - there is not one instance where this man as active PGR refused to stand the flag line or perform the duties required of him during a mission because a woman was in charge.
Indicating in speech or in writing one has a difference of opinion with leadership or any single person is not indicative of discrimination. Discrimination in misogynistic terms implies dislike or contempt or ingrained prejudice against women in general. If such activity were present in Ted's actions where are the write-ups? Would the face of these accusations please step forward? And why does state leadership and the BoD feel themselves competent and entitled to act as judge and jury in these serious allegations? Like I said - absurdly fictitious! [Digression: The cowardly person responsible for this complaint is likely the same person who stood the flag-line shoulder-to-shoulder (yes, there is photographic evidence) with Ted Frosty Foster over the course of seven years and has been known (I have this first-hand) to gushingly call Ted Frosty Foster her go-to-guy.]
Misogyny is an ugly word - unless someone is willing to step forward and put their butt on the line with proof of that - it becomes a vile form of slander... failing to prove it could have some nasty consequences.
Ted Frosty Foster has been married to the same hard-working, high-spirited, independent woman for near 60 years. Inez raised a daughter in that same vein. It is an insult to both of us for anyone to imply that either of us would tolerate any form of sexism in our lives. An insult to us and to him.
1) It is not Ted Foster who questioned the mind-set, integrity and strength of female organizers of multiple Honor Flight events by suggesting they did not know their own business much less their own minds. I believe that was what is left of the local PGR leadership.
2) Suggesting that the independent, strong-minded women who ride with the Patriot Guard at any level would put up with sexism from anyone for even an instant is sexism in and of itself. I am offended by that inference as I am sure most women would be. Suggesting that PGR men who ride with PGR women would tolerate that type of behavior toward women from one of their own is yet another imbecilic insult.
[Another digression: I have zero tolerance for whiny-butt women who put themselves in what is essentially a man's world and then play the weak woman card when it serves their purpose. It's a disgrace to my gender.]
-- Vickie L Foster Downing, Proud Daughter of Ted Frosty Foster, USAF Vietnam Veteran, Proud Wife of USAF Vietnam Veteran, PGR Blue Hat
Ted and Inez Foster
Ted Foster is one of the most patriotic, respectful, down to earth people that I have had the privilege of meeting, standing flag line with, riding to numerous missions with as well as seeing him involved in all aspects of PGR.
This is a 78 year old gentleman that is kind to everyone, respectful to all and enjoys life. Or at least he did enjoy life until certain someone's accusations and lies have brought him down... This is a man that took pride in his name, never having it smeared with accusations and lies before, took pride in his veteran status that you all [local/state/regional leadership and BoD] as a collective group have sullied, took pride in knowing that people loved him(female and male alike) for himself and what he has always stood for. This is a man that has gone the extra mile for the PGR over the last seven years, and has probably done more missions, stood more flag lines in all types of weather than any other PGR member in this area. This includes blue hats, red hats and/or tan hats. And I feel pretty confident that most if not all that know him will agree.
...As far as him being sexist, wrong again. Two of his favorite ride captains happen to be female.
Laura Calvert, Proud wife of Vietnam Veteran, Proud daughter of WWII Veteran, Proud Blue Star family member, Proud PGR blue hat
I don't even know where to begin. I joined the PGR in 08. Since joining I have held the positions of Contact coordinator (sending out emails), a Ride Capt., and Deputy State Captain. Also, just as a blue hat. I am appalled at what is being done to Ted Foster (Frosty). From the first time meeting Ted he has been a friend, a mentor, and a guy that I know would drop everything he is doing to come help me. I know this because he has done that. Anytime I have every called him to help with a mission or just had a question he has always helped. He was with me at my first mission as a Ride Capt. on June 10, 2011. He was right there encouraging me. I have never had a problem with Ted or his friends as you called them on ever helping me and as a female I have never seen this man ever act towards any female in a manner that is considered misogynistic and discriminatory as you put it. Ted did not step down as a ride captain because she [Barbara Johnson] was female he stepped down because she is a hard person to work with. I myself don't like working with her. I am usually the only female on the missions in my area plus usually the only one under 40. He has never made me feel uncomfortable, or that he is superior to me, he has always treated me like an equal. I myself am not military, funny that has never bothered him in any way and [he] has also said it was a pleasure working with me. He has never had a problem with me telling him what to do. When I became the DSC he was my number one fan and always I mean always supported me. Does this sound like a man that can't work with a female or has a problem with them being in a leadership role?
I myself do think that you need to go back and review your facts...Ted has never been anything but helpful to me and a man of honor. He has never had a problem working with me or helping me and I am HONORED to call him my friend. I stand behind him on this one!!
-- Chell Peanut Freeman, RC, Contact Coordinator of the Panhandle south plains region
I come from a very strong military background beginning with my great grandfather dad, brothers, nephew and my 2nd cousin General Tommy Franks. I can assure you sirs my blood runs red, white, and blue. At the funeral of my nephew William Eric Baker who had served in the Army 66th MP Brigade, 18th MP Brigade, and 5th and 7th Special Forces groups, also as US Navy Petty Officer where his missions were classified, again I saw the honor of the PGR and as family member saw how much it helped me. I knew I wanted to belong to this honorable organization.
I vividly remember my first mission with the PGR. I didn’t know anyone but the Johnstons and they had not arrived yet, but Mr. Ted Foster was there. He came up to me introduced himself and led me to where others were standing and one by one introduced me to them. He then briefed us on the mission at hand. By the time he was finished I knew exactly what was expected of me, what, when, and where. He made sure every detail was taken care of for the family and the fallen hero. I was hooked. I was so proud to be a part of this outstanding group of individuals. I can’t tell you how many missions I have been on with Frosty, but I can tell you I have never been on one that he didn’t take care of his team and the families with the utmost respect. His missions were organized and were always carried out with honor and dignity.
The ridiculous allegation of misogynistic and discriminatory ideas he has expressed regarding women in the PGR is ludicrous. I have ridden with him countless times and he has expressed how he enjoyed riding with me and always complementing my riding abilities. He has ridden under many female Ride Captains and done an outstanding job helping in any way he could. This is one of the most honorable men I have ever had the privilege of knowing. His integrity is beyond reproach.
There are many that have had issues with one female ride captain, and yes there are women that share these same issues. She has stepped down twice only to be reinstated. As an American who loves her country and its flag I was sickened when I saw her post a picture on face book, my countries flag laying in the bushes while she stopped for a photo opp. At that time the family of the fallen hero were going into the church. Wow, where was the honor in that. I quit going to her missions just as others have due to the dishonorable way they were handled.
As for Mr. Ted Foster, I will stand beside him and fight for his honor until he tells me to stand down. I am honored to know and call him my friend. I will follow his lead on any mission. He is the real deal folks. A finer man you will never meet. He loves his Lord, his family and friends and he loves this UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! And for all his contributions, I thank him.
It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly.
-- Cindy “Goose” Bragg, Proud Patriot Guard Rider
Since joining the PGR I have proudly told people what they do and why, and promoted their cause. This great respect that I have gotten, came from men like Ted Foster that I watched and admired, as he and other went on missions in heat, rain, sleet, and snow. When we were on these missions, we were there for one reason, to honor the fallen hero and their families. Ted and those of us who rode with him on these missions, did so with great respect for this country, and to honor those who died to protecting our freedom.
I have attended PGR functions, and personal family events with Ted. Never have I witnessed or heard any disrespectful remarks on his part.
After reading the accusations, for which you [BoD] deemed it necessary to terminate his PGR membership, I have come to the conclusion that this sounds like a personal vendetta.
Factious remarks have been made that have not and cannot be substantiated. It amazes and frustrates me that that you have taken the words of this person or person(s) and [call] it the absolute truth. Who are these people, which you obviously hold them and their word in such high regard? Why should their accusations and motives not be in question here?
Linda Ryckoff, PGR, Blue Star Parent
Code of Conduct Violations regarding women and non-veterans. Excuse me, you clearly do not know Ted Foster! He is an ardent supporter of women (both inside and outside the riding community) and has often stated some of the best Ride Captains he has had the privilege of working with are women. Additionally, his ONLY criteria for one to offer support to our fallen heroes is Patriotic Dedication – does not matter if they are Veteran or non-Veteran. I have personal knowledge of this in regards to BOTH myself and my husband. Neither of us served, yet Ted welcomed us to the PGR and was one of the few PGR members that supported the two of us after my husband’s motorcycle accident in January 2012. To take the inability of several PGR Ride Captains to deal with ONE woman who is also a non-Veteran to the extreme that you have dis-honors the very nature of the organization and is an insult to Ted.
-- Ann M Smith, Proud Daughter of a WWII Veteran, Proud Member of the American Legion Auxiliary and American Legion Riders, Proud Member of the Patriot Guard Riders
I don't know what more I can add to the many outstanding comments of friendship and respect for our Ted Foster. I have known Ted for many years through my husband, Gary, and Ted has always been respectful to me, a gentleman and a true friend to all of us. Ted has worked tirelessly with the PGR and the American Legion. Ted and his wife, Inez, are two of the most caring and wonderful people we could be blessed enough to have as our friends. They hold the highest integrity for our country and our flag. I simply cannot believe the lies and hurtful words slung at Ted Foster or, for that matter, others who are his friends. It is appalling and slanderous. As for J4J, Ted Foster has NEVER been with the riders going to Topeka. He has always remained in Wichita Falls to serve the PGR. I honestly do not see how the PGR leadership could have let all of this go on when we have all tried to tell them what and who has caused the PGR of this area to fall apart. DO NOT blame Ted Foster. He is the finest example of patriotism and respect the PGR ever had.
-- Jean Ann Fortner
Ted with Gold Star Mother, Angela Johnston
WOW!!! I made Frosty's Friends page (picture of Frosty and myself). What an honor!!!! We met this man as a stranger and accepted him and his family as a gift from Gary. Boy, Gary, did you do good. You above all, you know how demanding your mother can be. Mr. Ted and Miss Inez are always watching over us in their very patriotic way. They get "IT". There have been some that he has sent us that do NOT get IT. That is sure tiring on us and honestly, we don't have the energy any longer. So my prayer thru you, Gary, to Him is please bless these people and watch over them. If they don't get IT, they must really be struggling in their daily lives. And for the ones that do get it, continue to bless them with happiness. Amen.
Angela Johnston, Very proud Mother of USMC Sgt. Gary Johnston, Killed in Action
It may come as a huge surprise to some high ranking members of the PGR - but women are more than capable of speaking for themselves. If this allegation was valid - you would have heard about it a long time ago. 'Nuff said.
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This was Ted's answer to that allegation. 2. As for disrespecting women in leadership positions this is also absolutely false. Hear this, two of the finest ride captains I have ever met are women, Chell Freeman in the Panhandle and Cindy Stroud in southwest Oklahoma. Additionally, there are many great lady riders in this area that I ride with almost every week or so. These ladies are Laura Calvert, Cindy Bragg, Anne Smith, Angela Johnston, Patti Jackson and many others.
-- Ted Frosty Foster
The following are comments from the allegedly disparaged women who ride with Ted, starting out with my take on it as Ted's daughter:
Discriminating of women - well, if you mean he discriminates in that he chooses which women and men to associate with, ride with, be friends with, go to coffee with, stand the flag line with - well yes I believe we all do that. Most of us choose who we want in our lives - it's a fact all of us can attest to -- some people simply do not make the grade. That's exercising discriminating tastes in our associations. I guarantee you - there is not one instance where this man as active PGR refused to stand the flag line or perform the duties required of him during a mission because a woman was in charge.
Indicating in speech or in writing one has a difference of opinion with leadership or any single person is not indicative of discrimination. Discrimination in misogynistic terms implies dislike or contempt or ingrained prejudice against women in general. If such activity were present in Ted's actions where are the write-ups? Would the face of these accusations please step forward? And why does state leadership and the BoD feel themselves competent and entitled to act as judge and jury in these serious allegations? Like I said - absurdly fictitious! [Digression: The cowardly person responsible for this complaint is likely the same person who stood the flag-line shoulder-to-shoulder (yes, there is photographic evidence) with Ted Frosty Foster over the course of seven years and has been known (I have this first-hand) to gushingly call Ted Frosty Foster her go-to-guy.]
Misogyny is an ugly word - unless someone is willing to step forward and put their butt on the line with proof of that - it becomes a vile form of slander... failing to prove it could have some nasty consequences.
Ted Frosty Foster has been married to the same hard-working, high-spirited, independent woman for near 60 years. Inez raised a daughter in that same vein. It is an insult to both of us for anyone to imply that either of us would tolerate any form of sexism in our lives. An insult to us and to him.
1) It is not Ted Foster who questioned the mind-set, integrity and strength of female organizers of multiple Honor Flight events by suggesting they did not know their own business much less their own minds. I believe that was what is left of the local PGR leadership.
2) Suggesting that the independent, strong-minded women who ride with the Patriot Guard at any level would put up with sexism from anyone for even an instant is sexism in and of itself. I am offended by that inference as I am sure most women would be. Suggesting that PGR men who ride with PGR women would tolerate that type of behavior toward women from one of their own is yet another imbecilic insult.
[Another digression: I have zero tolerance for whiny-butt women who put themselves in what is essentially a man's world and then play the weak woman card when it serves their purpose. It's a disgrace to my gender.]
-- Vickie L Foster Downing, Proud Daughter of Ted Frosty Foster, USAF Vietnam Veteran, Proud Wife of USAF Vietnam Veteran, PGR Blue Hat
Ted and Inez Foster
Ted Foster is one of the most patriotic, respectful, down to earth people that I have had the privilege of meeting, standing flag line with, riding to numerous missions with as well as seeing him involved in all aspects of PGR.
This is a 78 year old gentleman that is kind to everyone, respectful to all and enjoys life. Or at least he did enjoy life until certain someone's accusations and lies have brought him down... This is a man that took pride in his name, never having it smeared with accusations and lies before, took pride in his veteran status that you all [local/state/regional leadership and BoD] as a collective group have sullied, took pride in knowing that people loved him(female and male alike) for himself and what he has always stood for. This is a man that has gone the extra mile for the PGR over the last seven years, and has probably done more missions, stood more flag lines in all types of weather than any other PGR member in this area. This includes blue hats, red hats and/or tan hats. And I feel pretty confident that most if not all that know him will agree.
...As far as him being sexist, wrong again. Two of his favorite ride captains happen to be female.
