Thursday, August 21, 2014

Footnote to Frosty and Nezzie's thank you note...

FYI: Effective 22 August 2014 - the Vietnam Veteran Fired by the Patriot Guard BoD public Facebook page and Blog go into hibernation-mode. What that means is we do not plan to make new posts. We will not take the pages down until we are done or we find another source of amusement out here. It is my desire they remain a source of irritation to those for which they are intended. Of course, all that really means is new activity is completely subject to my whim and redirection is entirely possible. We have accomplished our somewhat adjusted purpose out here. We came looking for fair treatment but as soon as we realized we were dealing with an entire leadership devoid of integrity it became our purpose to expose them as the disreputable posers they are. I believe we have done that well.

Before I give said posers my final word - let me offer my appreciation for the overwhelming support we received during our short term out here. To each and every person who signed on with support, encouragement and participation we offer the hand of friendship and gratitude. Over 300 people liked this page and have stuck with us through thick and thin. Over 400 people signed a petition designed to make the PGR aware that they had erred and give them an opportunity to make things right. Understand it is not our effort that failed. It is the PGR who have miserably failed a veteran, the membership and an outraged public at large.

It started out as an experiment we approached with no small amount of trepidation. The result is a renewed faith in our fellow human beings. You have no idea how encouraging it is to know there are still some people out there who know the difference between right and wrong and where they stand in the struggle. Thank you for standing with us.

Respectfully to those who deserve it,
You know who you are and are not...
The Daughter

Before you posers run out and buy party hats, you should know I rarely choose my words poorly. Hibernation is not death. Be advised... you should stay tuned...

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