The last word from the daughter... To the cowardly excuses of PGR leadership that came knocking on our door with petty-minded grievance and tried to sell lies and slander in the real world where most people still operate within the bounds of decency... it appears the only people who will suffer long-term for such poltroonery (cowardice) is YOU. As for me and mine - we have barely missed a step since those first few days. It was a poorly planned surprise attack. I believe we have answered boot-to-butt. Ouch!
It is rare these days to voice an opinion in the public arena that goes unchallenged or unanswered. Astoundingly so! I feel I should thank PGR local/state/regional leadership and the PGR BoD for allowing me the decidedly craven courtesy of free rein in that regard.
When we engaged in our pursuit of fair treatment by sharing the truth in the court of public opinion I said to Dad (Frosty), "Say when enough is enough. Your Name. Your Call." It should go without saying; those four words [your name, your call] equally apply to those who continue to cower behind a wall of silence and apparently care not enough for the credibility of their own names and reputations to realize the result of such careless behavior is they will carry the irremovable stain of their actions into the future.
As for us, having exposed the festering dysfunction of PGR local/state/regional leadership and the PGR BoD - we walk away with clear consciences, our reputations intact and with the will and mindset to carry on. We do so under our own power, perhaps with a bit of help from our like-minded compatriots. Not so, those who believe themselves so far above reproach they are not compelled to play by the rules of the PGR code or for that matter, common decency. Not so, those who sought to get ahead by tearing an honorable man down. Not so, those who huddle in complicity hoping one of the untrustworthy among them does not finally find a shred of guilt-laced integrity and go off the reservation. Not so, those who refuse to be accountable for the irresponsibility of their grievous action and/or inaction. For people of such low character and questionable ethics it is doubtful the size of their egos will allow the realization that accountability has been removed as a personal choice in this matter and now rests in the court of public opinion which necessarily includes those who may choose not to stand with you in a flag line.
They will call this a win, although that would be stretching reality a bit - not that doing so is a problem for this bunch. If by way of winning by misdeed, you lose good people who have worked hard and long to promote the good name of an organization - how is that a win? Good people intent on doing good work will simply find another outlet for good deeds and carry on. An organization that condones aberrant behavior in leadership will soon exhaust the resources that keep it afloat.
I say disassociating ourselves completely from what has revealed itself as the ugly yellow underbelly of the PGR is a wise and timely move. A self-obsessed leadership devoid of even a modicum of honor and integrity has done irreparable and unforgivable damage to the image of the Patriot Guard Riders organization as well as a huge disservice to the membership at large. Even an organization with a volunteer membership as fine as the Patriot Guard Riders cannot long sustain itself if at its core lies disease of the mind and corruption of principle. Most organizations with a volunteer base will not tolerate autonomy-minded leadership for long.
Fair Warning: For those who stand foolishly loyal beside those who are complicit in the mob character assassination of a well-respected veteran and faithful member of the PGR for many years - tread lightly and have a care for your reputations - one misstep, one word of dissent or dissatisfaction even if it is not your own and what happened to Frosty and Nezzie could very well happen to you. Recidivism is a common flaw among those who indiscriminately do wrong to others.
I say again and will continue to say it. Patriot Guard Riders deserve better leadership. How they get better leadership with so many good men and women signing off should be a cause for concern among the membership because it is obviously no concern to existing leadership.
A final word by way of one more pithy quote:
Never tell the truth to those unworthy of it. -- Mark Twain
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Footnote to Frosty and Nezzie's thank you note...
FYI: Effective 22 August 2014 - the Vietnam Veteran Fired by the Patriot Guard BoD public Facebook page and Blog go into hibernation-mode. What that means is we do not plan to make new posts. We will not take the pages down until we are done or we find another source of amusement out here. It is my desire they remain a source of irritation to those for which they are intended. Of course, all that really means is new activity is completely subject to my whim and redirection is entirely possible. We have accomplished our somewhat adjusted purpose out here. We came looking for fair treatment but as soon as we realized we were dealing with an entire leadership devoid of integrity it became our purpose to expose them as the disreputable posers they are. I believe we have done that well.
Before I give said posers my final word - let me offer my appreciation for the overwhelming support we received during our short term out here. To each and every person who signed on with support, encouragement and participation we offer the hand of friendship and gratitude. Over 300 people liked this page and have stuck with us through thick and thin. Over 400 people signed a petition designed to make the PGR aware that they had erred and give them an opportunity to make things right. Understand it is not our effort that failed. It is the PGR who have miserably failed a veteran, the membership and an outraged public at large.
It started out as an experiment we approached with no small amount of trepidation. The result is a renewed faith in our fellow human beings. You have no idea how encouraging it is to know there are still some people out there who know the difference between right and wrong and where they stand in the struggle. Thank you for standing with us.
Respectfully to those who deserve it,
You know who you are and are not...
The Daughter
Before you posers run out and buy party hats, you should know I rarely choose my words poorly. Hibernation is not death. Be advised... you should stay tuned...
Before I give said posers my final word - let me offer my appreciation for the overwhelming support we received during our short term out here. To each and every person who signed on with support, encouragement and participation we offer the hand of friendship and gratitude. Over 300 people liked this page and have stuck with us through thick and thin. Over 400 people signed a petition designed to make the PGR aware that they had erred and give them an opportunity to make things right. Understand it is not our effort that failed. It is the PGR who have miserably failed a veteran, the membership and an outraged public at large.
It started out as an experiment we approached with no small amount of trepidation. The result is a renewed faith in our fellow human beings. You have no idea how encouraging it is to know there are still some people out there who know the difference between right and wrong and where they stand in the struggle. Thank you for standing with us.
Respectfully to those who deserve it,
You know who you are and are not...
The Daughter
Before you posers run out and buy party hats, you should know I rarely choose my words poorly. Hibernation is not death. Be advised... you should stay tuned...
A word from Frosty and Nezzie...
Posting on behalf of Frosty and Nezzie:
To our friends aka Frosty’s Friends,
As most of you know the last three months have been very difficult for Nezzie, me and my family and a multitude of friends. We want to thank each and every person that wrote letters, sent e-mails, made phone calls, signed the petition and rallied on demand to our call for help and support. Because of your efforts, there are hundreds of good folks, many of whom we have never met out there who offered support and encouragement at a time when it was needed most.
Having said that, we did not achieve the desired result and it is not likely we ever will. We realize at last that none of the PGR people [leadership and the BoD] with whom we are dealing possess any honor or integrity and no matter how hard we try they cannot be persuaded to do the right thing. How they can look a veteran’s family in the eye or even look at themselves in the mirror baffles us.