Laura Calvert, Proud wife of Vietnam Veteran, Proud daughter of WWII Veteran, Proud Blue Star family member, Proud PGR blue hat
I don't even know where to begin. I joined the PGR in 08. Since joining I have held the positions of Contact coordinator (sending out emails), a Ride Capt., and Deputy State Captain. Also, just as a blue hat. I am appalled at what is being done to Ted Foster (Frosty). From the first time meeting Ted he has been a friend, a mentor, and a guy that I know would drop everything he is doing to come help me. I know this because he has done that. Anytime I have every called him to help with a mission or just had a question he has always helped. He was with me at my first mission as a Ride Capt. on June 10, 2011. He was right there encouraging me. I have never had a problem with Ted or his friends as you called them on ever helping me and as a female I have never seen this man ever act towards any female in a manner that is considered misogynistic and discriminatory as you put it. Ted did not step down as a ride captain because she [Barbara Johnson] was female he stepped down because she is a hard person to work with. I myself don't like working with her. I am usually the only female on the missions in my area plus usually the only one under 40. He has never made me feel uncomfortable, or that he is superior to me, he has always treated me like an equal. I myself am not military, funny that has never bothered him in any way and [he] has also said it was a pleasure working with me. He has never had a problem with me telling him what to do. When I became the DSC he was my number one fan and always I mean always supported me. Does this sound like a man that can't work with a female or has a problem with them being in a leadership role?
I myself do think that you need to go back and review your facts...Ted has never been anything but helpful to me and a man of honor. He has never had a problem working with me or helping me and I am HONORED to call him my friend. I stand behind him on this one!!
-- Chell Peanut Freeman, RC, Contact Coordinator of the Panhandle south plains region
I come from a very strong military background beginning with my great grandfather dad, brothers, nephew and my 2nd cousin General Tommy Franks. I can assure you sirs my blood runs red, white, and blue. At the funeral of my nephew William Eric Baker who had served in the Army 66th MP Brigade, 18th MP Brigade, and 5th and 7th Special Forces groups, also as US Navy Petty Officer where his missions were classified, again I saw the honor of the PGR and as family member saw how much it helped me. I knew I wanted to belong to this honorable organization.
I vividly remember my first mission with the PGR. I didn’t know anyone but the Johnstons and they had not arrived yet, but Mr. Ted Foster was there. He came up to me introduced himself and led me to where others were standing and one by one introduced me to them. He then briefed us on the mission at hand. By the time he was finished I knew exactly what was expected of me, what, when, and where. He made sure every detail was taken care of for the family and the fallen hero. I was hooked. I was so proud to be a part of this outstanding group of individuals. I can’t tell you how many missions I have been on with Frosty, but I can tell you I have never been on one that he didn’t take care of his team and the families with the utmost respect. His missions were organized and were always carried out with honor and dignity.
The ridiculous allegation of misogynistic and discriminatory ideas he has expressed regarding women in the PGR is ludicrous. I have ridden with him countless times and he has expressed how he enjoyed riding with me and always complementing my riding abilities. He has ridden under many female Ride Captains and done an outstanding job helping in any way he could. This is one of the most honorable men I have ever had the privilege of knowing. His integrity is beyond reproach.
There are many that have had issues with one female ride captain, and yes there are women that share these same issues. She has stepped down twice only to be reinstated. As an American who loves her country and its flag I was sickened when I saw her post a picture on face book, my countries flag laying in the bushes while she stopped for a photo opp. At that time the family of the fallen hero were going into the church. Wow, where was the honor in that. I quit going to her missions just as others have due to the dishonorable way they were handled.
As for Mr. Ted Foster, I will stand beside him and fight for his honor until he tells me to stand down. I am honored to know and call him my friend. I will follow his lead on any mission. He is the real deal folks. A finer man you will never meet. He loves his Lord, his family and friends and he loves this UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! And for all his contributions, I thank him.
It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly.
-- Cindy “Goose” Bragg, Proud Patriot Guard Rider
Since joining the PGR I have proudly told people what they do and why, and promoted their cause. This great respect that I have gotten, came from men like Ted Foster that I watched and admired, as he and other went on missions in heat, rain, sleet, and snow. When we were on these missions, we were there for one reason, to honor the fallen hero and their families. Ted and those of us who rode with him on these missions, did so with great respect for this country, and to honor those who died to protecting our freedom.
I have attended PGR functions, and personal family events with Ted. Never have I witnessed or heard any disrespectful remarks on his part.
After reading the accusations, for which you [BoD] deemed it necessary to terminate his PGR membership, I have come to the conclusion that this sounds like a personal vendetta.
Factious remarks have been made that have not and cannot be substantiated. It amazes and frustrates me that that you have taken the words of this person or person(s) and [call] it the absolute truth. Who are these people, which you obviously hold them and their word in such high regard? Why should their accusations and motives not be in question here?
Linda Ryckoff, PGR, Blue Star Parent
Code of Conduct Violations regarding women and non-veterans. Excuse me, you clearly do not know Ted Foster! He is an ardent supporter of women (both inside and outside the riding community) and has often stated some of the best Ride Captains he has had the privilege of working with are women. Additionally, his ONLY criteria for one to offer support to our fallen heroes is Patriotic Dedication – does not matter if they are Veteran or non-Veteran. I have personal knowledge of this in regards to BOTH myself and my husband. Neither of us served, yet Ted welcomed us to the PGR and was one of the few PGR members that supported the two of us after my husband’s motorcycle accident in January 2012. To take the inability of several PGR Ride Captains to deal with ONE woman who is also a non-Veteran to the extreme that you have dis-honors the very nature of the organization and is an insult to Ted.
-- Ann M Smith, Proud Daughter of a WWII Veteran, Proud Member of the American Legion Auxiliary and American Legion Riders, Proud Member of the Patriot Guard Riders
I don't know what more I can add to the many outstanding comments of friendship and respect for our Ted Foster. I have known Ted for many years through my husband, Gary, and Ted has always been respectful to me, a gentleman and a true friend to all of us. Ted has worked tirelessly with the PGR and the American Legion. Ted and his wife, Inez, are two of the most caring and wonderful people we could be blessed enough to have as our friends. They hold the highest integrity for our country and our flag. I simply cannot believe the lies and hurtful words slung at Ted Foster or, for that matter, others who are his friends. It is appalling and slanderous. As for J4J, Ted Foster has NEVER been with the riders going to Topeka. He has always remained in Wichita Falls to serve the PGR. I honestly do not see how the PGR leadership could have let all of this go on when we have all tried to tell them what and who has caused the PGR of this area to fall apart. DO NOT blame Ted Foster. He is the finest example of patriotism and respect the PGR ever had.
-- Jean Ann Fortner
Ted with Gold Star Mother, Angela Johnston
WOW!!! I made Frosty's Friends page (picture of Frosty and myself). What an honor!!!! We met this man as a stranger and accepted him and his family as a gift from Gary. Boy, Gary, did you do good. You above all, you know how demanding your mother can be. Mr. Ted and Miss Inez are always watching over us in their very patriotic way. They get "IT". There have been some that he has sent us that do NOT get IT. That is sure tiring on us and honestly, we don't have the energy any longer. So my prayer thru you, Gary, to Him is please bless these people and watch over them. If they don't get IT, they must really be struggling in their daily lives. And for the ones that do get it, continue to bless them with happiness. Amen.
Angela Johnston, Very proud Mother of USMC Sgt. Gary Johnston, Killed in Action
It may come as a huge surprise to some high ranking members of the PGR - but women are more than capable of speaking for themselves. If this allegation was valid - you would have heard about it a long time ago. 'Nuff said.
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Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Blue Hat Deplores PGR Witch Hunt
I am a PGR "Blue Hat" of 5.5 years in good standing, but that is subject to change. I am writing in regards to the unjust and Baseless attack on the character of former Ride Captain Ted "Frosty" Foster. I attend missions with the Red River Area and have since I joined the PGR. I attended some with DFW area but when I went on my first mission in Wichita Falls I met all the guys and gals up there and was welcomed to the family with open arms. Ted Foster treated me like I was one of the crowd from the very first instant that I pulled up on my bike, as he has with everyone I have seen pull up for the first time since! Male or Female!
Ted Foster, in my humble opinion, has been nothing but the epitome of what the PGR should hope all members strive to be. This man has led every mission with professionalism, compassion, and integrity. I cannot believe that this man's dedication to the PGR mission is even being called into question. Ted lives for the Honor of standing for Veterans and their Families. He has gone above and beyond what is expected of the Ride Captains as well as the PGR. I can tell you that there are hundreds of families here in North Texas that love and respect this man for the comfort and continued friendship he has given them long after the mission is over.
Ted is the face of the PGR in the Red River Area, his reputation in this community is above reproach. Just a ball park figure I would guess this man has stood for 400 missions or more. While the areas Chief RC was rubbing elbows with leadership, Ted was here doing missions, standing tall for those that stood for us, and their families. Any place you go up here with your PGR attire on someone always knows Ted and asks about him as well as talks about him and what he has done for the Veterans in this community.
I have read the trumped up charges against Ted, have not seen any proof of any of them, nor will I because it does not exist. Any collaborated statements as Mr. Mike Childree put it are just pure figment of some ones imagination. Let's stop beating around the bush and say what's really going on here. The Chief RC's wife got pissed off and quit the PGR, she did not take a leave of absence, she did not step down to a blue hat, she did not just stay away from missions and keep her RC status. She let everyone know she quit and walked away. A year later she decides she wants to come back as an RC and because her husband is the Chief RC no one should speak up. Well some did and were asked for their resignations, some threatened to step down if she was made a RC, which they did.
Ted is accused of being a misogynist, this would be funny if it wasn't so laughable, this man has gathered up riders from our area to go help Lady RCs in the Panhandle Region as well as the Southwest Oklahoma Region. Ted has the full respect of the men and the ladies. There is a lady RC that walks around with a chip on her shoulder though, right after she returned I invited a couple of my friends from another area on one of our missions, they told me they would not be back because of her attitude and the way she talked to people.
He is accused of having a problem with non Veteran Leadership, this is total BS, Ted did his Job 100 percent of the time no matter who the main RC was. He carried out every mission with the utmost respect, he gave his all at every mission. This came up when Ted was not even in the conversation, a certain RC that was going to step down and changed his mind at the last minute made a statement during a conversation after the mission that Chief RC was the head RC and pictures where posted of flags laying in the bushes by one of the Chief RC's friends. A gold star parent was called by a Veteran friend of his and told about it. The statement was made that all the Veteran Ride Captains had stepped down and if they would have been there, there would not have been any flags in the bushes. I can tell you for a fact that it would not of happened under Ted's watch, he would have been there that instant, and if the person that put that flag there needed a break, he would have relieved him. Having said that the RC that did not step down took issue with the gold star parent's statement about Veteran RCs. Ted was no where in or around the conversation.
Let me be clear, Ted is not and never has been the problem in this area, without him and the RCs that stepped down there wouldn't even be a PGR presence in this area, it is their hard work that gave the PGR the footing that it has here, it is Ted and the other RCs that stepped down whose reputations built this area. The lady that put the Honor Flight Movie Theater deal together came to Ted, I was standing there in a group talking to him when she came up and asked him if he could get some Veterans together and some flags, she said he could even put some bikes up on the side walk, he made sure she knew that he was with the American Legion Riders and not the PGR. It was a week later that the Chief RC's wife went in and solicited for the PGR to stand a flag line, problem was she did not talk to the lady that was in charge.
There are people that do the job, bust their butts to make sure things are done and done right. Then there are the ones that show up after the work is done and claim the credit, Ted and the RCs that stepped down are the ones that did the work. To treat Ted with the disrespect he has been treated with after 7 years of busting his rear for the PGR is wrong. To assault a man of his integrity without even questioning where it comes from is wrong. Everyone is watching, if a man that has given his all for 7 years with an impeccable reputation can be railroaded like this, anyone can.
Thank you for your time and consideration. In closing I will just say these charges are so far out of line it makes one question leadership and the PGR steps that have been bypassed on this witch hunt.
Michael R. Caudle
PGR Member 5.5 yrs.
USMC Vet. 76-84
Owner: M&J Transport
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Ted Foster, in my humble opinion, has been nothing but the epitome of what the PGR should hope all members strive to be. This man has led every mission with professionalism, compassion, and integrity. I cannot believe that this man's dedication to the PGR mission is even being called into question. Ted lives for the Honor of standing for Veterans and their Families. He has gone above and beyond what is expected of the Ride Captains as well as the PGR. I can tell you that there are hundreds of families here in North Texas that love and respect this man for the comfort and continued friendship he has given them long after the mission is over.
Ted is the face of the PGR in the Red River Area, his reputation in this community is above reproach. Just a ball park figure I would guess this man has stood for 400 missions or more. While the areas Chief RC was rubbing elbows with leadership, Ted was here doing missions, standing tall for those that stood for us, and their families. Any place you go up here with your PGR attire on someone always knows Ted and asks about him as well as talks about him and what he has done for the Veterans in this community.
I have read the trumped up charges against Ted, have not seen any proof of any of them, nor will I because it does not exist. Any collaborated statements as Mr. Mike Childree put it are just pure figment of some ones imagination. Let's stop beating around the bush and say what's really going on here. The Chief RC's wife got pissed off and quit the PGR, she did not take a leave of absence, she did not step down to a blue hat, she did not just stay away from missions and keep her RC status. She let everyone know she quit and walked away. A year later she decides she wants to come back as an RC and because her husband is the Chief RC no one should speak up. Well some did and were asked for their resignations, some threatened to step down if she was made a RC, which they did.
Ted is accused of being a misogynist, this would be funny if it wasn't so laughable, this man has gathered up riders from our area to go help Lady RCs in the Panhandle Region as well as the Southwest Oklahoma Region. Ted has the full respect of the men and the ladies. There is a lady RC that walks around with a chip on her shoulder though, right after she returned I invited a couple of my friends from another area on one of our missions, they told me they would not be back because of her attitude and the way she talked to people.
He is accused of having a problem with non Veteran Leadership, this is total BS, Ted did his Job 100 percent of the time no matter who the main RC was. He carried out every mission with the utmost respect, he gave his all at every mission. This came up when Ted was not even in the conversation, a certain RC that was going to step down and changed his mind at the last minute made a statement during a conversation after the mission that Chief RC was the head RC and pictures where posted of flags laying in the bushes by one of the Chief RC's friends. A gold star parent was called by a Veteran friend of his and told about it. The statement was made that all the Veteran Ride Captains had stepped down and if they would have been there, there would not have been any flags in the bushes. I can tell you for a fact that it would not of happened under Ted's watch, he would have been there that instant, and if the person that put that flag there needed a break, he would have relieved him. Having said that the RC that did not step down took issue with the gold star parent's statement about Veteran RCs. Ted was no where in or around the conversation.
Let me be clear, Ted is not and never has been the problem in this area, without him and the RCs that stepped down there wouldn't even be a PGR presence in this area, it is their hard work that gave the PGR the footing that it has here, it is Ted and the other RCs that stepped down whose reputations built this area. The lady that put the Honor Flight Movie Theater deal together came to Ted, I was standing there in a group talking to him when she came up and asked him if he could get some Veterans together and some flags, she said he could even put some bikes up on the side walk, he made sure she knew that he was with the American Legion Riders and not the PGR. It was a week later that the Chief RC's wife went in and solicited for the PGR to stand a flag line, problem was she did not talk to the lady that was in charge.
