Thursday, August 7, 2014

Patriot Guard Leadership IS Dysfunctional

Dysfunction. We have spoken much about it here. Try as I might I cannot come up with a better adjective. The local/state/regional and national leadership of the Patriot Guard IS dysfunctional.

In the case of Ted Frosty Foster leadership has failed a veteran, the mission, the organization and the membership.

Again, leadership has failed the blue hat membership and continues to do so.

Many of us who have come out in support of Ted Frosty Foster are still legitimate blue hat members in good standing. At least, we have not been advised otherwise so it stands to reason in an honorable organization that we must be treated as such. Members in good standing.

Most of us live in the north Texas region. BUT, local leadership in complete accordance with the culture of dysfunction they have cultivated as their collective MO (method of operation) have willfully and knowingly failed to send out mission notices to a select group of Patriot Guard Riders in the north Texas region as recently as last week. It is not the first time.

This is active discrimination against other members. It is playing petty politics. It is negligent leadership in an all volunteer organization with an inclusion statement as part of the overall mission statement:

...... "We don’t care what you ride or if you ride, what your political views are, or whether you’re a hawk or a dove. It is not a requirement that you be a veteran. It doesn't matter where you’re from or what your income is; you don’t even have to ride. The only prerequisite is Respect."

Leadership on the state level is on record as saying (paraphrasing here) that you do not have to like the person standing next to you in the flag line but you have to respect that person's presence. (I have issues with the "have to respect" part of the statement but that's another story.) If we follow the dictates of that statement then it should necessarily apply to the relationship between leadership and membership.

Attention PGR leadership: You do not have to like all the members in the membership but you have to respect the membership enough to include all members in good standing in all PGR activities. Right?

A dysfunctional by design culture does not improve with transparency. It simply gets EXPOSED as the deeply disturbing malfunction that it is.
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