As Vietnam Veterans, Tex and I can handle criticism and insult leveled at us but when they allow one of their own (one ride captain’s son) to disrespect a Gold Star parent in public they have crossed the line of no return. It simply is not to be tolerated.
A special thanks to our daughter, Vickie and to Laura (Vickie’s sergeant at arms) for waging the daily and sometimes hourly Facebook war. Thanks to all of Frosty’s Friends for their tireless support and personal contribution to our cause. We will never forget your selfless effort and dedication. We do not know how we would have managed all this time without the supportive, kind and comforting gestures and remarks that came our way.
We feel truly blessed because we know we have the very best of friends in our lives.
We have weathered far worse than this aggravation in our sixty years together. We are ready to close the book on this nonsense and move on. Let us try to put this stuff in our rear view mirrors, get some wind in our faces and have some fun. Let us get on with the business of being happy in our pursuits. There are many missions and events in our future that need our undivided attention. We are not PGR any longer but we do not need PGR to validate our activities – never did – never will.
Again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the caring and loving things you have done and said for us and about us during the past three months.
Yours in friendship,
Friends Forever
Ted “Frosty” Foster
Inez “Nezzie” Foster
August 21, 2014
© All Rights Reserved
To our friends aka Frosty’s Friends,
As most of you know the last three months have been very difficult for Nezzie, me and my family and a multitude of friends. We want to thank each and every person that wrote letters, sent e-mails, made phone calls, signed the petition and rallied on demand to our call for help and support. Because of your efforts, there are hundreds of good folks, many of whom we have never met out there who offered support and encouragement at a time when it was needed most.
Having said that, we did not achieve the desired result and it is not likely we ever will. We realize at last that none of the PGR people [leadership and the BoD] with whom we are dealing possess any honor or integrity and no matter how hard we try they cannot be persuaded to do the right thing. How they can look a veteran’s family in the eye or even look at themselves in the mirror baffles us.
As Vietnam Veterans, Tex and I can handle criticism and insult leveled at us but when they allow one of their own (one ride captain’s son) to disrespect a Gold Star parent in public they have crossed the line of no return. It simply is not to be tolerated.
A special thanks to our daughter, Vickie and to Laura (Vickie’s sergeant at arms) for waging the daily and sometimes hourly Facebook war. Thanks to all of Frosty’s Friends for their tireless support and personal contribution to our cause. We will never forget your selfless effort and dedication. We do not know how we would have managed all this time without the supportive, kind and comforting gestures and remarks that came our way.
We feel truly blessed because we know we have the very best of friends in our lives.
We have weathered far worse than this aggravation in our sixty years together. We are ready to close the book on this nonsense and move on. Let us try to put this stuff in our rear view mirrors, get some wind in our faces and have some fun. Let us get on with the business of being happy in our pursuits. There are many missions and events in our future that need our undivided attention. We are not PGR any longer but we do not need PGR to validate our activities – never did – never will.
Again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the caring and loving things you have done and said for us and about us during the past three months.
Yours in friendship,
Friends Forever
Ted “Frosty” Foster
Inez “Nezzie” Foster
August 21, 2014
© All Rights Reserved
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
How is it I am still PGR?
A friend asked, "After all that you have put out there about the dysfunction of Patriot Guard leadership and the Board of Directors how is it that you are still PGR?"
What an excellent question, one best put to those who wear (albeit badly) the cap of leadership.
Addressing PGR leadership and PGR BoD:
06 June 2014 BoD Childree wrote: ...your [Foster] termination remains in place unless you are able to present evidence that these accusations (which were corroborated by multiple people) are not true.
Just for the record: We presented evidence to refute all allegations as false supported by statements from "multiple people" who put their names and caps on the line to do so - an act of faith in fair play and belief in the truth we sadly have yet to see from PGR leadership or PGR BoD.
Just for fun: Let's explore how my own activity measures up to what was falsely alleged against a respected and innocent Veteran... because if I pass and understand I am somewhat of an over-achiever - how is it the PGR can fail to terminate my membership (and I might add the membership of hundreds of others) if termination is based on the following criteria?
Systematic and repeated disruptive activity against PGR leadership. I plead GUILTY!
***** Yes. I have repeatedly and with disruptive intent aired the dirty laundry of the PGR leadership and PGR BoD without the least bit of concern for their collective reputations. I did not damage their credibility. I merely exposed their credibility issues. The fact that the culprits function without a shred of honor or integrity can be laid at their own feet not mine.
Interference with PGR missions. I plead GUILTY!
***** Yes. It goes something like this. If you live in north Texas and require honors for a Veteran or Veteran's event I suggest you forgo PGR presence and contact an organization whose leaders are honorable and whose membership consists of Veterans who respect all veterans and whose members and leaders will show up on time, at the right church or event location, looking good, conducting themselves in a professional manner (no knocking heads with their spouses in the parking lot) and get the job done right. I can recommend American Legion Post 202 - Wichita Falls, Texas. Ask for the services of the Honor Guard.
Activities damaging to PGR reputation (Journey 4 Justice). I plead GUILTY!
***** Yes. It is hard for me to fathom how my actions can possibly be more damaging to the reputation of the PGR than recent despicable actions of leadership and the BoD but I will own that I am a proud member of Journey 4 Justice and a staunch supporter of Journey 4 Justice and I embrace without apology the ongoing mission of Journey 4 Justice. If I still wore a PGR patch I would wear it on a Journey 4 Justice mission as I please without garnering the permission of anyone. I have never been any closer to Topeka, Kansas than Marysville, Kansas but as we all know apparently my presence there is not required in order to be placed there by state leadership of Texas. I am certain the state captain of Texas can do a much better job of imagining the details of my presence in Topeka than my actual presence could reveal. The state captain of Texas indulges in fiction to serve his whacked out agenda more often than not and the PGR BoD love his little stories so much they have banned truth from all due consideration.
Discriminatory ideas you have expressed. I plead GUILTY!
***** Damn straight - I object to standing the flag line with liars and slanderers (aka PGR Texas local/state/regional leadership and PGR BoD) and consider doing so an act of hypocrisy and disrespect that should not be tolerated among the ranks of honest PGR members. You betcha I discriminate based on the principles by which I live my life - no purveyors of bullshit allowed.
You have repeatedly attempted to undermine the efforts of female leadership in your area. I plead GUILTY!
***** I am working on it. To be up front about it... undermining leadership in my mind is not based on or limited to a particular gender. In my opinion, the entire leadership from the lowest man/woman ride captain in the north Texas Red River region to the president of the PGR board of directors are a disgrace to the caps they wear, the position they hold, the membership at large and the organization as a whole.
The items outlined are potentially damaging to the reputation and mission of the PGR, and it is the opinion of the PGR Board of Directors that any single one of these items is sufficient justification for termination of your membership.