There are people that do the job, bust their butts to make sure things are done and done right. Then there are the ones that show up after the work is done and claim the credit, Ted and the RCs that stepped down are the ones that did the work. To treat Ted with the disrespect he has been treated with after 7 years of busting his rear for the PGR is wrong. To assault a man of his integrity without even questioning where it comes from is wrong. Everyone is watching, if a man that has given his all for 7 years with an impeccable reputation can be railroaded like this, anyone can.
Thank you for your time and consideration. In closing I will just say these charges are so far out of line it makes one question leadership and the PGR steps that have been bypassed on this witch hunt.
Michael R. Caudle
PGR Member 5.5 yrs.
USMC Vet. 76-84
Owner: M&J Transport
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Nocona Nightmare - Never Again
Labor Day - September 2010 we rolled out of our driveway on a road trip to Texas for the National HOG Rally in our hometown of Wichita Falls, TX. We looked forward to riding with family and friends especially Dad (Ted Frosty Foster).
During the course of the extended weekend, a Patriot Guard Mission came up. We were honored to ride with our Texas friends and family to Nocona TX to stand the flag-line for Sgt Walker, a veteran killed in a motorcycle crash while traveling in Oregon.
Mike and Barbara Johnson, current local leadership were the ride captains for this mission. We had ridden with the Johnsons before while in Texas just not under their lead. We noticed some distinct differences this time around. First of all, there was some sort of confusion about where everyone was to stage. Most of the regular PGR staged at a normal spot at a gas station. The Johnsons had a new batch of younger bikers stage at another station. So one of them roared off to get the new bikers. Tim cussed a blue streak almost all the way to Nocona because the Johnsons were unable to maintain a steady speed.
When we arrived in Nocona, the Johnsons (who had allegedly scouted the location the day before) directed where we should place flags and start staging for the funeral services. We had done a good bit of work when someone noticed there was a activity at a church a couple of blocks away. Another funeral. No, not another funeral - our funeral. The Johnsons had us setting up in front of the wrong church! Well, we scrambled and managed to get a decent flag-line set before the mourners arrived. Barbara, I believe gave us a curt and rather clipped briefing. No apologies for the oversight.
Post mission briefing (directions to the cemetery) - same thing. No mention of the near disastrous error. After returning my flag to the transport truck, I walked back down the street to shed my half chaps. I was standing beside our ride watching the new guys across the street when Barbara and Mike engaged in a loud, knock-down, drag-out argument that had me, the new guys and anyone else within a block dropping our jaws. The argument culminated as Tim was walking up with Barbara getting on her bike, speeding down the street spraying dust and gravel everywhere.
I was mortified at the completely inappropriate public display.
Thankfully, our plan was not to attend the graveside services as we had a prior engagement for that evening so we rode with Dad (Ted) in the lead. As far as I know, no one ever heard from the new guys (prospective PGR) again.
We decided that day we would never ride under Barbara and Mike's direction again. We have held true to that decision.
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During the course of the extended weekend, a Patriot Guard Mission came up. We were honored to ride with our Texas friends and family to Nocona TX to stand the flag-line for Sgt Walker, a veteran killed in a motorcycle crash while traveling in Oregon.
Mike and Barbara Johnson, current local leadership were the ride captains for this mission. We had ridden with the Johnsons before while in Texas just not under their lead. We noticed some distinct differences this time around. First of all, there was some sort of confusion about where everyone was to stage. Most of the regular PGR staged at a normal spot at a gas station. The Johnsons had a new batch of younger bikers stage at another station. So one of them roared off to get the new bikers. Tim cussed a blue streak almost all the way to Nocona because the Johnsons were unable to maintain a steady speed.
When we arrived in Nocona, the Johnsons (who had allegedly scouted the location the day before) directed where we should place flags and start staging for the funeral services. We had done a good bit of work when someone noticed there was a activity at a church a couple of blocks away. Another funeral. No, not another funeral - our funeral. The Johnsons had us setting up in front of the wrong church! Well, we scrambled and managed to get a decent flag-line set before the mourners arrived. Barbara, I believe gave us a curt and rather clipped briefing. No apologies for the oversight.
Post mission briefing (directions to the cemetery) - same thing. No mention of the near disastrous error. After returning my flag to the transport truck, I walked back down the street to shed my half chaps. I was standing beside our ride watching the new guys across the street when Barbara and Mike engaged in a loud, knock-down, drag-out argument that had me, the new guys and anyone else within a block dropping our jaws. The argument culminated as Tim was walking up with Barbara getting on her bike, speeding down the street spraying dust and gravel everywhere.
I was mortified at the completely inappropriate public display.
Thankfully, our plan was not to attend the graveside services as we had a prior engagement for that evening so we rode with Dad (Ted) in the lead. As far as I know, no one ever heard from the new guys (prospective PGR) again.
We decided that day we would never ride under Barbara and Mike's direction again. We have held true to that decision.
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Tuesday, June 24, 2014
PGR Leadership: Galloway Engages in Libel and Slander
As I said in previous posts the dysfunction of the Patriot Guard in Texas cannot be laid upon the blue hats who go out every day in all sorts of weather under their own power and at their own expense to do the job of honoring Veterans. Leadership, on the other hand tends to go a bit ballistic when they start thinking more of themselves than they do of those who actually walk the walk. Galloway (the subject of this post) is currently South Central Regional Captain.
This is a story in his own words from Dave Griminger aka Grinch - Deputy State Captain, Panhandle/South Plains Region, Texas
In the aftermath of an accident during a funeral procession Griminger issued a safety concern to his riders:
Griminger: As a Deputy State Captain, I feel it is my responsibility to keep riders safe during missions. During the week of April 25, 2012(approx.) I forwarded out a email I had received to everyone that Michelle (ride captain/contact coordinator) has in our email listing. This email was about riding too close behind the funeral hearse as there was a accident in Oklahoma where the hearse stopped fast and bikes hit it. No one hurt bad, but still a safety issue. I stated in caps, THIS IS WHY WE DO NOT NEED TO RIDE IN FUNERAL PROCESSIONS.
Griminger received a phone call from Galloway who took issue with the safety memo and then called him a liar when he explained he was attending the funeral of a friend rather than the Gathering of the Guard... once again leadership accuses of someone of being at a J4J event who was not there.
Griminger: That same weekend, April 28 2012, 2 events were going on. The first being the 2012 Texas Gathering of The Guard and the second being a trip to Topeka, Kansas in support of J4J by Texas Team 3. I DID NOT go to either of these functions. On Saturday, 28 April,2012 I served as a Pallbearer in Paducah, Texas for a life long friend who passed away.
After the service I saw I had a missed call from then State Captain Teresa Galloway. Once I got outside of Paducah, I called the State Captain. She immediately started yelling at me, asking me if I was trying to kill the PGR. I asked her what she was talking about and she replied, "That Email you sent out, why did you send that out?" I told her it was about safety, I didn't think we needed to ride like that and that accident was a prime example of why. She then went on to tell me I needed to resend (as to take back) that email. I politely said there was no way you can take back a email once it is sent. I also told her that I received a call from the NM State Captain THANKING me for passing along such good information.
At this point she asked me "How come you're not down here? [at the rally]". I simply said, I didn't feel like going this year. Her reply was something to the effect of, "Uh Huh... where are you now?" I told her I was just north of Paducah, as I was a pallbearer at a funeral. Her words were "Sure you were". I told her I was indeed a pallbearer and I had the memorial folder to prove it. At this point she said "I don't need any proof, I KNOW where you are." [in reference to me going to Topeka]. Then she said she had a rally to run and we would finish this phone call later and she hung up on me.
The longer I sat there and drove home, the madder I got, and I decided that NO man or woman (much less Teresa Galloway) is going to call me a liar and get away with it, so after talking to Michelle, I resigned from the DSC position effective midnight 28 April, 2012.
I had Michelle send out a email to all my ride captain team and explained what was going on in full detail, and 90% of the ride captains walked as well. So did Michelle.
It shut this region down. Lambert finally convinced Michelle to step up and serve as DSC to keep things going and I Supported her 100%. Jan 2013 Lambert became the State Captain after Galloway got her position on National, and in April 2013 Michelle rolled the DSC position back over to me with Lambert's agreement.
Thank you Grinch for sharing your story. It is posted here to expose the fact that for some reason some of the people in leadership believe they do not have to be accountable for libeling or slandering another PGR member in good standing. It appears to be somewhat common policy.
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This is a story in his own words from Dave Griminger aka Grinch - Deputy State Captain, Panhandle/South Plains Region, Texas
In the aftermath of an accident during a funeral procession Griminger issued a safety concern to his riders:
Griminger: As a Deputy State Captain, I feel it is my responsibility to keep riders safe during missions. During the week of April 25, 2012(approx.) I forwarded out a email I had received to everyone that Michelle (ride captain/contact coordinator) has in our email listing. This email was about riding too close behind the funeral hearse as there was a accident in Oklahoma where the hearse stopped fast and bikes hit it. No one hurt bad, but still a safety issue. I stated in caps, THIS IS WHY WE DO NOT NEED TO RIDE IN FUNERAL PROCESSIONS.
Griminger received a phone call from Galloway who took issue with the safety memo and then called him a liar when he explained he was attending the funeral of a friend rather than the Gathering of the Guard... once again leadership accuses of someone of being at a J4J event who was not there.
Griminger: That same weekend, April 28 2012, 2 events were going on. The first being the 2012 Texas Gathering of The Guard and the second being a trip to Topeka, Kansas in support of J4J by Texas Team 3. I DID NOT go to either of these functions. On Saturday, 28 April,2012 I served as a Pallbearer in Paducah, Texas for a life long friend who passed away.
After the service I saw I had a missed call from then State Captain Teresa Galloway. Once I got outside of Paducah, I called the State Captain. She immediately started yelling at me, asking me if I was trying to kill the PGR. I asked her what she was talking about and she replied, "That Email you sent out, why did you send that out?" I told her it was about safety, I didn't think we needed to ride like that and that accident was a prime example of why. She then went on to tell me I needed to resend (as to take back) that email. I politely said there was no way you can take back a email once it is sent. I also told her that I received a call from the NM State Captain THANKING me for passing along such good information.
At this point she asked me "How come you're not down here? [at the rally]". I simply said, I didn't feel like going this year. Her reply was something to the effect of, "Uh Huh... where are you now?" I told her I was just north of Paducah, as I was a pallbearer at a funeral. Her words were "Sure you were". I told her I was indeed a pallbearer and I had the memorial folder to prove it. At this point she said "I don't need any proof, I KNOW where you are." [in reference to me going to Topeka]. Then she said she had a rally to run and we would finish this phone call later and she hung up on me.
The longer I sat there and drove home, the madder I got, and I decided that NO man or woman (much less Teresa Galloway) is going to call me a liar and get away with it, so after talking to Michelle, I resigned from the DSC position effective midnight 28 April, 2012.
I had Michelle send out a email to all my ride captain team and explained what was going on in full detail, and 90% of the ride captains walked as well. So did Michelle.
It shut this region down. Lambert finally convinced Michelle to step up and serve as DSC to keep things going and I Supported her 100%. Jan 2013 Lambert became the State Captain after Galloway got her position on National, and in April 2013 Michelle rolled the DSC position back over to me with Lambert's agreement.
Thank you Grinch for sharing your story. It is posted here to expose the fact that for some reason some of the people in leadership believe they do not have to be accountable for libeling or slandering another PGR member in good standing. It appears to be somewhat common policy.
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J4J: Mission IS the same as PGR
I am Cindy Bragg aka "Goose", I am a member of the PGR, J4J, and American Legion Riders post 202. I proudly have ridden on two trips to Topeka Kansas and if you look at many pictures you will find me (far right of this pic).
I met some of the finest people in Topeka that are members of J4J and remain friends with them today. Their mission was no different than mine, which was to show respect for this country and display that respect. I think Journey 4 Justice's mission came to light for me more than ever on the last day of one of my trips. We had gone to a Catholic Church where people were trying to attend church, but could not even walk into church without having to see the horrible graphic posters and hear the terrible chants that were coming from across the street by the members of the WBC.
J4J Texas Team 3 and others stood a flag line in front of the church blocking the view for the people entering the church from the protesters. The tears, the thank yous, the God bless you, that came from these people as they were able to walk into church without having to see the disgrace and disrespect that was being displayed across the street was overwhelming.
As I have stated before, I live in the United States of America and some of my friends and my family have given their lives defending the freedoms I am allowed. One of those freedoms being I can stand and hold the American flag in honor of this country ANYWHERE, ANYTIME I choose.
I look forward to making other trips to Kansas to meet up with my friends from J4J. The members of leadership of the PGR who has taken it upon themselves to condemn those of us that are members of J4J I send out a challenge to you. Make that trip, meet the people of J4J, then tell us their mission is not the same as yours. If you are going to have all that are members of the PGR and J4J to step down from the PGR then your numbers are certainly going to decline. There are many among you that are both.
Do the research. Examine your agenda, really what is it? Do you even really know? Or has your quest for power just blurred your vision of the task at hand for all groups? Which is to show respect and honor for this country, it's troops, veterans, and it's fallen HEROS.
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I met some of the finest people in Topeka that are members of J4J and remain friends with them today. Their mission was no different than mine, which was to show respect for this country and display that respect. I think Journey 4 Justice's mission came to light for me more than ever on the last day of one of my trips. We had gone to a Catholic Church where people were trying to attend church, but could not even walk into church without having to see the horrible graphic posters and hear the terrible chants that were coming from across the street by the members of the WBC.
J4J Texas Team 3 and others stood a flag line in front of the church blocking the view for the people entering the church from the protesters. The tears, the thank yous, the God bless you, that came from these people as they were able to walk into church without having to see the disgrace and disrespect that was being displayed across the street was overwhelming.
As I have stated before, I live in the United States of America and some of my friends and my family have given their lives defending the freedoms I am allowed. One of those freedoms being I can stand and hold the American flag in honor of this country ANYWHERE, ANYTIME I choose.
I look forward to making other trips to Kansas to meet up with my friends from J4J. The members of leadership of the PGR who has taken it upon themselves to condemn those of us that are members of J4J I send out a challenge to you. Make that trip, meet the people of J4J, then tell us their mission is not the same as yours. If you are going to have all that are members of the PGR and J4J to step down from the PGR then your numbers are certainly going to decline. There are many among you that are both.
Do the research. Examine your agenda, really what is it? Do you even really know? Or has your quest for power just blurred your vision of the task at hand for all groups? Which is to show respect and honor for this country, it's troops, veterans, and it's fallen HEROS.
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J4J: Texas Team 3 Formed in Support of Gold Star Family
So many things are wrong about the False attack, Fake trial, and Unjust conviction of our Friend and Brother-Ted "Frosty" Foster; that I can not fully respond to them all. I will respond to the Journey 4 Justice allegations made against Ted.
