The last word from the daughter... To the cowardly excuses of PGR leadership that came knocking on our door with petty-minded grievance and tried to sell lies and slander in the real world where most people still operate within the bounds of decency... it appears the only people who will suffer long-term for such poltroonery (cowardice) is YOU. As for me and mine - we have barely missed a step since those first few days. It was a poorly planned surprise attack. I believe we have answered boot-to-butt. Ouch!
It is rare these days to voice an opinion in the public arena that goes unchallenged or unanswered. Astoundingly so! I feel I should thank PGR local/state/regional leadership and the PGR BoD for allowing me the decidedly craven courtesy of free rein in that regard.
When we engaged in our pursuit of fair treatment by sharing the truth in the court of public opinion I said to Dad (Frosty), "Say when enough is enough. Your Name. Your Call." It should go without saying; those four words [your name, your call] equally apply to those who continue to cower behind a wall of silence and apparently care not enough for the credibility of their own names and reputations to realize the result of such careless behavior is they will carry the irremovable stain of their actions into the future.
As for us, having exposed the festering dysfunction of PGR local/state/regional leadership and the PGR BoD - we walk away with clear consciences, our reputations intact and with the will and mindset to carry on. We do so under our own power, perhaps with a bit of help from our like-minded compatriots. Not so, those who believe themselves so far above reproach they are not compelled to play by the rules of the PGR code or for that matter, common decency. Not so, those who sought to get ahead by tearing an honorable man down. Not so, those who huddle in complicity hoping one of the untrustworthy among them does not finally find a shred of guilt-laced integrity and go off the reservation. Not so, those who refuse to be accountable for the irresponsibility of their grievous action and/or inaction. For people of such low character and questionable ethics it is doubtful the size of their egos will allow the realization that accountability has been removed as a personal choice in this matter and now rests in the court of public opinion which necessarily includes those who may choose not to stand with you in a flag line.
They will call this a win, although that would be stretching reality a bit - not that doing so is a problem for this bunch. If by way of winning by misdeed, you lose good people who have worked hard and long to promote the good name of an organization - how is that a win? Good people intent on doing good work will simply find another outlet for good deeds and carry on. An organization that condones aberrant behavior in leadership will soon exhaust the resources that keep it afloat.
I say disassociating ourselves completely from what has revealed itself as the ugly yellow underbelly of the PGR is a wise and timely move. A self-obsessed leadership devoid of even a modicum of honor and integrity has done irreparable and unforgivable damage to the image of the Patriot Guard Riders organization as well as a huge disservice to the membership at large. Even an organization with a volunteer membership as fine as the Patriot Guard Riders cannot long sustain itself if at its core lies disease of the mind and corruption of principle. Most organizations with a volunteer base will not tolerate autonomy-minded leadership for long.
Fair Warning: For those who stand foolishly loyal beside those who are complicit in the mob character assassination of a well-respected veteran and faithful member of the PGR for many years - tread lightly and have a care for your reputations - one misstep, one word of dissent or dissatisfaction even if it is not your own and what happened to Frosty and Nezzie could very well happen to you. Recidivism is a common flaw among those who indiscriminately do wrong to others.
I say again and will continue to say it. Patriot Guard Riders deserve better leadership. How they get better leadership with so many good men and women signing off should be a cause for concern among the membership because it is obviously no concern to existing leadership.
A final word by way of one more pithy quote:
Never tell the truth to those unworthy of it. -- Mark Twain
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