***** Well now, looks like I passed the "termination test" with flying colors. If anything over the last couple of months I have outdistanced by activities that can be validated the veteran PGR leadership and PGR BoD have wronged based on lies and slander. I mean, I believe I have made it quite plain - I do not give a hairy rat's butt about the image of the PGR or the reputation of PGR leadership. If leadership cares so little about it that they engage in foul play why should I care if they become the victims of their own vice and folly!
I ask again... how is it I am still PGR?
I love this part...
This event [loosely refers to J4J activities] is in direct contradiction of the PGR mission statement, and the PGR organization desires no association with it. Your persistent participation now makes it necessary for PGR to distance itself from you personally.
***** Here's my backatcha boys: The conduct of PGR leadership and PGR BoD is in direct conflict with the PGR code of conduct/mission statement as well as with my own personal code of ethics. As such, I desire no further association with it [PGR] and believe it will eventually become necessary to distance myself from the PGR personally - but - not yet. Unless the PGR sees fit to dismiss me for speaking my mind and supporting my Dad and my disrespected PGR friends - I plan on being PGR for a while longer - just because it pisses PGR leadership off.
I remain inconveniently yours,
Frosty's Dissident Daughter
© All Rights Reserved
What an excellent question, one best put to those who wear (albeit badly) the cap of leadership.
Addressing PGR leadership and PGR BoD:
06 June 2014 BoD Childree wrote: ...your [Foster] termination remains in place unless you are able to present evidence that these accusations (which were corroborated by multiple people) are not true.
Just for the record: We presented evidence to refute all allegations as false supported by statements from "multiple people" who put their names and caps on the line to do so - an act of faith in fair play and belief in the truth we sadly have yet to see from PGR leadership or PGR BoD.
Just for fun: Let's explore how my own activity measures up to what was falsely alleged against a respected and innocent Veteran... because if I pass and understand I am somewhat of an over-achiever - how is it the PGR can fail to terminate my membership (and I might add the membership of hundreds of others) if termination is based on the following criteria?
Systematic and repeated disruptive activity against PGR leadership. I plead GUILTY!
***** Yes. I have repeatedly and with disruptive intent aired the dirty laundry of the PGR leadership and PGR BoD without the least bit of concern for their collective reputations. I did not damage their credibility. I merely exposed their credibility issues. The fact that the culprits function without a shred of honor or integrity can be laid at their own feet not mine.
Interference with PGR missions. I plead GUILTY!
***** Yes. It goes something like this. If you live in north Texas and require honors for a Veteran or Veteran's event I suggest you forgo PGR presence and contact an organization whose leaders are honorable and whose membership consists of Veterans who respect all veterans and whose members and leaders will show up on time, at the right church or event location, looking good, conducting themselves in a professional manner (no knocking heads with their spouses in the parking lot) and get the job done right. I can recommend American Legion Post 202 - Wichita Falls, Texas. Ask for the services of the Honor Guard.
Activities damaging to PGR reputation (Journey 4 Justice). I plead GUILTY!
***** Yes. It is hard for me to fathom how my actions can possibly be more damaging to the reputation of the PGR than recent despicable actions of leadership and the BoD but I will own that I am a proud member of Journey 4 Justice and a staunch supporter of Journey 4 Justice and I embrace without apology the ongoing mission of Journey 4 Justice. If I still wore a PGR patch I would wear it on a Journey 4 Justice mission as I please without garnering the permission of anyone. I have never been any closer to Topeka, Kansas than Marysville, Kansas but as we all know apparently my presence there is not required in order to be placed there by state leadership of Texas. I am certain the state captain of Texas can do a much better job of imagining the details of my presence in Topeka than my actual presence could reveal. The state captain of Texas indulges in fiction to serve his whacked out agenda more often than not and the PGR BoD love his little stories so much they have banned truth from all due consideration.
Discriminatory ideas you have expressed. I plead GUILTY!
***** Damn straight - I object to standing the flag line with liars and slanderers (aka PGR Texas local/state/regional leadership and PGR BoD) and consider doing so an act of hypocrisy and disrespect that should not be tolerated among the ranks of honest PGR members. You betcha I discriminate based on the principles by which I live my life - no purveyors of bullshit allowed.
You have repeatedly attempted to undermine the efforts of female leadership in your area. I plead GUILTY!
***** I am working on it. To be up front about it... undermining leadership in my mind is not based on or limited to a particular gender. In my opinion, the entire leadership from the lowest man/woman ride captain in the north Texas Red River region to the president of the PGR board of directors are a disgrace to the caps they wear, the position they hold, the membership at large and the organization as a whole.
The items outlined are potentially damaging to the reputation and mission of the PGR, and it is the opinion of the PGR Board of Directors that any single one of these items is sufficient justification for termination of your membership.
***** Well now, looks like I passed the "termination test" with flying colors. If anything over the last couple of months I have outdistanced by activities that can be validated the veteran PGR leadership and PGR BoD have wronged based on lies and slander. I mean, I believe I have made it quite plain - I do not give a hairy rat's butt about the image of the PGR or the reputation of PGR leadership. If leadership cares so little about it that they engage in foul play why should I care if they become the victims of their own vice and folly!
I ask again... how is it I am still PGR?
I love this part...
This event [loosely refers to J4J activities] is in direct contradiction of the PGR mission statement, and the PGR organization desires no association with it. Your persistent participation now makes it necessary for PGR to distance itself from you personally.
***** Here's my backatcha boys: The conduct of PGR leadership and PGR BoD is in direct conflict with the PGR code of conduct/mission statement as well as with my own personal code of ethics. As such, I desire no further association with it [PGR] and believe it will eventually become necessary to distance myself from the PGR personally - but - not yet. Unless the PGR sees fit to dismiss me for speaking my mind and supporting my Dad and my disrespected PGR friends - I plan on being PGR for a while longer - just because it pisses PGR leadership off.
I remain inconveniently yours,
Frosty's Dissident Daughter
© All Rights Reserved
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
PGR leadership falls short of the mark...
I love a pithy quote. I use them often to send a point home or express a point of view.
Apparently the following quote is circulating on social media pages of Patriot Guard state leadership and board of directors. I can envision them patting themselves on the back and nodding sagely as they stroke one another's egos. Having enough on our plate, we are not actively trolling for misleading banalities but we will not reject what is offered by those who may indulge in freelance trolling.
Leadership when craved will always be faulty. Leadership as a means of service to others will never result from a desire to be out front but from a desire to see a thing done right.
Hmmm... I guess one could surmise that PGR leadership likes the sound of context that alludes to excellent leadership while failing to grasp the concept of what actually IS good leadership.