While attending a fund raiser for the North Texas PGR, more specifically the Red River Region PGR; Dave Griminger addressed those gathered about a New group that had been started in Colorado. Journey 4 Justice (hereafter called J4J) was that group. They were in the infancy of starting this organization. They were soliciting people of like minds to join them in combating the Westboro Baptist Church. This was to be done by travelling to Topeka, Kansas and going to areas known as spots that that church group frequented. If we were to start a group we would be asked to hold flags of our Nation and State at these locations in Topeka. No contact was to be made with the Westboro group. We would act in a lawful manner and not show disrespect to the people of Topeka. We would take the message in this manner to the face of those that had disrupted and shown vial disrespect to veterans and their Families at the funerals of those veterans. At this gathering, a Gold Star Family in attendance asked if we would do this to help them gain some closure. We decided that day that we would check out J4J. Within two weeks we had decided to start a group and travel to Topeka. Ray "Tex" Calvert tried to join J4J and act as our "Team Leader", but could not get signed in on his computer. I volunteered to try and had no problems with accepting that position; when I ultimately got signed up. TEXAS Team 3 was thus born. We told other PGR members of our plans. Many people went online to join with us. There was resistance from PGR Leadership, fearing that we were going to start trouble. Despite assurances from us, some never understood our joining J4J.
We made trips to Topeka and never had trouble with the Westboro folks. The people of Topeka that we came into contact with were very appreciative of our being there. Through our involvement, along with Teams from other States, people from Topeka started joining in to stand up to the very people that they had feared and put up with before. On our second trip, we were asked to go to the Topeka Auditorium where two events were happening that Saturday night. One was a concert, the other a Junior/Senior Prom. The protesters from Westboro were there, but left when we arrived. We stayed, holding our flags and had two people posted at the door acting as doormen for the attendees. The people of Topeka told us "Thank You" for being here for us. They had an opportunity to enjoy the freedom of going to their events without fear of being accosted by the church members. Every time we went to locations in town, we were thanked. Two Church Services were attended by us acting as buffers between the congregants and Westboro. Little older Ladies came and gave us hugs for allowing them to attend the churches of their choice without being abused by Westboro. I stand by our decision to join J4J. We did not break any laws. We started no trouble. We were thanked and appreciated by the people we tried to support. Most importantly, I believe we helped bring closure to a very difficult time for a "Gold Star" couple. These are all the very people we are expected to defend and honor!
Many people signed on to join J4J. Not all of them made trips to Topeka. One of those was Ted Foster. Ted was supportive of us and our efforts. Ted was never disrespectful to us or our belief that we could make a difference in another way. Ted stayed home to be with his wife. While here in Texas, he continued to attend PGR functions and was Ride Captain on one mission, while we were gone. That Mission was for the cousin of our "Gold Star" Mom.
It is my belief (I hope I'm still allowed to have beliefs) that Mike Lambert has confused Ted Foster with Gary Fortner. Notice the similarity in those last names? Mr. Lambert being too proud or arrogant will never admit this, but that is my belief and his mistake.
Barbara Johnson, on the other hand, has been against J4J from the time she learned that the upper echelon in Texas were against us. She has been rude and unwilling to work with any of us since J4J Texas 3 started. So be it! We can all hold our heads high, as we never confused the two organizations. We never treated any Family or Mission in a disrespectful manner. Barbara cannot say that. She consistently treats "Blue Hats" and fellow Ride Captains as underlings, beneath her. She takes advantage of photo ops. She takes pictures at services, including families in those pictures.
In closing, let me repeat. Ted Foster never traveled with J4J. He did however support us and our lawful and honorable efforts.
Gary Fortner
Leader, J4J Texas Team 3
USAF Viet Nam Veteran E-4
Honorably Discharged in 1973
PGR Member 2007/Present
Ride Captain 2007/2013
I will do everything in my power to demonstrate to Gold and Blue Star families, and families of veterans and home-front first-responders that the PGR honors them for the service and sacrifice of their loved ones. This is extended to activities honoring living individuals and units of these organizations. I will remember that our mission to honor these families and their wishes is my main priority as a PGR member. - Patriot Guard Code of Conduct
While attending a fund raiser for the North Texas PGR, more specifically the Red River Region PGR; Dave Griminger addressed those gathered about a New group that had been started in Colorado. Journey 4 Justice (hereafter called J4J) was that group. They were in the infancy of starting this organization. They were soliciting people of like minds to join them in combating the Westboro Baptist Church. This was to be done by travelling to Topeka, Kansas and going to areas known as spots that that church group frequented. If we were to start a group we would be asked to hold flags of our Nation and State at these locations in Topeka. No contact was to be made with the Westboro group. We would act in a lawful manner and not show disrespect to the people of Topeka. We would take the message in this manner to the face of those that had disrupted and shown vial disrespect to veterans and their Families at the funerals of those veterans. At this gathering, a Gold Star Family in attendance asked if we would do this to help them gain some closure. We decided that day that we would check out J4J. Within two weeks we had decided to start a group and travel to Topeka. Ray "Tex" Calvert tried to join J4J and act as our "Team Leader", but could not get signed in on his computer. I volunteered to try and had no problems with accepting that position; when I ultimately got signed up. TEXAS Team 3 was thus born. We told other PGR members of our plans. Many people went online to join with us. There was resistance from PGR Leadership, fearing that we were going to start trouble. Despite assurances from us, some never understood our joining J4J.
We made trips to Topeka and never had trouble with the Westboro folks. The people of Topeka that we came into contact with were very appreciative of our being there. Through our involvement, along with Teams from other States, people from Topeka started joining in to stand up to the very people that they had feared and put up with before. On our second trip, we were asked to go to the Topeka Auditorium where two events were happening that Saturday night. One was a concert, the other a Junior/Senior Prom. The protesters from Westboro were there, but left when we arrived. We stayed, holding our flags and had two people posted at the door acting as doormen for the attendees. The people of Topeka told us "Thank You" for being here for us. They had an opportunity to enjoy the freedom of going to their events without fear of being accosted by the church members. Every time we went to locations in town, we were thanked. Two Church Services were attended by us acting as buffers between the congregants and Westboro. Little older Ladies came and gave us hugs for allowing them to attend the churches of their choice without being abused by Westboro. I stand by our decision to join J4J. We did not break any laws. We started no trouble. We were thanked and appreciated by the people we tried to support. Most importantly, I believe we helped bring closure to a very difficult time for a "Gold Star" couple. These are all the very people we are expected to defend and honor!
Many people signed on to join J4J. Not all of them made trips to Topeka. One of those was Ted Foster. Ted was supportive of us and our efforts. Ted was never disrespectful to us or our belief that we could make a difference in another way. Ted stayed home to be with his wife. While here in Texas, he continued to attend PGR functions and was Ride Captain on one mission, while we were gone. That Mission was for the cousin of our "Gold Star" Mom.
It is my belief (I hope I'm still allowed to have beliefs) that Mike Lambert has confused Ted Foster with Gary Fortner. Notice the similarity in those last names? Mr. Lambert being too proud or arrogant will never admit this, but that is my belief and his mistake.
Barbara Johnson, on the other hand, has been against J4J from the time she learned that the upper echelon in Texas were against us. She has been rude and unwilling to work with any of us since J4J Texas 3 started. So be it! We can all hold our heads high, as we never confused the two organizations. We never treated any Family or Mission in a disrespectful manner. Barbara cannot say that. She consistently treats "Blue Hats" and fellow Ride Captains as underlings, beneath her. She takes advantage of photo ops. She takes pictures at services, including families in those pictures.
In closing, let me repeat. Ted Foster never traveled with J4J. He did however support us and our lawful and honorable efforts.
Gary Fortner
Leader, J4J Texas Team 3
USAF Viet Nam Veteran E-4
Honorably Discharged in 1973
PGR Member 2007/Present
Ride Captain 2007/2013
I will do everything in my power to demonstrate to Gold and Blue Star families, and families of veterans and home-front first-responders that the PGR honors them for the service and sacrifice of their loved ones. This is extended to activities honoring living individuals and units of these organizations. I will remember that our mission to honor these families and their wishes is my main priority as a PGR member. - Patriot Guard Code of Conduct
A Rant By Drifter
A Rant by Drifter:
I’m not writing this to convince anyone to believe as I do. What I’m trying to do is explain how I feel. Coming from a Military family, I believe you need to have something very strong in your background to anchor your beliefs to the American Way. To Which, I believe if you have not suffered the pangs of WAR, you don’t understand our (Veterans) understanding of FREEDOM. Freedom to a Veteran is Beyond Priceless, I mean how do you apply a dollar amount to human life? Veterans believe in “A Band of Brothers” those who have written a blank check payable to the Freedom of all Americans, up to and including our LIFE. And those Brothers who are “Combat Veterans” this bond goes even deeper. Can you imagine being asked to DIE for your neighbor? The man next to you in the foxhole, on the wall, in the humvee, he might be Black, Oriental, Hispanic, or some other race or color, that part doesn’t matter in COMBAT. Color or race is non-existent in the military, because the next bullet don’t care who is in front of it.
SO I ask you to re-evaluate your position to better comprehend who we are and what we believe in. Better yet Why We Believe So Deeply in Freedom. We Veterans don’t ask anyone to give us our due. As a matter of fact we go out of our way to make sure we don’t infringe on your space and/or rights. The Veterans I know are truly humble men and women, not braggarts, desiring to make their exploits known to all. Very few veterans will tell you what they have been through. They don’t want to relive the grief, so don’t ask.
SO, now down to why I write this. If you believe I am choosing FROSTY and his position over you and the Patriot Guard Riders, so be it. Frosty, Tex, Grinch, Peanut and Vickie PLUS their spouses and families rest safe within MY Band of Brothers, along with Many Others too numerous to mention here. Take the time to understand who we are before you try to dis-honor any one of us. If I may be so bold, “Walk a Mile in Our Combat Boots” to see where we came from. Any Military Spouse will gladly tell you what their soldier has given up FOR YOU.
Curtis Strong
Lawton, Oklahoma
© All Rights Reserved
I’m not writing this to convince anyone to believe as I do. What I’m trying to do is explain how I feel. Coming from a Military family, I believe you need to have something very strong in your background to anchor your beliefs to the American Way. To Which, I believe if you have not suffered the pangs of WAR, you don’t understand our (Veterans) understanding of FREEDOM. Freedom to a Veteran is Beyond Priceless, I mean how do you apply a dollar amount to human life? Veterans believe in “A Band of Brothers” those who have written a blank check payable to the Freedom of all Americans, up to and including our LIFE. And those Brothers who are “Combat Veterans” this bond goes even deeper. Can you imagine being asked to DIE for your neighbor? The man next to you in the foxhole, on the wall, in the humvee, he might be Black, Oriental, Hispanic, or some other race or color, that part doesn’t matter in COMBAT. Color or race is non-existent in the military, because the next bullet don’t care who is in front of it.
SO I ask you to re-evaluate your position to better comprehend who we are and what we believe in. Better yet Why We Believe So Deeply in Freedom. We Veterans don’t ask anyone to give us our due. As a matter of fact we go out of our way to make sure we don’t infringe on your space and/or rights. The Veterans I know are truly humble men and women, not braggarts, desiring to make their exploits known to all. Very few veterans will tell you what they have been through. They don’t want to relive the grief, so don’t ask.
SO, now down to why I write this. If you believe I am choosing FROSTY and his position over you and the Patriot Guard Riders, so be it. Frosty, Tex, Grinch, Peanut and Vickie PLUS their spouses and families rest safe within MY Band of Brothers, along with Many Others too numerous to mention here. Take the time to understand who we are before you try to dis-honor any one of us. If I may be so bold, “Walk a Mile in Our Combat Boots” to see where we came from. Any Military Spouse will gladly tell you what their soldier has given up FOR YOU.
Curtis Strong
Lawton, Oklahoma
© All Rights Reserved
Monday, June 23, 2014
About the Flag Code: Flags in the bushes do not get a pass
(Putting this up in rough draft format - it is a contentious debate that speaks fairly well of the source of the dysfunction )
Obviously, this whole story about Ted Frosty Foster vs PGR leadership sounds like a huge personality conflict or something on that order but nothing could be farther from the actual truth. The fact is, we have local/state/regional leadership who have made mistake after mistake not the least of which is disrespecting other ride captains and blue hats (including Gold Star family members) and writing scathing emails (of a personal sort) with a cc to inappropriate parties. All of us have BJ horror stories. Most of us have refrained from sharing them except among ourselves. That was a mistake. I will spend the next few posts correcting that error.
Sometimes photos speak volumes - the disrespect for the flag and the behavior at the funeral (is a funeral really the proper time for a gal pal photo op?) staging is the source of contention in this debate.
This is Ride Captain Barbara Johnson scolding Ray Calvert after being complicit in what locals call the flag in the bush episode. The gist of the episode is while PGR was setting up for a funeral earlier in the year, 1) flags were stuffed under bushes around the side of the building (no photos here - the outraged vets who found them didn't think to take a photo but they were quick to pick them up and carry them back to the flag transport vehicle where they could be stored properly.) 2) photos of unattended flags leaned in the bushes were taken and posted on Facebook 3) photos were taken of ride captain Barbara Johnson and a blue hat friend (who has done enough missions to know better) posing for pics during the funeral staging with the two other flags leaning in the bushes and again these photos were posted on Facebook. When outraged PGR accosted the Johnsons (Mike Johnson was the ride captain for this mission), instead of owning the misbehavior they assigned the blame of misplaced flags to a hapless newbie and basically said - well in Mike's own words in a text "they can kiss my ass." Please note that local leadership makes a habit of calling anyone who challenges their behavior a liar and worse. Please also note, this is not a private message between two people and the person who sent it signs the email in her capacity as a PGR ride captain. Is this really the sort of email you want to see in your inbox from leadership. Accusing someone of a lie especially without specifying the lie is libel/slander.
Sharing with the permission of Ray Tex Calvert.
Sent: 3/12/2014 6:32:45 P.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Flag Code
Who are you to tell anyone about flag code when at the Ehlert mission (my mission) you got up in my face (along with Ted & Laura) to "inform" me that I had the American Flag & Navy Flag in the wrong place (oops, did someone interfere with another ride captains mission?). We all know how that turned out (you were wrong) that is what my Dad would have called "the pot calling the kettle black".
You made the decision to step down so why are you taking it out on Mike and I? You could have put your big boys underwear on, stayed as a PGR ride captain and dealt with me just as I was prepared to deal with you and your sidekicks, but you didn't, it's time for you to grow up and accept responsibility for your own actions!
One of these days all of the people that have trusted you are going to find out you have lied and used them and you are going to find yourself a very lonely man and more miserable than you are now.
You talk the talk, but don't walk the walk, that is not the actions of a ride captain in one of the country's greatest organizations I have ever had the pleasure of knowing and being a part of. Your actions are an embarrassment to the very people you claim to honor.
From now on if you have a problem with someone, act like a man and not a spoiled brat and take it up with them. Stop the back stabbing, bad mouthing and using others to do your dirty work!
Barbara Johnson
PROUD Patriot Guard Ride Captain
North Texas
Sharing with the permission of Ray Tex Calvert.
Sent: 3/24/2014 12:03:14 P.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Flag Code
After consulting with an attorney, he assured me I can respond to your letter with a rebuttal to your accusations without any repercussions.
In regards to the Ehlert mission, you stated that I got in your face and told you the flags were positioned wrong. At the time this happened, I truly believed they were positioned wrong, that you had them reversed. You told me to move them, I did not. After a discussion with another Ride Captain I was proven wrong, my mistake. I then told him that I owed you an apology and went to you and apologized to you. Usually when a person apologizes the matter is dropped, done with, period. You again brought this matter up at a meeting on the 14th of Jan.2012. Those in attendance included Steve Hertzel DSC, Mike Lambert ASC and a number of Ride Captains from the Red River area. At that meeting I asked you if I had Apologized and you stated "Yes you did". A lot of these people present at said meeting would be more than happy to testify to that effect in a court of law, if I decide to pursue this matter in a court of law. When you took it upon yourself to e-mail this letter to more than just me, you made it public. When you signed it Proud Ride Captain, NTxPGR, you unwitting became their spokesperson. I can only assume that you have their loyal support.
At this time, I have not decided on a course of action but can assure you that your letter and my rebuttal will be made public to the entire PGR membership in this area. If you can write a letter accusing me of the things you did, how long will it be before you start accusing other people of things they might or might not have done. They might be leery of attending your missions in the future. Unfurl or furl a flag the wrong way? Misplace a water bottle? Place flags on rebar the wrong way? Bring down your wrath upon themselves? I think not. People will not want to take that chance and bring on a slanderous e-mail upon themselves and sent to state leadership. Along these same lines, I have no idea just how many people you sent this to other than the ones that were closed captioned.
As for as I know, you have never offered an apology to anyone for some of the things you have said or done at missions that you attended and were not involved in as a Ride Captain. These are things that you have forgotten about. Things I could put in this rebuttal but will not. You should go back and try to remember what the Jan. 14th. 2012 meeting was about in the first place!
Another point you brought up was about me lying to people to gain their support. I invite you to bring them to me and I will personally apologize to them all, if they feel that I have lied to them in order to gain their support. Even my "sidekicks", as you called my friends, feel this is totally absurd. Not only are they mad and upset about it, they feel as I do, that you have insulted them as well. They have lost their respect, if they ever had any, for you. That is something you can never regain.
I have never been disrespectful toward the flag or to any veteran, first responder or to their families. I do not seek fame nor media attention. My actions speak for themselves and I am not, repeat, not lonely or miserable.
I was taught to respect and take care of the very people that you choose to chastise. My 1st. Sgt was one of the best teachers I have ever known when it came to leadership, respect, and honor. He forgot more about those three things than you will ever know.
As I stated in my response to a letter from Mike J., I never asked anyone to step down as a RC when I resigned. They all resigned because of the way they felt, not something that I tried to get them to do. Even the one who stayed shared the same thoughts as the rest of us. Apparently he had some "big boys underwear" to pull up, I did not, so I stepped down as a RC so the three of you can have a free rein with no interference from me. I have noticed the attendance is down now as compared to before your reinstatement as a Ride Captain. Again, before I am accused, I have not asked anyone to stay away from the missions. I might have more friends than you thought. I didn't see you at many missions standing the flag line with honor and respect when the active RC's had the year you was supposed to be a Blue Hat. Must have found that other way you mentioned to honor our veterans and first responders. As a matter of fact, your rarely in the flag line if you do attend a mission.
One more thing so there will be no mistake....I was "walking the walk" in the jungles of Vietnam before you ever thought about respect and honor. I fought my way thru a year of hell so you would have the right to belittle me, criticize me and try to make me into some kind of fraud to the very people you hope will respect you! Good luck with that. Actions speak louder than words, more so the empty words of some people.
Sharing with the permission of Ted Frosty Foster
On Mar 24, 2014, at 5:41 PM, Ted & Inez Foster wrote:
I have given much thought to the unfounded, defaming email that landed in my inbox a few days ago. I cannot imagine why you choose to dishonor a decorated war hero. Ray Calvert was awarded a Purple Heart, Bronze Star and a CIB (Combat Infantry Badge) among other honors.
This man is one of those that you purport to respect. Personally, I consider this man to be one of the most honorable men I have ever known and he is also my best friend. FURTHERMORE, LET IT BE KNOWN WHEN YOU ATTACK ONE OF US YOU ATTACK ALL OF US. Ray “Tex” Calvert has worked tirelessly and selflessly to further the mission and image of The Patriot Guard in the Red River Area – all without benefit of the fancy title you tout.
I have been in this world longer than most and have found one thing to be a constant truth:
For what it is worth, here is my opinion of what you should do:
1. Sit down in a quiet place and let your thinking catch up before you continue with knee-jerk petty mindedness.
2. Make a public apology to Tex and make it sincere.
3. If you decide this is something you cannot or will not do - then I believe the Red River Patriot Guard will be finished in this area.
4. One other thing that you both appear to have forgotten, I have ridden on dozens of missions with Tex and never once has he delivered us to the WRONG church. We had many new riders (Sports Bike Club) on that day and not once have they attended another mission.
Just something to think about…
Ted “Frosty” Foster
Former Patriot Guard Ride Captain
Ted "Frosty" Foster
Sharing with the permission of Ted Frosty Foster
Sent: 3/25/2014 2:28:25 P.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: Re: Flag Code
I appreciate you stepping up in this because I only seem to hear about these things once they are posted to Facebook to show the disrespect being thrown around within the North Texas Patriot Guard in the Wichita Falls area.
It has never been a requirement for The volunteers who stand up for our veterans to like each other. However, there is a requirement to show honor and respect and that honor and respect needs to be extended to those people who stand as members of the Patriot Guard Riders as well as for the veterans we stand for.
The fact that two people apparently do not like each other has nothing to do with the Patriot Guard. The fact that a small group of individuals now use the Patriot Guard as their platform to voice their disrespect for each other, speaks volumes for everyone involved. The wearing of the red or blue bandanas is another example. We are not the "crypts and the bloods" and if they want to join with the American Legion, I fully support anything that will get the America Legion members to attend the funerals of our veterans.
I too served my time, my service was as a door gunner flying combat search and rescue in Vietnam but I will not dishonor my prior service nor will I dishonor my current service with the PGR by allowing any personal bickering to replace the Honor and Respect of the PGR.
This petty display of mutual disrespect has been going back and forth for over two years and was a prime reason the area could not be a stand alone region of the Patriot Guard Riders. If you can't respect the person beside you holding a flag, how do you respect the person you are holding the flag for.
I have stood missions in the area and I know there are honest hard working people who come out to honor our soldiers and I can assure you those people came out to join in a display of honor not to get involved in someone's personal dispute. I know none of you are out to destroy the Patriot Guard Riders, so please take the time to resolve your individual inabilities to cope with each other and move it away from the people who simply want to show honor and respect to those who deserve it.
Mike 'Gunner' Lambert
State Captain
Patriot Guard Riders of Texas
Notice how Lambert claims he is always unaware of the issue? And then instead of addressing the flag in the bushes takes issue with biker apparel? What has a bandana got to do with anything PGR? Lambert orders PGR members around like they are a motorcycle club, denounces anyone who wears a PGR patch to other biker functions and then labels anyone wearing a red or blue bandana basically a gang member. I wear a bandana every time I ride out - color according to my mood and hopefully coordinating with the color of my shirt. Good grief. I think of particular note here is Lambert's assumption that PGR members are required to respect each other. As Frosty says - respected is earned. What is implied here is Lambert expects everyone to respect BJ but not necessarily the other way around. Lambert cannot mandate respect any more than he can mandate most of the other stuff he tries to put out there as Lambert's law. The proper thing for local leadership to do would have been to own that the behavior concerning the flags and posing for pics in the middle of a funeral as bad judgment and move on. Instead local leadership passed the buck and remains unaccountable.
We all have photos of ourselves at missions. Most photos are taken post mission. Most photos taken during a mission hopefully depict us representing the PGR in a respectful manner as in standing at ease with our flags in the proper vertical position.
Stay tuned - there's more coming on this one.
© All Rights Reserved
Obviously, this whole story about Ted Frosty Foster vs PGR leadership sounds like a huge personality conflict or something on that order but nothing could be farther from the actual truth. The fact is, we have local/state/regional leadership who have made mistake after mistake not the least of which is disrespecting other ride captains and blue hats (including Gold Star family members) and writing scathing emails (of a personal sort) with a cc to inappropriate parties. All of us have BJ horror stories. Most of us have refrained from sharing them except among ourselves. That was a mistake. I will spend the next few posts correcting that error.
Sometimes photos speak volumes - the disrespect for the flag and the behavior at the funeral (is a funeral really the proper time for a gal pal photo op?) staging is the source of contention in this debate.
This is Ride Captain Barbara Johnson scolding Ray Calvert after being complicit in what locals call the flag in the bush episode. The gist of the episode is while PGR was setting up for a funeral earlier in the year, 1) flags were stuffed under bushes around the side of the building (no photos here - the outraged vets who found them didn't think to take a photo but they were quick to pick them up and carry them back to the flag transport vehicle where they could be stored properly.) 2) photos of unattended flags leaned in the bushes were taken and posted on Facebook 3) photos were taken of ride captain Barbara Johnson and a blue hat friend (who has done enough missions to know better) posing for pics during the funeral staging with the two other flags leaning in the bushes and again these photos were posted on Facebook. When outraged PGR accosted the Johnsons (Mike Johnson was the ride captain for this mission), instead of owning the misbehavior they assigned the blame of misplaced flags to a hapless newbie and basically said - well in Mike's own words in a text "they can kiss my ass." Please note that local leadership makes a habit of calling anyone who challenges their behavior a liar and worse. Please also note, this is not a private message between two people and the person who sent it signs the email in her capacity as a PGR ride captain. Is this really the sort of email you want to see in your inbox from leadership. Accusing someone of a lie especially without specifying the lie is libel/slander.
Sharing with the permission of Ray Tex Calvert.
Sent: 3/12/2014 6:32:45 P.M. Central Daylight Time
Who are you to tell anyone about flag code when at the Ehlert mission (my mission) you got up in my face (along with Ted & Laura) to "inform" me that I had the American Flag & Navy Flag in the wrong place (oops, did someone interfere with another ride captains mission?). We all know how that turned out (you were wrong) that is what my Dad would have called "the pot calling the kettle black".
You made the decision to step down so why are you taking it out on Mike and I? You could have put your big boys underwear on, stayed as a PGR ride captain and dealt with me just as I was prepared to deal with you and your sidekicks, but you didn't, it's time for you to grow up and accept responsibility for your own actions!
One of these days all of the people that have trusted you are going to find out you have lied and used them and you are going to find yourself a very lonely man and more miserable than you are now.
You talk the talk, but don't walk the walk, that is not the actions of a ride captain in one of the country's greatest organizations I have ever had the pleasure of knowing and being a part of. Your actions are an embarrassment to the very people you claim to honor.
From now on if you have a problem with someone, act like a man and not a spoiled brat and take it up with them. Stop the back stabbing, bad mouthing and using others to do your dirty work!
Barbara Johnson
PROUD Patriot Guard Ride Captain
North Texas
Sharing with the permission of Ray Tex Calvert.
Sent: 3/24/2014 12:03:14 P.M. Central Daylight Time
After consulting with an attorney, he assured me I can respond to your letter with a rebuttal to your accusations without any repercussions.
In regards to the Ehlert mission, you stated that I got in your face and told you the flags were positioned wrong. At the time this happened, I truly believed they were positioned wrong, that you had them reversed. You told me to move them, I did not. After a discussion with another Ride Captain I was proven wrong, my mistake. I then told him that I owed you an apology and went to you and apologized to you. Usually when a person apologizes the matter is dropped, done with, period. You again brought this matter up at a meeting on the 14th of Jan.2012. Those in attendance included Steve Hertzel DSC, Mike Lambert ASC and a number of Ride Captains from the Red River area. At that meeting I asked you if I had Apologized and you stated "Yes you did". A lot of these people present at said meeting would be more than happy to testify to that effect in a court of law, if I decide to pursue this matter in a court of law. When you took it upon yourself to e-mail this letter to more than just me, you made it public. When you signed it Proud Ride Captain, NTxPGR, you unwitting became their spokesperson. I can only assume that you have their loyal support.
At this time, I have not decided on a course of action but can assure you that your letter and my rebuttal will be made public to the entire PGR membership in this area. If you can write a letter accusing me of the things you did, how long will it be before you start accusing other people of things they might or might not have done. They might be leery of attending your missions in the future. Unfurl or furl a flag the wrong way? Misplace a water bottle? Place flags on rebar the wrong way? Bring down your wrath upon themselves? I think not. People will not want to take that chance and bring on a slanderous e-mail upon themselves and sent to state leadership. Along these same lines, I have no idea just how many people you sent this to other than the ones that were closed captioned.
As for as I know, you have never offered an apology to anyone for some of the things you have said or done at missions that you attended and were not involved in as a Ride Captain. These are things that you have forgotten about. Things I could put in this rebuttal but will not. You should go back and try to remember what the Jan. 14th. 2012 meeting was about in the first place!
Another point you brought up was about me lying to people to gain their support. I invite you to bring them to me and I will personally apologize to them all, if they feel that I have lied to them in order to gain their support. Even my "sidekicks", as you called my friends, feel this is totally absurd. Not only are they mad and upset about it, they feel as I do, that you have insulted them as well. They have lost their respect, if they ever had any, for you. That is something you can never regain.
I have never been disrespectful toward the flag or to any veteran, first responder or to their families. I do not seek fame nor media attention. My actions speak for themselves and I am not, repeat, not lonely or miserable.
I was taught to respect and take care of the very people that you choose to chastise. My 1st. Sgt was one of the best teachers I have ever known when it came to leadership, respect, and honor. He forgot more about those three things than you will ever know.
As I stated in my response to a letter from Mike J., I never asked anyone to step down as a RC when I resigned. They all resigned because of the way they felt, not something that I tried to get them to do. Even the one who stayed shared the same thoughts as the rest of us. Apparently he had some "big boys underwear" to pull up, I did not, so I stepped down as a RC so the three of you can have a free rein with no interference from me. I have noticed the attendance is down now as compared to before your reinstatement as a Ride Captain. Again, before I am accused, I have not asked anyone to stay away from the missions. I might have more friends than you thought. I didn't see you at many missions standing the flag line with honor and respect when the active RC's had the year you was supposed to be a Blue Hat. Must have found that other way you mentioned to honor our veterans and first responders. As a matter of fact, your rarely in the flag line if you do attend a mission.