The phrase, a desire to see a thing done right... gave me pause when I consider how badly the case of Ted Frosty Foster vs PGR has been handled from the get-go, from the complete and utter disregard for due process to the disservice done to a respected veteran and the membership as well as the organization. The only thing done right by leadership and the BoD at this juncture is the massive wrong done to the innocent as they stand united and obstinately silent in blatant and despicable character assassination based on lies and slander.
Otherwise, in my humble opinion the integrity of PGR leadership from the lowliest of north Texas Red River region ride captains to the president of the BoD has been weighed and measured on the scales of truth and found decidedly wanting in credibility.
Here's another pithy quote:
Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. -- Aldous Huxley, Complete Essays 2, 1926-29
'Nuff said...
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Apparently the following quote is circulating on social media pages of Patriot Guard state leadership and board of directors. I can envision them patting themselves on the back and nodding sagely as they stroke one another's egos. Having enough on our plate, we are not actively trolling for misleading banalities but we will not reject what is offered by those who may indulge in freelance trolling.
Leadership when craved will always be faulty. Leadership as a means of service to others will never result from a desire to be out front but from a desire to see a thing done right.
Hmmm... I guess one could surmise that PGR leadership likes the sound of context that alludes to excellent leadership while failing to grasp the concept of what actually IS good leadership.
The phrase, a desire to see a thing done right... gave me pause when I consider how badly the case of Ted Frosty Foster vs PGR has been handled from the get-go, from the complete and utter disregard for due process to the disservice done to a respected veteran and the membership as well as the organization. The only thing done right by leadership and the BoD at this juncture is the massive wrong done to the innocent as they stand united and obstinately silent in blatant and despicable character assassination based on lies and slander.
Otherwise, in my humble opinion the integrity of PGR leadership from the lowliest of north Texas Red River region ride captains to the president of the BoD has been weighed and measured on the scales of truth and found decidedly wanting in credibility.
Here's another pithy quote:
Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. -- Aldous Huxley, Complete Essays 2, 1926-29
'Nuff said...
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Monday, August 18, 2014
Truth = Vindication against slander
Quick note: The word misogyny was put out there in the original allegations authored by state/regional leadership with absolutely no substantiation. Rather, it was soundly refuted by a good many women of Frosty's acquaintance. As we have said before slander is an ugly bit of business - sooner or later somebody has to put their butt on the line to prove it.
I am answering with the word misandry backed up by a recent comment made in the public arena by that sole representative of female leadership in the north Texas region -- Quote: " of my "friends" up to their same old nonsense, guess they just don't have anything better to do. I think I emasculate them, lol..." Note the use of the pronouns "they" and "them" implying a general dislike of the male gender rather than the use of the more proper pronoun referring to "one" specific person aka "him".
And that's all we are going to say on the matter. I said from the get go "they" might get away without being held accountable for their despicable actions but "they" are not going to walk away clean.
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I am answering with the word misandry backed up by a recent comment made in the public arena by that sole representative of female leadership in the north Texas region -- Quote: " of my "friends" up to their same old nonsense, guess they just don't have anything better to do. I think I emasculate them, lol..." Note the use of the pronouns "they" and "them" implying a general dislike of the male gender rather than the use of the more proper pronoun referring to "one" specific person aka "him".
And that's all we are going to say on the matter. I said from the get go "they" might get away without being held accountable for their despicable actions but "they" are not going to walk away clean.
© All Rights Reserved
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Something to think about
Posting a couple of different faces here, just on the off chance you think the author of the Vietnam Veteran Fired... blog and facebook page for Ted Frosty Foster is one of those creepy creatures sitting around in pj's in their crazy aunt's basement creating mischief by the glow of a monitor on the internet - ha!
Nothing could be farther from the case... You might find me in the basement on any given day but it's because I work with my hands and that's where my studio is located.
As I have said before I am a veteran's daughter. I am a veteran's wife. Between the two men in my life I have 28 years of military life under my belt. The men in my life are solid, hard-working, straight-talking, no-nonsense kind of guys. They operate with a built-in integrity that is neither acquired from external sources nor can it be compromised by external forces. They are unapologetically American and true blue in their dealings with me and every other person of their acquaintance.
Ask me why I would tolerate anyone on the face of the earth showing disrespect to either one of them. Ask me why I would tolerate anyone disrespecting a mother who operates everyday from a state of dignity and grace, loyalty and generosity of spirit - a mother who has been irreparably hurt. There is no answer to why - I would not - I will not - I am not.
With that said and in light of the circumstances that brought us to expose the dysfunction of Patriot Guard leadership to the public at large I ask - if you were in our shoes how much would you tolerate of the BS that has been heaped upon Foster family and friends? Do the men above sound like your men? Does the woman sound like your wife or Mom? Does how I feel about the people in my life sound like the way you feel about your people?
Yeah? Exactly my point!
Put yourself in Frosty's shoes, Nezzie's shoes, my shoes. What if this was you or your wife or your daughter? What if this was your Dad or your Mom? What if this was your Grandma and Grandpa? What if this was your daughter and your friends crying foul!
Lies and slander and defamation of character heaped upon any individual for no purpose is despicable. The pain and aggravation that reaches beyond that individual to affect the innocent is unconscionable.
I challenge even the cowards who stand behind their walls of complicit silence to put yourself in our shoes. What the hell would you do if this crap (to quote the state captain of TX) came knocking at your door?
Well, you know if you bother to reflect on it at all and still feel indifferent - understand - karma is a bitch - there is no escaping it. Betrayal of this magnitude that serves nothing more than petty-minded grievance is horrendous. How can anyone live with that, knowing they did that?
The photos posted above are me and the veteran with whom I share my life. Every year in August we attend a Veteran's Rally. It is Vet Rally weekend. We go because it's fun and patriotic and we love rubbing elbows with people of like mind and purpose. Better yet, the road to Cripple Creek is one of the best motorcycle rides in Colorado.
What are the Folks doing this weekend? Attending a Gold Star Mother's Day fund raiser.
We are signing off for the weekend. If you ride - ride safe... ride free.
© All Rights Reserved
Nothing could be farther from the case... You might find me in the basement on any given day but it's because I work with my hands and that's where my studio is located.
As I have said before I am a veteran's daughter. I am a veteran's wife. Between the two men in my life I have 28 years of military life under my belt. The men in my life are solid, hard-working, straight-talking, no-nonsense kind of guys. They operate with a built-in integrity that is neither acquired from external sources nor can it be compromised by external forces. They are unapologetically American and true blue in their dealings with me and every other person of their acquaintance.
Ask me why I would tolerate anyone on the face of the earth showing disrespect to either one of them. Ask me why I would tolerate anyone disrespecting a mother who operates everyday from a state of dignity and grace, loyalty and generosity of spirit - a mother who has been irreparably hurt. There is no answer to why - I would not - I will not - I am not.