One more thing so there will be no mistake....I was "walking the walk" in the jungles of Vietnam before you ever thought about respect and honor. I fought my way thru a year of hell so you would have the right to belittle me, criticize me and try to make me into some kind of fraud to the very people you hope will respect you! Good luck with that. Actions speak louder than words, more so the empty words of some people.
Sharing with the permission of Ted Frosty Foster
I have given much thought to the unfounded, defaming email that landed in my inbox a few days ago. I cannot imagine why you choose to dishonor a decorated war hero. Ray Calvert was awarded a Purple Heart, Bronze Star and a CIB (Combat Infantry Badge) among other honors.
This man is one of those that you purport to respect. Personally, I consider this man to be one of the most honorable men I have ever known and he is also my best friend. FURTHERMORE, LET IT BE KNOWN WHEN YOU ATTACK ONE OF US YOU ATTACK ALL OF US. Ray “Tex” Calvert has worked tirelessly and selflessly to further the mission and image of The Patriot Guard in the Red River Area – all without benefit of the fancy title you tout.
I have been in this world longer than most and have found one thing to be a constant truth:
For what it is worth, here is my opinion of what you should do:
1. Sit down in a quiet place and let your thinking catch up before you continue with knee-jerk petty mindedness.
2. Make a public apology to Tex and make it sincere.
3. If you decide this is something you cannot or will not do - then I believe the Red River Patriot Guard will be finished in this area.
4. One other thing that you both appear to have forgotten, I have ridden on dozens of missions with Tex and never once has he delivered us to the WRONG church. We had many new riders (Sports Bike Club) on that day and not once have they attended another mission.
Just something to think about…
Ted “Frosty” Foster
Former Patriot Guard Ride Captain
Ted "Frosty" Foster
Sharing with the permission of Ted Frosty Foster
Sent: 3/25/2014 2:28:25 P.M. Central Daylight Time
I appreciate you stepping up in this because I only seem to hear about these things once they are posted to Facebook to show the disrespect being thrown around within the North Texas Patriot Guard in the Wichita Falls area.
It has never been a requirement for The volunteers who stand up for our veterans to like each other. However, there is a requirement to show honor and respect and that honor and respect needs to be extended to those people who stand as members of the Patriot Guard Riders as well as for the veterans we stand for.
The fact that two people apparently do not like each other has nothing to do with the Patriot Guard. The fact that a small group of individuals now use the Patriot Guard as their platform to voice their disrespect for each other, speaks volumes for everyone involved. The wearing of the red or blue bandanas is another example. We are not the "crypts and the bloods" and if they want to join with the American Legion, I fully support anything that will get the America Legion members to attend the funerals of our veterans.
I too served my time, my service was as a door gunner flying combat search and rescue in Vietnam but I will not dishonor my prior service nor will I dishonor my current service with the PGR by allowing any personal bickering to replace the Honor and Respect of the PGR.
This petty display of mutual disrespect has been going back and forth for over two years and was a prime reason the area could not be a stand alone region of the Patriot Guard Riders. If you can't respect the person beside you holding a flag, how do you respect the person you are holding the flag for.
I have stood missions in the area and I know there are honest hard working people who come out to honor our soldiers and I can assure you those people came out to join in a display of honor not to get involved in someone's personal dispute. I know none of you are out to destroy the Patriot Guard Riders, so please take the time to resolve your individual inabilities to cope with each other and move it away from the people who simply want to show honor and respect to those who deserve it.
Mike 'Gunner' Lambert
State Captain
Patriot Guard Riders of Texas
Notice how Lambert claims he is always unaware of the issue? And then instead of addressing the flag in the bushes takes issue with biker apparel? What has a bandana got to do with anything PGR? Lambert orders PGR members around like they are a motorcycle club, denounces anyone who wears a PGR patch to other biker functions and then labels anyone wearing a red or blue bandana basically a gang member. I wear a bandana every time I ride out - color according to my mood and hopefully coordinating with the color of my shirt. Good grief. I think of particular note here is Lambert's assumption that PGR members are required to respect each other. As Frosty says - respected is earned. What is implied here is Lambert expects everyone to respect BJ but not necessarily the other way around. Lambert cannot mandate respect any more than he can mandate most of the other stuff he tries to put out there as Lambert's law. The proper thing for local leadership to do would have been to own that the behavior concerning the flags and posing for pics in the middle of a funeral as bad judgment and move on. Instead local leadership passed the buck and remains unaccountable.
We all have photos of ourselves at missions. Most photos are taken post mission. Most photos taken during a mission hopefully depict us representing the PGR in a respectful manner as in standing at ease with our flags in the proper vertical position.
Stay tuned - there's more coming on this one.
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Sunday, June 22, 2014
It's Blood - BAD Blood
Sunday night update: Tomorrow (23 June 2014) will mark a month since the PGR BoD started jerking us around. We held out brief hope today that we had hooked one BoD member with some integrity. A channel of communication was opened. Ted Frosty Foster waited for a call all afternoon/evening. As of now - that has fallen through so we move on to exposing the local/state/regional leadership as well as the BoD for the inefficient, ineffective, biased, non-representative body of boobs that they are. They are welcome to prove me wrong in that assessment... how's that for "tone" boys?
If what follows does not offend you - I do not know what will...
It is an exchange on a Facebook page (the page belongs to Ray Sluder, an honorable leading member of American Legion Post 202). I have to wonder out loud what sort of idiot logs on to a public page of veteran member of the American Legion and blatantly starts disrespecting veterans (Tex **purple heart** and Frosty **bronze star** are both Vietnam Veterans and have served the Patriot Guard for over seven years) and then totally trashes a Gold Star family? Nubbin has sacrificed twice - first his brother (Vietnam) and next his son (Iraq). It's despicable and crude.
This is the text of the following two images (This is a comment by [Spangler] the offspring (non veteran blue hat) of one of the local leadership (non veteran ride captain, Barbara Johnson - who has a few envy issues) who is the spouse of non veteran Chief Ride Captain, Mike Johnson. There's no doubt about it people. It's blood - bad blood. Nubbin is a Gold Star DAD. I am Vickie (apparently unknown as the daughter of Ted Frosty Foster to Spangler until that last line - oops). 'Nuff said.:
Paul Spangler Ha twist the truth to fit I see. That isnt why he was removed! Hopefully a few more to come soon.
Yesterday at 4:50pm · Like
Johnston Nubbin What tremendous support Mr Ted is receiving!!! My inbox runnith over!!!!
Yesterday at 10:12pm · Like · 1
Paul Spangler Not a surprise nubbin cockroaches usually do stick together in packs! You are a disgrace to all military families especially gold star parents! You, Tex, and Frosty think you have pulled the wool over everyone's eyes well you haven't those with their own minds can see right through the b.s. yall have been throwing for years now.
Yesterday at 10:45pm · Edited · Like
Ray Sluder Does negativity Run in your blood
15 hours ago · Like
Paul Spangler Nope just the truth!
14 hours ago · Like
Vickie Downing Did you choke on that word??? Because I'm pretty sure you are immensely unfamiliar with the concept.
9 hours ago · Like
Paul Spangler Nope Vickie unlike post 202 legion riders I know the truth behind all the childish drama Tex, Frosty, & Nubbin have been spreading for a few years now. I have read the emails to the pgr from them full of lies from them and heard voicemail and read emails to the 2 people in pgr they are out to ruin over a childish reason! I know the truth those who listen to their stories are being fed a line of crap. You want to know the truth ask those involved and those who had to experience the drama first hand!
8 hours ago · Like
Vickie Downing I am involved. And I am documented. BTW: When was the last time you visited the PGR code of conduct - if you wear a blue hat you disgrace it.
7 hours ago · Edited · Like
Click on the images for a larger view.
Just for review:
Patriot Guard Mission Statement
Our Mission
“The Patriot Guard Riders is a 100% Volunteer, Federally registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization which ensures dignity and respect at memorial services honoring Fallen Military Heroes, First Responders and Honorably Discharged Veterans.”
Our Vision
The Patriot Guard Riders is a diverse amalgamation of riders from across the nation. We have one thing in common besides motorcycles. We have an unwavering respect for those who risk their very lives for America’s freedom and security including Fallen Military Heroes, First Responders and Honorably Discharged Veterans. If you share this respect, please join us.
We don’t care what you ride or if you ride, what your political views are, or whether you’re a hawk or a dove. It is not a requirement that you be a veteran. It doesn't matter where you’re from or what your income is; you don’t even have to ride. The only prerequisite is Respect.
Our main mission is to attend the funeral services of fallen American heroes as invited guests of the family. Each mission we undertake has two basic objectives:
1. Show our sincere respect for our fallen heroes, their families, and their communities.
2. Shield the mourning family and their friends from interruptions created by any protestor or group of protestors.
We accomplish the latter through strictly legal and non-violent means.
To those of you who are currently serving and fighting for the freedoms of others, at home and abroad, please know that we are backing you. We honor and support you with every mission we carry out, and we are praying for a safe return home for all.
Finally: What is sad about this situation is this blue hat needs to be reported for his blatant breach of the code of conduct and utterly despicable disrespect but because he is a family member of two of the local leadership who apparently rub elbows or whatever with state and regional leadership - our call for his hat will likely fall on deaf ears.
We do have a Facebook Page You are welcome to mosey on over, check it out.
© All Rights Reserved
If what follows does not offend you - I do not know what will...
It is an exchange on a Facebook page (the page belongs to Ray Sluder, an honorable leading member of American Legion Post 202). I have to wonder out loud what sort of idiot logs on to a public page of veteran member of the American Legion and blatantly starts disrespecting veterans (Tex **purple heart** and Frosty **bronze star** are both Vietnam Veterans and have served the Patriot Guard for over seven years) and then totally trashes a Gold Star family? Nubbin has sacrificed twice - first his brother (Vietnam) and next his son (Iraq). It's despicable and crude.
This is the text of the following two images (This is a comment by [Spangler] the offspring (non veteran blue hat) of one of the local leadership (non veteran ride captain, Barbara Johnson - who has a few envy issues) who is the spouse of non veteran Chief Ride Captain, Mike Johnson. There's no doubt about it people. It's blood - bad blood. Nubbin is a Gold Star DAD. I am Vickie (apparently unknown as the daughter of Ted Frosty Foster to Spangler until that last line - oops). 'Nuff said.:
Paul Spangler Ha twist the truth to fit I see. That isnt why he was removed! Hopefully a few more to come soon.
Yesterday at 4:50pm · Like
Johnston Nubbin What tremendous support Mr Ted is receiving!!! My inbox runnith over!!!!
Yesterday at 10:12pm · Like · 1
Paul Spangler Not a surprise nubbin cockroaches usually do stick together in packs! You are a disgrace to all military families especially gold star parents! You, Tex, and Frosty think you have pulled the wool over everyone's eyes well you haven't those with their own minds can see right through the b.s. yall have been throwing for years now.
Yesterday at 10:45pm · Edited · Like
Ray Sluder Does negativity Run in your blood
15 hours ago · Like
Paul Spangler Nope just the truth!
14 hours ago · Like
Vickie Downing Did you choke on that word??? Because I'm pretty sure you are immensely unfamiliar with the concept.
9 hours ago · Like
Paul Spangler Nope Vickie unlike post 202 legion riders I know the truth behind all the childish drama Tex, Frosty, & Nubbin have been spreading for a few years now. I have read the emails to the pgr from them full of lies from them and heard voicemail and read emails to the 2 people in pgr they are out to ruin over a childish reason! I know the truth those who listen to their stories are being fed a line of crap. You want to know the truth ask those involved and those who had to experience the drama first hand!
8 hours ago · Like
Vickie Downing I am involved. And I am documented. BTW: When was the last time you visited the PGR code of conduct - if you wear a blue hat you disgrace it.
7 hours ago · Edited · Like
Click on the images for a larger view.
Just for review:
Patriot Guard Mission Statement
Our Mission
“The Patriot Guard Riders is a 100% Volunteer, Federally registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization which ensures dignity and respect at memorial services honoring Fallen Military Heroes, First Responders and Honorably Discharged Veterans.”
Our Vision
The Patriot Guard Riders is a diverse amalgamation of riders from across the nation. We have one thing in common besides motorcycles. We have an unwavering respect for those who risk their very lives for America’s freedom and security including Fallen Military Heroes, First Responders and Honorably Discharged Veterans. If you share this respect, please join us.
We don’t care what you ride or if you ride, what your political views are, or whether you’re a hawk or a dove. It is not a requirement that you be a veteran. It doesn't matter where you’re from or what your income is; you don’t even have to ride. The only prerequisite is Respect.
Our main mission is to attend the funeral services of fallen American heroes as invited guests of the family. Each mission we undertake has two basic objectives:
1. Show our sincere respect for our fallen heroes, their families, and their communities.
2. Shield the mourning family and their friends from interruptions created by any protestor or group of protestors.
We accomplish the latter through strictly legal and non-violent means.
To those of you who are currently serving and fighting for the freedoms of others, at home and abroad, please know that we are backing you. We honor and support you with every mission we carry out, and we are praying for a safe return home for all.
Finally: What is sad about this situation is this blue hat needs to be reported for his blatant breach of the code of conduct and utterly despicable disrespect but because he is a family member of two of the local leadership who apparently rub elbows or whatever with state and regional leadership - our call for his hat will likely fall on deaf ears.
We do have a Facebook Page You are welcome to mosey on over, check it out.
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Saturday, June 21, 2014
Quote - Winds of Truth
Deception is like fog, it can hide evil for a season, then is blown away by the winds of truth, exposing the rot. Let's all make the day count. - Charlie Daniels
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© All Rights Reserved
Friday, June 20, 2014
Blue Hat Bosses
Sharing an excerpt from a letter written to the BoD from a PGR who has been around since nearly the beginning (the last line speaks well to the fact that leadership has lost touch with the membership base). The original leadership of PGR knew the strength of the organization rests in the hearts of the men and women who stand the flag line – the blue hats.
My name is Dave Griminger, (GRINCH ). For those of you that do not know me here is a little background on myself. I joined the PGR in March of 06, at the time, membership numbers were shown and I was 9747. I started off as a blue hat and was given Ride Captain status by David A. David Sr. the Texas State Captain at the time. David also stepped me up to Sr. Ride Captain and after the resignation of the late J.D. McNamara from the position of Deputy State Captain of the Panhandle/South Plains Region, here in Texas, DD honored me by allowing me to be the 2nd DSC for this region. I have been thru 6 State Captains since going into this position. I was there when DD welcomed Twister to the Texas Gathering of The Guard, and coined him with a Texas PGR coin.