With that said and in light of the circumstances that brought us to expose the dysfunction of Patriot Guard leadership to the public at large I ask - if you were in our shoes how much would you tolerate of the BS that has been heaped upon Foster family and friends? Do the men above sound like your men? Does the woman sound like your wife or Mom? Does how I feel about the people in my life sound like the way you feel about your people?
Yeah? Exactly my point!
Put yourself in Frosty's shoes, Nezzie's shoes, my shoes. What if this was you or your wife or your daughter? What if this was your Dad or your Mom? What if this was your Grandma and Grandpa? What if this was your daughter and your friends crying foul!
Lies and slander and defamation of character heaped upon any individual for no purpose is despicable. The pain and aggravation that reaches beyond that individual to affect the innocent is unconscionable.
I challenge even the cowards who stand behind their walls of complicit silence to put yourself in our shoes. What the hell would you do if this crap (to quote the state captain of TX) came knocking at your door?
Well, you know if you bother to reflect on it at all and still feel indifferent - understand - karma is a bitch - there is no escaping it. Betrayal of this magnitude that serves nothing more than petty-minded grievance is horrendous. How can anyone live with that, knowing they did that?
The photos posted above are me and the veteran with whom I share my life. Every year in August we attend a Veteran's Rally. It is Vet Rally weekend. We go because it's fun and patriotic and we love rubbing elbows with people of like mind and purpose. Better yet, the road to Cripple Creek is one of the best motorcycle rides in Colorado.
What are the Folks doing this weekend? Attending a Gold Star Mother's Day fund raiser.
We are signing off for the weekend. If you ride - ride safe... ride free.
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Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Not done...
Tex and Frosty - You see this? These two guys are decorated Vietnam Veterans and have served the Patriot Guard over seven years - hundreds of successful missions between them.
These two guys have been repeatedly libeled and slandered and disrespected by Patriot Guard TX local/state/regional leadership and the Patriot Guard BoD. One of them was fired by the PGR BoD based on nothing but manufactured mendacity, the other one has been libeled by local leadership and is apparently on some sort of nut-job "head-hunter list".
The biggest problem local PGR has with these two guys (and it is the only legitimate complaint they have) is: ENVY - they cannot BE these two guys. There's no help for that - if you are not a veteran and you have not earned your respect - people will sooner or later discover you are a fraud. Clarification: I say fraud because real leadership would not do this to one of their own or allow this to happen to one of their own. Real leadership would stand up on the side of truth.
Patriot Guard leadership thought they could run Tex and Frosty out of the PGR and be done with them. It did not really work out that way. I ask you - does it look like they are done?
Joe (former PGR ride captain), Gary (veteran and former PGR ride captain, Mike (veteran and PGR) - same thing - no respect. Notice the hats they wear - PGR Loss - ALR Gain.
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These two guys have been repeatedly libeled and slandered and disrespected by Patriot Guard TX local/state/regional leadership and the Patriot Guard BoD. One of them was fired by the PGR BoD based on nothing but manufactured mendacity, the other one has been libeled by local leadership and is apparently on some sort of nut-job "head-hunter list".
The biggest problem local PGR has with these two guys (and it is the only legitimate complaint they have) is: ENVY - they cannot BE these two guys. There's no help for that - if you are not a veteran and you have not earned your respect - people will sooner or later discover you are a fraud. Clarification: I say fraud because real leadership would not do this to one of their own or allow this to happen to one of their own. Real leadership would stand up on the side of truth.
Patriot Guard leadership thought they could run Tex and Frosty out of the PGR and be done with them. It did not really work out that way. I ask you - does it look like they are done?
Joe (former PGR ride captain), Gary (veteran and former PGR ride captain, Mike (veteran and PGR) - same thing - no respect. Notice the hats they wear - PGR Loss - ALR Gain.
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Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Patriot Guard local leadership a waste of time
UPDATE: Sort of...
We have flushed a couple of comments out of local Patriot Guard leadership in north Texas in response to one-on-one contact. Well, it was one-on-one on our end anyway. For the most part they are in denial of any part played in the removal of Ted Frosty Foster from the PGR. One remains completely silent. It is a waste of our time, energy and resources for several reasons.
1) They have no power to do anything. Why do I say that? Well - they have not done anything so far. They claim to have no knowledge of the circumstances of Foster's termination until after the fact. That would have to make them the most hapless or negligent or irrelevant excuse for leadership on the face of the earth - but hey - it is what it is.
2) They have no clue what real leadership is. They think real leadership is strictly a command position that requires nothing beyond the utterance of orders. The concept of no man left behind is beyond the grasp of their intellect.
3) They had the opportunity to stand up for one of their own and tell the truth and did not. The doors of state/regional are not closed to them (they can cc all of leadership in response to a one-on-one communication easy enough) so they could even at this late date do the right thing and yet they do nothing.
4) I can only assume they are nothing but puppets of state leadership because he used at least one of local leadership's status as a woman and non veteran to pursue his agenda. I say it is hard to argue that one had no knowledge of at least one of the complaints beforehand unless one allows other people to run loco with one's name and reputation.
I could go on and on and on but as I said, we will not waste our time and energy on local leadership unless they place themselves in our path. Leadership is a hat that sits badly on their heads. Remove the hat and they can make no claim to integrity as regular people either.
Complicity in wrong-doing does not necessarily require action.
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We have flushed a couple of comments out of local Patriot Guard leadership in north Texas in response to one-on-one contact. Well, it was one-on-one on our end anyway. For the most part they are in denial of any part played in the removal of Ted Frosty Foster from the PGR. One remains completely silent. It is a waste of our time, energy and resources for several reasons.
1) They have no power to do anything. Why do I say that? Well - they have not done anything so far. They claim to have no knowledge of the circumstances of Foster's termination until after the fact. That would have to make them the most hapless or negligent or irrelevant excuse for leadership on the face of the earth - but hey - it is what it is.
2) They have no clue what real leadership is. They think real leadership is strictly a command position that requires nothing beyond the utterance of orders. The concept of no man left behind is beyond the grasp of their intellect.
3) They had the opportunity to stand up for one of their own and tell the truth and did not. The doors of state/regional are not closed to them (they can cc all of leadership in response to a one-on-one communication easy enough) so they could even at this late date do the right thing and yet they do nothing.
4) I can only assume they are nothing but puppets of state leadership because he used at least one of local leadership's status as a woman and non veteran to pursue his agenda. I say it is hard to argue that one had no knowledge of at least one of the complaints beforehand unless one allows other people to run loco with one's name and reputation.