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My name is Dave Griminger, (GRINCH ). For those of you that do not know me here is a little background on myself. I joined the PGR in March of 06, at the time, membership numbers were shown and I was 9747. I started off as a blue hat and was given Ride Captain status by David A. David Sr. the Texas State Captain at the time. David also stepped me up to Sr. Ride Captain and after the resignation of the late J.D. McNamara from the position of Deputy State Captain of the Panhandle/South Plains Region, here in Texas, DD honored me by allowing me to be the 2nd DSC for this region. I have been thru 6 State Captains since going into this position. I was there when DD welcomed Twister to the Texas Gathering of The Guard, and coined him with a Texas PGR coin.
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American Legion gave birth to Patriot Guard
About the American Legion Riders and the Patriot Guard Riders
We need to educate those who do not understand the Patriot Guard Riders and the American Legion Riders. I did not say anything to a PGR member the other day when he said about the New Mexico ride [to visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial at Angel Fire]. "That was just a bunch of American Legion Riders”, but now is the time to educate all future members of the PGR of the beginnings of the organization and its true purpose.
The Patriot Guard Riders history is on the web to be viewed by all. It started through the efforts of Terry Houck and his wife Carol in July of 2005. A meeting was held to discuss the possible birth of the PGR at American Legion Post 136 of Mulvane, Kansas to combat the dishonor and harassment shown to Veteran's families by the protests of the Westboro Baptist Church. The Patriot Guard owes its life to Post 136 of the American Legion who thought that it would be good to open membership up to non-veteran persons, and other organizations or groups so they could also show their support.
To that end it is a shameful act to accuse a gentlemen like Ted of taking part in the "Journey 4 Justice" when that was the main purpose of the Patriot Guard to begin with. Even more outrageous is using that as a charge to remove Ted from the Patriot Guard even though there were many witnesses that he did not attend.
Also, the American Legion Riders elect their leaders. In the Patriot Guard Riders if you start a group, you are in for life more or less, without election. The American Legion Riders have been around many years before the PGR was ever thought of. To make offhand statements like "It is only an event of the American Legion Riders" by current PGR members only shows lack of intelligence or their desire to belong to a WEB based organization that only takes few keystrokes to allow admission.
At one time a TV crew asked to speak to me about my time with the 101st Airborne in Vietnam. Like most Vietnam Vets I almost never talk about such things. But suddenly a local leader of the PGR stepped between us and started talking about PGR. I just walked on and never was given a chance to say a word. But after watching the Local PGR for some time I now think that - to stand in front of a bunch of Vietnam Veterans and take credit for the work of PGR members and hog TV cameras is nothing short of Stolen Valor, especially when you are not an "elected leader or a Veteran."
It is also disgraceful to now state that taking action against the Westboro Baptist Church is not the purpose of PGR. In the beginning it was the main purpose of PGR leadership.
I know that many of the American Legion now regret not putting in a rule when they started the PGR - that states "Leaders, must be elected and be a Veteran", that would have taken away the opportunity for non-deserving and non-understanding people to take control.
Every American Legion Rider should take the time to educate any future Legion Rider, or PGR member about the roots and purpose of the history of the organizations.
The American Legion Riders is the most respectful, graceful and best Veteran Support group I have ever had the chance to be a member of.
"Nikon" Bill
© All Rights Reserved
We need to educate those who do not understand the Patriot Guard Riders and the American Legion Riders. I did not say anything to a PGR member the other day when he said about the New Mexico ride [to visit the Vietnam Veterans Memorial at Angel Fire]. "That was just a bunch of American Legion Riders”, but now is the time to educate all future members of the PGR of the beginnings of the organization and its true purpose.
The Patriot Guard Riders history is on the web to be viewed by all. It started through the efforts of Terry Houck and his wife Carol in July of 2005. A meeting was held to discuss the possible birth of the PGR at American Legion Post 136 of Mulvane, Kansas to combat the dishonor and harassment shown to Veteran's families by the protests of the Westboro Baptist Church. The Patriot Guard owes its life to Post 136 of the American Legion who thought that it would be good to open membership up to non-veteran persons, and other organizations or groups so they could also show their support.
To that end it is a shameful act to accuse a gentlemen like Ted of taking part in the "Journey 4 Justice" when that was the main purpose of the Patriot Guard to begin with. Even more outrageous is using that as a charge to remove Ted from the Patriot Guard even though there were many witnesses that he did not attend.
Also, the American Legion Riders elect their leaders. In the Patriot Guard Riders if you start a group, you are in for life more or less, without election. The American Legion Riders have been around many years before the PGR was ever thought of. To make offhand statements like "It is only an event of the American Legion Riders" by current PGR members only shows lack of intelligence or their desire to belong to a WEB based organization that only takes few keystrokes to allow admission.
At one time a TV crew asked to speak to me about my time with the 101st Airborne in Vietnam. Like most Vietnam Vets I almost never talk about such things. But suddenly a local leader of the PGR stepped between us and started talking about PGR. I just walked on and never was given a chance to say a word. But after watching the Local PGR for some time I now think that - to stand in front of a bunch of Vietnam Veterans and take credit for the work of PGR members and hog TV cameras is nothing short of Stolen Valor, especially when you are not an "elected leader or a Veteran."
It is also disgraceful to now state that taking action against the Westboro Baptist Church is not the purpose of PGR. In the beginning it was the main purpose of PGR leadership.
I know that many of the American Legion now regret not putting in a rule when they started the PGR - that states "Leaders, must be elected and be a Veteran", that would have taken away the opportunity for non-deserving and non-understanding people to take control.
Every American Legion Rider should take the time to educate any future Legion Rider, or PGR member about the roots and purpose of the history of the organizations.
The American Legion Riders is the most respectful, graceful and best Veteran Support group I have ever had the chance to be a member of.
"Nikon" Bill
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RECAP: Dysfuntional PGR Leadership
Recap: We are dealing with multiple levels of dysfunction in PGR local, state, regional and in PGR six man board of directors.
1) Ted Frosty Foster the man I call Dad was basically railroaded out of the Patriot Guard (after seven years as a member in good standing and somewhere near 400 missions as a blue/maroon hat) based on a pack lies sold to the BoD by local/state/regional leadership. We provided proof to the contrary to refute every allegation as false or manufactured (details are in the previous posts), but the BoD crony club is standing by their decision and refuses to provide documented proof that they actually conducted a review. We know for a fact they did not. We know they cannot give us proof because they do not have proof. Finally, they simply stated they did not like Ted's tone or that of his cohorts (that would be the people (mostly blue/maroon/tan hats) who wrote the BoD on his behalf to cry foul!)
2) The PGR Code of Conduct specifically states how a member is removed from the PGR. The entire local, state, regional and BoD of the PGR failed to follow protocol. When we pointed out this grievous error we did not get so much as an OOPS! much less an apology. Apparently, the BoD believes the Code of Conduct does not apply to their elitist non-elected, non-representative butts.
3) Local, state, regional leadership as well as the BoD are actively engaging in the black listing of another lawful organization - Journey 4 Justice aka J4J. Not to worry - J4J can and will address this issue. However, anyone wearing a patch from another organization CMA, ALR, Blue Knights, Green Knights, BACA should find this disturbing. It is my opinion that trying to dictate membership associations with other organizations is in direct defiance of the inclusion clause of the Patriot Guard Mission Statement.
"We don’t care what you ride or if you ride, what your political views are, or whether you’re a hawk or a dove. It is not a requirement that you be a veteran. It doesn't matter where you’re from or what your income is; you don’t even have to ride. The only prerequisite is Respect."
The only prerequisite is respect. The Foster family has not seen any evidence of respect from PGR Leadership. Quite to the contrary, what we have experienced is a blatant and totally unfounded disrespect for a USAF 20 Year Bronze Star Vietnam Veteran and his wife of nearly 60 years and his entire family and collection of friends.
The last word we had from VP/Members of the BoD was their decision was final. It would not be revisited. They keep telling us to go away expecting us to go away.
To me that simply suggests a challenge. Not revisit it? We will see about that.
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1) Ted Frosty Foster the man I call Dad was basically railroaded out of the Patriot Guard (after seven years as a member in good standing and somewhere near 400 missions as a blue/maroon hat) based on a pack lies sold to the BoD by local/state/regional leadership. We provided proof to the contrary to refute every allegation as false or manufactured (details are in the previous posts), but the BoD crony club is standing by their decision and refuses to provide documented proof that they actually conducted a review. We know for a fact they did not. We know they cannot give us proof because they do not have proof. Finally, they simply stated they did not like Ted's tone or that of his cohorts (that would be the people (mostly blue/maroon/tan hats) who wrote the BoD on his behalf to cry foul!)
2) The PGR Code of Conduct specifically states how a member is removed from the PGR. The entire local, state, regional and BoD of the PGR failed to follow protocol. When we pointed out this grievous error we did not get so much as an OOPS! much less an apology. Apparently, the BoD believes the Code of Conduct does not apply to their elitist non-elected, non-representative butts.
3) Local, state, regional leadership as well as the BoD are actively engaging in the black listing of another lawful organization - Journey 4 Justice aka J4J. Not to worry - J4J can and will address this issue. However, anyone wearing a patch from another organization CMA, ALR, Blue Knights, Green Knights, BACA should find this disturbing. It is my opinion that trying to dictate membership associations with other organizations is in direct defiance of the inclusion clause of the Patriot Guard Mission Statement.
"We don’t care what you ride or if you ride, what your political views are, or whether you’re a hawk or a dove. It is not a requirement that you be a veteran. It doesn't matter where you’re from or what your income is; you don’t even have to ride. The only prerequisite is Respect."
The only prerequisite is respect. The Foster family has not seen any evidence of respect from PGR Leadership. Quite to the contrary, what we have experienced is a blatant and totally unfounded disrespect for a USAF 20 Year Bronze Star Vietnam Veteran and his wife of nearly 60 years and his entire family and collection of friends.
The last word we had from VP/Members of the BoD was their decision was final. It would not be revisited. They keep telling us to go away expecting us to go away.
To me that simply suggests a challenge. Not revisit it? We will see about that.
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Thursday, June 19, 2014
Texas State Captain of PGR Blacklists J4J
The Texas State Captain of the PGR engages in the active blacklisting of another organization, specifically Journey 4 Justice - but, he isn't getting away with it.
From the leader of Texas Team 3 of J4J, Gary Buddha Fortner:
OK, I have held off long enough. I am the Team Leader of "Texas 3" the team from the Wichita Falls area that was started at the request of a Gold Star Family. We travelled to Topeka, KS. to see first hand the evil that is the Westboro Baptist Church. We did this in a lawful way and never once did anything to disrespect the PGR. Also, even though, Ted Foster was signed up as a member; by his Daughter, he never got to travel with us. Allegation 2 against him was totally false, and should probably been directed toward me. BRING IT ON! I stand by what I did and I definitely stand by my Friend and Brother, Ted "Frosty" Foster!
Texas Team 3 of J4J, Ray Tex Calvert:
Now that Gary has confessed, I would also like to confess to being in Topeka, KS. on the first trip that we made as Texas Team 3. The only reason that Gary was the team captain was that I never could get it set up on my computer. Wasn't smart enough to do it so Gary volunteered to do it. Thanks Gary for a job well done. I was and still am, a proud member of J4J Texas Team 3. Being able to see with my own eyes the disrespect shown by the members of the Wet Burros toward the American flag is something I will never forget. I am so glad I made the trip with some of the most patriotic people I have ever known and am PROUD to call this group my friends.
One of the pictures that was posted was a group picture taken in front of a War Memorial in a local park in Topeka, honoring the Korean War Veterans. In this picture I was wearing my vest with a small PGR patch. If you look close, you can see it is a yellow patch. One of our local Ride Captains, who resigned twice and was then reinstated last Oct, said," if you use a magnifying glass you can see it". How petty!!! This picture could have been made in front of any Memorial anywhere in the United States and nothing would have been said, but since it was in Topeka, I should be thrown out of the PGR! By the way, if you look really close, with a magnifying glass, you will not be able to see Ted Foster anywhere in the picture.
This will not, I repeat, will not be my last post on this matter.
Ray "Tex" Calvert SSgt
1/26 Inf. 1st Inf. Division
Vietnam Veteran
Former Sr. Ride Captain
Former Ride Captain
Still a Blue Hat (as of now)
J4J Texas 3 Brings Largest Team to Topeka
From J4J founder Charley Barnes:
Mike “Gunner” Lambert, State Captain of the North Texas PGR, for some reason, seems to hate Journey 4 Justice. I find this hard to fathom that anyone besides members of the Westboro Baptist Church, and those who support them, would not approve of what we do. It’s ironic that both groups started solely because of the WBC, but Mr. Lambert somehow doesn’t realize we both have the same agenda. Personally, I don’t think he has the guts to do what Journey 4 Justice does because I’m sure he’s afraid of the “scary lawyers” and no photo shoots or PR to be had in Topeka.
His claim is that we are protesting the protesters, but if he knew ANYTHING about J4J he would know that is simply not true. In fact, we never use the “P” words because they are negative in their original form. We wave flags; United States, State, POW, MIA etc. as a way of “expressing our right of free speech.” Someone needs to explain to Mike “Gunner” Lambert that the United States flag is NOT a protest sign… it’s a FLAG!
Read More: Mike "Gunner" Lambert Kicks North Texas PGR Member Out Charley Barnes, founder of J4J Nails Texas State Captain
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From the leader of Texas Team 3 of J4J, Gary Buddha Fortner:
OK, I have held off long enough. I am the Team Leader of "Texas 3" the team from the Wichita Falls area that was started at the request of a Gold Star Family. We travelled to Topeka, KS. to see first hand the evil that is the Westboro Baptist Church. We did this in a lawful way and never once did anything to disrespect the PGR. Also, even though, Ted Foster was signed up as a member; by his Daughter, he never got to travel with us. Allegation 2 against him was totally false, and should probably been directed toward me. BRING IT ON! I stand by what I did and I definitely stand by my Friend and Brother, Ted "Frosty" Foster!
Texas Team 3 of J4J, Ray Tex Calvert:
Now that Gary has confessed, I would also like to confess to being in Topeka, KS. on the first trip that we made as Texas Team 3. The only reason that Gary was the team captain was that I never could get it set up on my computer. Wasn't smart enough to do it so Gary volunteered to do it. Thanks Gary for a job well done. I was and still am, a proud member of J4J Texas Team 3. Being able to see with my own eyes the disrespect shown by the members of the Wet Burros toward the American flag is something I will never forget. I am so glad I made the trip with some of the most patriotic people I have ever known and am PROUD to call this group my friends.
One of the pictures that was posted was a group picture taken in front of a War Memorial in a local park in Topeka, honoring the Korean War Veterans. In this picture I was wearing my vest with a small PGR patch. If you look close, you can see it is a yellow patch. One of our local Ride Captains, who resigned twice and was then reinstated last Oct, said," if you use a magnifying glass you can see it". How petty!!! This picture could have been made in front of any Memorial anywhere in the United States and nothing would have been said, but since it was in Topeka, I should be thrown out of the PGR! By the way, if you look really close, with a magnifying glass, you will not be able to see Ted Foster anywhere in the picture.