I could go on and on and on but as I said, we will not waste our time and energy on local leadership unless they place themselves in our path. Leadership is a hat that sits badly on their heads. Remove the hat and they can make no claim to integrity as regular people either.
Complicity in wrong-doing does not necessarily require action.
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Monday, August 11, 2014
Attention PGR: Boo Freekin' HOO
Update and our purpose here revisited (mostly for the slow-witted) so bear with me please. I am mirroring a post on the facebook page for those who suffer from facebook phobia. I have heard it called Visiolibriphobia: Fear of Facebook.
Oh my goodness! I wish all of you could hear the caterwauling going on out there by people complaining they do not do facebook or read anything on facebook but are mad about what is out there on facebook. (scratching my head) People are complaining about being blocked and all that sort of thing. Again, for the record - nobody is blocked or banned. One was blocked and probably will be again but for now the facebook page is wide open. I mean c'mon - if you can type in a comment section of a facebook page people - you are good to go. Duh! Your window of opportunity is closing - better get your wits together and go for it.
The same thing is being said about this blog. Good grief people. It's a blog. Due to spammers - the comments on this blog are moderated - all comments are moderated. I guess some people suffer from acute delusions of persecution. There's no help on this blog for that malady. My advice - seek therapy.
I know the 328+ people who have liked and check in on the facebook page and the 400+ people who signed the petition (which went ignored and unanswered by the PGR BoD) are fairly certain why they are here. But for those (mostly the local north Texas PGR leadership) who cannot seem to get it through their thick heads why we went public - let me see if I can break it down for you.
1) The Patriot Guard BoD in flagrant abuse of the PGR code of conduct fired a 78 year old 20 year USAF Vietnam Bronze Star Veteran without the courtesy of due process. Ted Frosty Foster served the PGR for over seven years successfully executing somewhere around 400 missions with zero complaints.
2) State/Regional leadership led the charge with a series of complaints sent up to the BoD which are nothing but manufactured mendacity based on petty grievances attributed to local leadership.
3) Local leadership knows the truth of the whole matter and failed to support the Veteran with other than a mewling comment or two.
4) Foster supplied the BoD with proof the allegations were false. Numerous PGR from the area who have known Foster many years, have ridden with him and for him, have stood the flag line with him and for him wrote the BoD to corroborate Foster's proof. All were ignored and/or dismissed.
5) When Foster received the final 'termination stands" notification from the BoD, he demanded disclosure. The BoD has refused to provide the particulars.
6) When a petition with over 400 signatures was submitted to the BoD demanding justice for Foster and a review of the proceedings, the BoD ignored it.
7) We are here because Foster deserves an answer. PGR leadership needs to provide this veteran with the particulars of his termination.
8) PGR leadership/BoD should be held accountable for the aberrant way in which this matter was conducted.
That is why we are here. We want justice for a Veteran and if we cannot get accountability for bad leadership we can at least expose it as bad leadership.
If you have questions - that's what the comment section is for... here and on facebook - smh!
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Oh my goodness! I wish all of you could hear the caterwauling going on out there by people complaining they do not do facebook or read anything on facebook but are mad about what is out there on facebook. (scratching my head) People are complaining about being blocked and all that sort of thing. Again, for the record - nobody is blocked or banned. One was blocked and probably will be again but for now the facebook page is wide open. I mean c'mon - if you can type in a comment section of a facebook page people - you are good to go. Duh! Your window of opportunity is closing - better get your wits together and go for it.
The same thing is being said about this blog. Good grief people. It's a blog. Due to spammers - the comments on this blog are moderated - all comments are moderated. I guess some people suffer from acute delusions of persecution. There's no help on this blog for that malady. My advice - seek therapy.
I know the 328+ people who have liked and check in on the facebook page and the 400+ people who signed the petition (which went ignored and unanswered by the PGR BoD) are fairly certain why they are here. But for those (mostly the local north Texas PGR leadership) who cannot seem to get it through their thick heads why we went public - let me see if I can break it down for you.
1) The Patriot Guard BoD in flagrant abuse of the PGR code of conduct fired a 78 year old 20 year USAF Vietnam Bronze Star Veteran without the courtesy of due process. Ted Frosty Foster served the PGR for over seven years successfully executing somewhere around 400 missions with zero complaints.
2) State/Regional leadership led the charge with a series of complaints sent up to the BoD which are nothing but manufactured mendacity based on petty grievances attributed to local leadership.
3) Local leadership knows the truth of the whole matter and failed to support the Veteran with other than a mewling comment or two.
4) Foster supplied the BoD with proof the allegations were false. Numerous PGR from the area who have known Foster many years, have ridden with him and for him, have stood the flag line with him and for him wrote the BoD to corroborate Foster's proof. All were ignored and/or dismissed.
5) When Foster received the final 'termination stands" notification from the BoD, he demanded disclosure. The BoD has refused to provide the particulars.
6) When a petition with over 400 signatures was submitted to the BoD demanding justice for Foster and a review of the proceedings, the BoD ignored it.
7) We are here because Foster deserves an answer. PGR leadership needs to provide this veteran with the particulars of his termination.
8) PGR leadership/BoD should be held accountable for the aberrant way in which this matter was conducted.
That is why we are here. We want justice for a Veteran and if we cannot get accountability for bad leadership we can at least expose it as bad leadership.
If you have questions - that's what the comment section is for... here and on facebook - smh!
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Sunday, August 10, 2014
Here we have two Vietnam Veterans. Two Bronze Stars. One Purple Heart. Ted and Tex. Friends. This is not the first time their boots have rested on the skids of a helicopter. They walked the walk.
They met and formed an enduring friendship because of their association with the Patriot Guard Riders. They served and promoted the organization tirelessly for over seven years. They are respected and admired by the majority of people who have had the pleasure to get to know them, ride with them, stand the flag line with them. But, there are always a few malcontents who do not "get it". These two Vets have been disrespected and maligned by local/state/regional PGR leadership. They have both been called liars and worse (without substantiation) by PGR leadership and the BoD.
It is wrong. Anyone who knows the details knows it is wrong.
Here is what the malcontents (mostly those who never walked the walk) do not get and never will.
RESPECT You don't demand it. You don't command it. You don't lie and scheme and pretend your way to it. You either have it or you don't. And people who know you will give it or they won't. FACT...
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Thursday, August 7, 2014
Patriot Guard Leadership IS Dysfunctional
Dysfunction. We have spoken much about it here. Try as I might I cannot come up with a better adjective. The local/state/regional and national leadership of the Patriot Guard IS dysfunctional.
In the case of Ted Frosty Foster leadership has failed a veteran, the mission, the organization and the membership.
Again, leadership has failed the blue hat membership and continues to do so.