This will not, I repeat, will not be my last post on this matter.
Ray "Tex" Calvert SSgt
1/26 Inf. 1st Inf. Division
Vietnam Veteran
Former Sr. Ride Captain
Former Ride Captain
Still a Blue Hat (as of now)
J4J Texas 3 Brings Largest Team to Topeka
From J4J founder Charley Barnes:
Mike “Gunner” Lambert, State Captain of the North Texas PGR, for some reason, seems to hate Journey 4 Justice. I find this hard to fathom that anyone besides members of the Westboro Baptist Church, and those who support them, would not approve of what we do. It’s ironic that both groups started solely because of the WBC, but Mr. Lambert somehow doesn’t realize we both have the same agenda. Personally, I don’t think he has the guts to do what Journey 4 Justice does because I’m sure he’s afraid of the “scary lawyers” and no photo shoots or PR to be had in Topeka.
His claim is that we are protesting the protesters, but if he knew ANYTHING about J4J he would know that is simply not true. In fact, we never use the “P” words because they are negative in their original form. We wave flags; United States, State, POW, MIA etc. as a way of “expressing our right of free speech.” Someone needs to explain to Mike “Gunner” Lambert that the United States flag is NOT a protest sign… it’s a FLAG!
Read More: Mike "Gunner" Lambert Kicks North Texas PGR Member Out Charley Barnes, founder of J4J Nails Texas State Captain
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Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Allegation #3 - Manufactured Mendacity
Allegation 3 alleges code of conduct violations (this from a group of people who threw the code out the window when they ousted Ted and continue to disregard protocol) This allegation is painful for me to share because it is contrived of nothing more than manufactured mendacity and venomous slander. I say again this has the hand of the Texas state captain and the regional director all over it but it evolved out of complaints at the local level. I remind you - 350 to 400 missions and one veiled and completely unfounded complaint from the same malcontent.
It accuses Ted of misogynistic and discriminatory ideas expressed, regarding the suitability of women and non-veterans as PGR leadership and accuses Ted of repeatedly attempting to undermine the efforts of female leadership in your area.
Fact: The unsuitability of non-veteran statement came from another source.
The reference to the discrimination of women allegation is so ludicrous as to be laughable if it were not so damaging. Anyone who knows Ted - knows nothing could be farther from the truth. He has been married to a proud, spirited, no nonsense kind of woman for nearly 60 years. He has raised a daughter on that same order.
We did not dignify this allegation with an answer other than to deny it for the slander it is and give them the statements of countless women who ride with Ted every day and call him friend and mentor. His two favorite ride captains are women.
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It accuses Ted of misogynistic and discriminatory ideas expressed, regarding the suitability of women and non-veterans as PGR leadership and accuses Ted of repeatedly attempting to undermine the efforts of female leadership in your area.
Fact: The unsuitability of non-veteran statement came from another source.
The reference to the discrimination of women allegation is so ludicrous as to be laughable if it were not so damaging. Anyone who knows Ted - knows nothing could be farther from the truth. He has been married to a proud, spirited, no nonsense kind of woman for nearly 60 years. He has raised a daughter on that same order.
We did not dignify this allegation with an answer other than to deny it for the slander it is and give them the statements of countless women who ride with Ted every day and call him friend and mentor. His two favorite ride captains are women.
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Allegation #2 - Texas State Captain Baffled and Blind
The next two allegations are nothing but smoke and mirrors to distract from focus on allegation #1. They have the hand of the Texas State Captain and Regional Director written all over them.
Allegation # 2 alleges Ted engaged in activities damaging to the PGR's reputation - specifically association with the organization known as J4J - Journey 4 Justice. It also alleges that Ted was observed at these events. It specifically states and I am quoting here: This event is in direct contradiction of the PGR mission statement, and the PGR organization desires no association with it. Your persistent participation now makes it necessary for PGR to distance itself from you personally.
The trouble with this particular allegation is there is not a shred of truth to it. We answered this allegation with the truth and corroborative statements from other J4J members. We even included a photo of Ted in this rebuttal to this allegation so they would see they had the wrong man. We explained that the BoD would likely find Ted's name on the J4J membership roster for TX3 of J4J. I put it there myself as a gesture of support for one of our resident Gold Star families who wanted to make the trip to Topeka in search of some closure after the WBC disrupted the funeral of their son.
But Ted never made the ride to Topeka. He can be placed at PGR Missions every time. Once assisting a ride captain in the Panhandle of Texas on her first solo mission. The next time he was organizing a memorial mission for a Gold Star family.
He is not the ring leader of TX3. The Texas State Captain has a burr in his britches about J4J. I know this for a fact because I have engaged him in personal long-winded debate over the PGR blacklisting another lawful organization. I know the founder of J4J, Charley Barnes personally. He just rode in 14 June 2014 from a ten day, ten thousand mile iron butt ride to benefit Honor Flight of Colorado.
Association with J4J falls well within the parameters of Paragraph 4 in the Patriot Guard Code of Conduct. I will do everything in my power to demonstrate to Gold and Blue Star families, and families of veterans and home-front first-responders that the PGR honors them for the service and sacrifice of their loved ones. This is extended to activities honoring living individuals and units of these organizations. I will remember that our mission to honor these families and their wishes is my main priority as a PGR member.
This is a statement made by the Texas State Captain recently that inadvertently landed in my inbox. OOPS!
I will attempt to put together the events of the last Four years. I take full responsibility for this crap. I should have removed him when he stirred up the members by trying to use the PGR as a protest force to join with "Journey For Justice" to do a doorstep protest at the home of Westboro folks four years ago. I did not respond to an email demanding my actions. Texas is a right to work State and you can be asked to leave any job for any reason. If Mr. Foster ask for the information I would have gladly started the long email crap with him again. I dealt with his daughter during the J4J issue until she got a "shock jock" in Colorado involved and he started trying to put together crap for his radio show. I refuse to waist my time trying to explain anything to her. I will put together the information you have requested.
Mike 'Gunner' Adam Lambert
To clarify. None of the sane among us have any idea what the man is referring to when he mentions that Texas is a right to work state. Most of us VOLUNTEERS were unaware we were considered employees - most of us think the PGR may owe us some back pay. Mr Foster did not write the State Captain any long emails. Mr Foster hunts and pecks on a keyboard with his index finger. His lovely wife and myself do his typing. The daughter referenced in this rant is myself. I did indeed engage the state captain in debate after he issued a mandate saying wearing a PGR patch to a J4J event was grounds for dismissal. The shock jock he refers to is Charley Barnes, founder of J4J. The State Captain said " I take full responsibility for this crap." But he has yet to do that. He knows Ted Frosty Foster personally - he knows he spread lies in this instance. He refuses to own up to this grievous error. What a poor excuse for leadership.
Finally, I am not comfortable with the PGR blacklisting another lawful organization. It is open defiance of the inclusion part of the PGR Mission Statement.
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Allegation # 2 alleges Ted engaged in activities damaging to the PGR's reputation - specifically association with the organization known as J4J - Journey 4 Justice. It also alleges that Ted was observed at these events. It specifically states and I am quoting here: This event is in direct contradiction of the PGR mission statement, and the PGR organization desires no association with it. Your persistent participation now makes it necessary for PGR to distance itself from you personally.
The trouble with this particular allegation is there is not a shred of truth to it. We answered this allegation with the truth and corroborative statements from other J4J members. We even included a photo of Ted in this rebuttal to this allegation so they would see they had the wrong man. We explained that the BoD would likely find Ted's name on the J4J membership roster for TX3 of J4J. I put it there myself as a gesture of support for one of our resident Gold Star families who wanted to make the trip to Topeka in search of some closure after the WBC disrupted the funeral of their son.
But Ted never made the ride to Topeka. He can be placed at PGR Missions every time. Once assisting a ride captain in the Panhandle of Texas on her first solo mission. The next time he was organizing a memorial mission for a Gold Star family.
He is not the ring leader of TX3. The Texas State Captain has a burr in his britches about J4J. I know this for a fact because I have engaged him in personal long-winded debate over the PGR blacklisting another lawful organization. I know the founder of J4J, Charley Barnes personally. He just rode in 14 June 2014 from a ten day, ten thousand mile iron butt ride to benefit Honor Flight of Colorado.
Association with J4J falls well within the parameters of Paragraph 4 in the Patriot Guard Code of Conduct. I will do everything in my power to demonstrate to Gold and Blue Star families, and families of veterans and home-front first-responders that the PGR honors them for the service and sacrifice of their loved ones. This is extended to activities honoring living individuals and units of these organizations. I will remember that our mission to honor these families and their wishes is my main priority as a PGR member.
This is a statement made by the Texas State Captain recently that inadvertently landed in my inbox. OOPS!
I will attempt to put together the events of the last Four years. I take full responsibility for this crap. I should have removed him when he stirred up the members by trying to use the PGR as a protest force to join with "Journey For Justice" to do a doorstep protest at the home of Westboro folks four years ago. I did not respond to an email demanding my actions. Texas is a right to work State and you can be asked to leave any job for any reason. If Mr. Foster ask for the information I would have gladly started the long email crap with him again. I dealt with his daughter during the J4J issue until she got a "shock jock" in Colorado involved and he started trying to put together crap for his radio show. I refuse to waist my time trying to explain anything to her. I will put together the information you have requested.
Mike 'Gunner' Adam Lambert
To clarify. None of the sane among us have any idea what the man is referring to when he mentions that Texas is a right to work state. Most of us VOLUNTEERS were unaware we were considered employees - most of us think the PGR may owe us some back pay. Mr Foster did not write the State Captain any long emails. Mr Foster hunts and pecks on a keyboard with his index finger. His lovely wife and myself do his typing. The daughter referenced in this rant is myself. I did indeed engage the state captain in debate after he issued a mandate saying wearing a PGR patch to a J4J event was grounds for dismissal. The shock jock he refers to is Charley Barnes, founder of J4J. The State Captain said " I take full responsibility for this crap." But he has yet to do that. He knows Ted Frosty Foster personally - he knows he spread lies in this instance. He refuses to own up to this grievous error. What a poor excuse for leadership.
Finally, I am not comfortable with the PGR blacklisting another lawful organization. It is open defiance of the inclusion part of the PGR Mission Statement.
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Allegation #1 - Petty-Minded Jealousy
Allegation #1 - can be chalked up to petty-minded jealousy on the local leadership level. Mission Envy. It alleges Ted interfered with PGR Missions and pressured Honor Flight Event coordinators to rescind an invitation for PGR participation in favor of ALR Honor Guard.
So here's the gist of the matter. Keep in mind most ALR are PGR in the area. They ride together and stand the flag line together nearly every day. November 2013 - Ted stepped down from the position of PGR ride captain (along with four other seasoned ride captains) because of the dysfunction of the local leadership. Local leadership of the PGR tried to hijack the mission breaking the non-solicitation rule of the PGR. The former PGR ride captains moved over to the American Legion Post 202 of Wichita Falls and became Honor Guard Ride Captains and do what men of their caliber do - carry on. Leaders are leaders no matter what cap they wear.
Ted Frosty Foster and Ray Tex Calvert have set up the Honor Flight missions from the get-go in 2013. To date that would be six events - all of them astoundingly successful. The BoD had the opportunity to review this particular item at length. One email to the coordinators of the event would have cleared this matter to everyone's satisfaction. I believe the rebuttal for this allegation was over 20 pages of fact. They completely dismissed it.
Of particular interest here in my mind is the BoD implies that the two outstanding, hard-working women who coordinate the Honor Flight events simply do not know their own minds and can be swayed by a big ol' 78 year old meany-man. It's so absurd as to defy all explanation. I am guessing they do not realize the absurdity because it is not blanketed in a lie.
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So here's the gist of the matter. Keep in mind most ALR are PGR in the area. They ride together and stand the flag line together nearly every day. November 2013 - Ted stepped down from the position of PGR ride captain (along with four other seasoned ride captains) because of the dysfunction of the local leadership. Local leadership of the PGR tried to hijack the mission breaking the non-solicitation rule of the PGR. The former PGR ride captains moved over to the American Legion Post 202 of Wichita Falls and became Honor Guard Ride Captains and do what men of their caliber do - carry on. Leaders are leaders no matter what cap they wear.
Ted Frosty Foster and Ray Tex Calvert have set up the Honor Flight missions from the get-go in 2013. To date that would be six events - all of them astoundingly successful. The BoD had the opportunity to review this particular item at length. One email to the coordinators of the event would have cleared this matter to everyone's satisfaction. I believe the rebuttal for this allegation was over 20 pages of fact. They completely dismissed it.
Of particular interest here in my mind is the BoD implies that the two outstanding, hard-working women who coordinate the Honor Flight events simply do not know their own minds and can be swayed by a big ol' 78 year old meany-man. It's so absurd as to defy all explanation. I am guessing they do not realize the absurdity because it is not blanketed in a lie.
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BoD Does Not Like Our Tone?
Once Ted was advised that he had been removed without cause and without being afforded a review or a chance to answer or challenge the removal he sent two requests for documentation. No response. I followed that up with a demand for documentation (perhaps a bit more contentious) which finally landed a lame response in Ted's inbox.
After repeated request for documentation the BoD VP/Members shared a list of 3 allegations without documentation to support them and said Ted would have one opportunity in a single email to refute the claims made against him. The BoD made it clear they did not have to share anything with him.
Note: They cannot share anything with him because they do not have anything.
I think they believed we would go away. We answered the vague and slanderous allegations complete with documentation and corroborative statements from PGR members who actually know Ted and ride with him every day.
After several demands for resolution, the entire six man unit of the BoD handed down a decision based on lies and slander, refused to review the evidence, said they did not like his tone. Tone? A man has been slandered from head to toe and they are worried about tone?
The man is a 78 year old Vietnam Veteran - his tone is blunt, to the point and matter-of-fact - not to mention he is outraged about being the victim of malicious slander.
This page is going to have a tone of it's own - I am betting they are not going to like the tone of Ted's very angry daughter and friends any better. More coming.
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After repeated request for documentation the BoD VP/Members shared a list of 3 allegations without documentation to support them and said Ted would have one opportunity in a single email to refute the claims made against him. The BoD made it clear they did not have to share anything with him.
Note: They cannot share anything with him because they do not have anything.
I think they believed we would go away. We answered the vague and slanderous allegations complete with documentation and corroborative statements from PGR members who actually know Ted and ride with him every day.
After several demands for resolution, the entire six man unit of the BoD handed down a decision based on lies and slander, refused to review the evidence, said they did not like his tone. Tone? A man has been slandered from head to toe and they are worried about tone?
The man is a 78 year old Vietnam Veteran - his tone is blunt, to the point and matter-of-fact - not to mention he is outraged about being the victim of malicious slander.
This page is going to have a tone of it's own - I am betting they are not going to like the tone of Ted's very angry daughter and friends any better. More coming.
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