Many of us who have come out in support of Ted Frosty Foster are still legitimate blue hat members in good standing. At least, we have not been advised otherwise so it stands to reason in an honorable organization that we must be treated as such. Members in good standing.
Most of us live in the north Texas region. BUT, local leadership in complete accordance with the culture of dysfunction they have cultivated as their collective MO (method of operation) have willfully and knowingly failed to send out mission notices to a select group of Patriot Guard Riders in the north Texas region as recently as last week. It is not the first time.
This is active discrimination against other members. It is playing petty politics. It is negligent leadership in an all volunteer organization with an inclusion statement as part of the overall mission statement:
...... "We don’t care what you ride or if you ride, what your political views are, or whether you’re a hawk or a dove. It is not a requirement that you be a veteran. It doesn't matter where you’re from or what your income is; you don’t even have to ride. The only prerequisite is Respect."
Leadership on the state level is on record as saying (paraphrasing here) that you do not have to like the person standing next to you in the flag line but you have to respect that person's presence. (I have issues with the "have to respect" part of the statement but that's another story.) If we follow the dictates of that statement then it should necessarily apply to the relationship between leadership and membership.
Attention PGR leadership: You do not have to like all the members in the membership but you have to respect the membership enough to include all members in good standing in all PGR activities. Right?
A dysfunctional by design culture does not improve with transparency. It simply gets EXPOSED as the deeply disturbing malfunction that it is.
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In the case of Ted Frosty Foster leadership has failed a veteran, the mission, the organization and the membership.
Again, leadership has failed the blue hat membership and continues to do so.
Many of us who have come out in support of Ted Frosty Foster are still legitimate blue hat members in good standing. At least, we have not been advised otherwise so it stands to reason in an honorable organization that we must be treated as such. Members in good standing.
Most of us live in the north Texas region. BUT, local leadership in complete accordance with the culture of dysfunction they have cultivated as their collective MO (method of operation) have willfully and knowingly failed to send out mission notices to a select group of Patriot Guard Riders in the north Texas region as recently as last week. It is not the first time.
This is active discrimination against other members. It is playing petty politics. It is negligent leadership in an all volunteer organization with an inclusion statement as part of the overall mission statement:
...... "We don’t care what you ride or if you ride, what your political views are, or whether you’re a hawk or a dove. It is not a requirement that you be a veteran. It doesn't matter where you’re from or what your income is; you don’t even have to ride. The only prerequisite is Respect."
Leadership on the state level is on record as saying (paraphrasing here) that you do not have to like the person standing next to you in the flag line but you have to respect that person's presence. (I have issues with the "have to respect" part of the statement but that's another story.) If we follow the dictates of that statement then it should necessarily apply to the relationship between leadership and membership.
Attention PGR leadership: You do not have to like all the members in the membership but you have to respect the membership enough to include all members in good standing in all PGR activities. Right?
A dysfunctional by design culture does not improve with transparency. It simply gets EXPOSED as the deeply disturbing malfunction that it is.
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Wednesday, August 6, 2014
PGR Paul Spangler - Bad Blood Rerun
If what follows does not offend you - I do not know what will...
It is an exchange on a Facebook page (the page belongs to the head man of American Legion Post 202). I have to wonder out loud what sort of idiot logs on to a public page of a veteran member of the American Legion and blatantly starts disrespecting veterans. Tex **purple heart/bronze stars** and Frosty **bronze star** are both Vietnam Veterans and have served the Patriot Guard for over seven years. Then Spangler, a disrespectful blue hat totally trashes a Gold Star family. Nubbin has sacrificed twice - first his brother (Vietnam) and next his son (Iraq). It's despicable and crude and sadly indicative of the type of disrespect allowed to run rampant in the region.
This is the text of the following two images (This is a comment by [Spangler] the offspring (non veteran blue hat) of one of the local leadership (non veteran ride captain, Barbara Johnson - who has a few envy issues) who is the spouse of non veteran Ride Captain, Mike Johnson. There's no doubt about it people. It's blood - bad blood. Nubbin is a Gold Star DAD. I am Vickie (apparently unknown as the daughter of Ted Frosty Foster to Spangler until that last line - oops). 'Nuff said.
Paul Spangler Ha twist the truth to fit I see. That isnt why he was removed! Hopefully a few more to come soon.
Yesterday at 4:50pm · Like
Johnston Nubbin What tremendous support Mr Ted is receiving!!! My inbox runnith over!!!!
Yesterday at 10:12pm · Like · 1
Paul Spangler Not a surprise nubbin cockroaches usually do stick together in packs! You are a disgrace to all military families especially gold star parents! You, Tex, and Frosty think you have pulled the wool over everyone's eyes well you haven't those with their own minds can see right through the b.s. yall have been throwing for years now.
Yesterday at 10:45pm · Edited · Like
Ray Sluder Does negativity Run in your blood
15 hours ago · Like
Paul Spangler Nope just the truth!
14 hours ago · Like
Vickie Downing Did you choke on that word??? Because I'm pretty sure you are immensely unfamiliar with the concept.
9 hours ago · Like
Paul Spangler Nope Vickie unlike post 202 legion riders I know the truth behind all the childish drama Tex, Frosty, & Nubbin have been spreading for a few years now. I have read the emails to the pgr from them full of lies from them and heard voicemail and read emails to the 2 people in pgr they are out to ruin over a childish reason! I know the truth those who listen to their stories are being fed a line of crap. You want to know the truth ask those involved and those who had to experience the drama first hand!
8 hours ago · Like
Vickie Downing I am involved. And I am documented. BTW: When was the last time you visited the PGR code of conduct - if you wear a blue hat you disgrace it.
7 hours ago · Edited · Like
Click on the images for a larger view.
Just for review:
Patriot Guard Mission Statement
Our Mission
“The Patriot Guard Riders is a 100% Volunteer, Federally registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization which ensures dignity and respect at memorial services honoring Fallen Military Heroes, First Responders and Honorably Discharged Veterans.”
Our Vision
The Patriot Guard Riders is a diverse amalgamation of riders from across the nation. We have one thing in common besides motorcycles. We have an unwavering respect for those who risk their very lives for America’s freedom and security including Fallen Military Heroes, First Responders and Honorably Discharged Veterans. If you share this respect, please join us.
We don’t care what you ride or if you ride, what your political views are, or whether you’re a hawk or a dove. It is not a requirement that you be a veteran. It doesn't matter where you’re from or what your income is; you don’t even have to ride. The only prerequisite is Respect.
Our main mission is to attend the funeral services of fallen American heroes as invited guests of the family. Each mission we undertake has two basic objectives:
1. Show our sincere respect for our fallen heroes, their families, and their communities.
2. Shield the mourning family and their friends from interruptions created by any protestor or group of protestors.
We accomplish the latter through strictly legal and non-violent means.
To those of you who are currently serving and fighting for the freedoms of others, at home and abroad, please know that we are backing you. We honor and support you with every mission we carry out, and we are praying for a safe return home for all.
Finally: What is sad about this situation is this blue hat needs to be reported for his blatant breach of the code of conduct and utterly despicable disrespect but because he is a family member of two of the local leadership who apparently rub elbows or whatever with state and regional leadership - a call for his hat will fall on deaf ears. Had this happened in any other region except where leadership has failed - this pgr would have been stripped of his membership immediately.
We do have a Facebook Page You are welcome to mosey on over, check it out.
© All Rights Reserved
It is an exchange on a Facebook page (the page belongs to the head man of American Legion Post 202). I have to wonder out loud what sort of idiot logs on to a public page of a veteran member of the American Legion and blatantly starts disrespecting veterans. Tex **purple heart/bronze stars** and Frosty **bronze star** are both Vietnam Veterans and have served the Patriot Guard for over seven years. Then Spangler, a disrespectful blue hat totally trashes a Gold Star family. Nubbin has sacrificed twice - first his brother (Vietnam) and next his son (Iraq). It's despicable and crude and sadly indicative of the type of disrespect allowed to run rampant in the region.
This is the text of the following two images (This is a comment by [Spangler] the offspring (non veteran blue hat) of one of the local leadership (non veteran ride captain, Barbara Johnson - who has a few envy issues) who is the spouse of non veteran Ride Captain, Mike Johnson. There's no doubt about it people. It's blood - bad blood. Nubbin is a Gold Star DAD. I am Vickie (apparently unknown as the daughter of Ted Frosty Foster to Spangler until that last line - oops). 'Nuff said.
Paul Spangler Ha twist the truth to fit I see. That isnt why he was removed! Hopefully a few more to come soon.
Yesterday at 4:50pm · Like
Johnston Nubbin What tremendous support Mr Ted is receiving!!! My inbox runnith over!!!!
Yesterday at 10:12pm · Like · 1
Paul Spangler Not a surprise nubbin cockroaches usually do stick together in packs! You are a disgrace to all military families especially gold star parents! You, Tex, and Frosty think you have pulled the wool over everyone's eyes well you haven't those with their own minds can see right through the b.s. yall have been throwing for years now.
Yesterday at 10:45pm · Edited · Like
Ray Sluder Does negativity Run in your blood
15 hours ago · Like
Paul Spangler Nope just the truth!
14 hours ago · Like
Vickie Downing Did you choke on that word??? Because I'm pretty sure you are immensely unfamiliar with the concept.
9 hours ago · Like
Paul Spangler Nope Vickie unlike post 202 legion riders I know the truth behind all the childish drama Tex, Frosty, & Nubbin have been spreading for a few years now. I have read the emails to the pgr from them full of lies from them and heard voicemail and read emails to the 2 people in pgr they are out to ruin over a childish reason! I know the truth those who listen to their stories are being fed a line of crap. You want to know the truth ask those involved and those who had to experience the drama first hand!
8 hours ago · Like
Vickie Downing I am involved. And I am documented. BTW: When was the last time you visited the PGR code of conduct - if you wear a blue hat you disgrace it.
7 hours ago · Edited · Like
Click on the images for a larger view.
Just for review:
Patriot Guard Mission Statement
Our Mission
“The Patriot Guard Riders is a 100% Volunteer, Federally registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization which ensures dignity and respect at memorial services honoring Fallen Military Heroes, First Responders and Honorably Discharged Veterans.”
Our Vision
The Patriot Guard Riders is a diverse amalgamation of riders from across the nation. We have one thing in common besides motorcycles. We have an unwavering respect for those who risk their very lives for America’s freedom and security including Fallen Military Heroes, First Responders and Honorably Discharged Veterans. If you share this respect, please join us.
We don’t care what you ride or if you ride, what your political views are, or whether you’re a hawk or a dove. It is not a requirement that you be a veteran. It doesn't matter where you’re from or what your income is; you don’t even have to ride. The only prerequisite is Respect.
Our main mission is to attend the funeral services of fallen American heroes as invited guests of the family. Each mission we undertake has two basic objectives:
1. Show our sincere respect for our fallen heroes, their families, and their communities.
2. Shield the mourning family and their friends from interruptions created by any protestor or group of protestors.
We accomplish the latter through strictly legal and non-violent means.
To those of you who are currently serving and fighting for the freedoms of others, at home and abroad, please know that we are backing you. We honor and support you with every mission we carry out, and we are praying for a safe return home for all.
Finally: What is sad about this situation is this blue hat needs to be reported for his blatant breach of the code of conduct and utterly despicable disrespect but because he is a family member of two of the local leadership who apparently rub elbows or whatever with state and regional leadership - a call for his hat will fall on deaf ears. Had this happened in any other region except where leadership has failed - this pgr would have been stripped of his membership immediately.
We do have a Facebook Page You are welcome to mosey on over, check it out.
© All Rights Reserved
Monday, August 4, 2014
Patriot Guard - mob defamation = collateral damage
Today is Nezzie's Birthday. She is Frosty's wife of nearly 60 years. Strong, resilient and a true blue patriot. We won't be spending time today doing anything other than celebrating this lovely woman...
Once-up-a-time she was proud PGR, worked alongside Frosty for over seven years tirelessly promoting the PGR experience, paying tribute to Veterans and befriending Gold Star families. But, just like the rest of the disrespected veterans and their wives in the area - nothing malcontents do can slow her down for long - she continues to do what comes natural and she looks good doing it.
Perhaps some people in positions of power need to be reminded, when you trash a respected veteran, engage in mob character assassination - there is collateral damage. Negligence on the level that hurts and defames the innocent is simply unforgivable. We will hold you to blame and accountable - forever.
Once-up-a-time she was proud PGR, worked alongside Frosty for over seven years tirelessly promoting the PGR experience, paying tribute to Veterans and befriending Gold Star families. But, just like the rest of the disrespected veterans and their wives in the area - nothing malcontents do can slow her down for long - she continues to do what comes natural and she looks good doing it.
Perhaps some people in positions of power need to be reminded, when you trash a respected veteran, engage in mob character assassination - there is collateral damage. Negligence on the level that hurts and defames the innocent is simply unforgivable. We will hold you to blame and accountable - forever.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Patroit Guard Riders Leadership Accountability?
The Patriot Guard Board of Directors failed to follow the protocol of the Code of Conduct in the case of Ted Frosty Foster's termination. If all PGR are held to the strict guidelines of the code what should the penalty be for the BoD's infraction?
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